this PSA, as many PSA's do, served several purposes. one of them was for adult propaganda as you described. another way to view it is that it feeds on the school shootings, showing that this kid could easily have taken the gun and shot up a school instead of taking it to a teacher. i'm actually surprised you saw it as the kid being afraid of the gun and not a emotional play on the school shootings. no matter. ultimately, the issue at hand that you time and time again fail to understand or are too intentionally obtuse to glean is this: if they really wanted to promote gun safety, they would not show a kid stealing a gun and taking it to school, thereby providing a horrifically awful example for gun safety; they would show the owner of the gun educating the kid or properly stowing the gun or the kid talking to the parent/owner, or any number of other ways that didn't involve stupid. Instead, they decided that they would rather fart out yet more pure propaganda, which you lapped up so eagerly. so disappointing . on your last point, all the engineers i know (especially those who specialize in mechanical engineering) understand that mechanical objects don't pose any inherent risk from mere storage unless designed to operate without user input. you would build and drive a car from semi-scratch, and hit triple digits on a motorcycle but you're afraid of an inert firearm in your home? and yet you mock religious people for irrational beliefs... laughable. but what about your life? or the life of your girlfriend/fiance/wife? what if you had a kid? would the life of your kid be worth killing to defend?