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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Who is going to Indy round of MotoGP this year? It's the weekend of Aug 9th. I've never been and would like to make it this year. Appreciate any recommendations, info, tips, etc. i'll update this thread as i gather more info. EDIT: looks like rvtpilot, trmn8tr and i will be leaving the cleveland area (in one configuration or another) on the thurs night after everyone gets off work and head towards indy. currently, 1 room is booked and will probably not fit any more dudes. we will, however, be staying at the candlewood suites if you're looking for friendly room neighbors, assuming there are any rooms left by the time you book. we may do stuff that night we arrive if we're not too tired from driving in the luxury and comfort of my touareg, watching porn and cartoons or a mix of both. on friday night, we will be partying it the fuck up in honor of the trmn8tr's incoming bachelor's party. that's right, we are having a small bachelor's party to prepare for trmn8tr's actual bachelor's party. no plan have been made for that either because planning is stupid, unless it's for attending motogp races, in which case, it is boss. the rest of the time will be spent recovering in an attempt to actually watch the races we drove all that way to see. if you wanna get together, post your plans, or message one of us, or whatever.
  2. jbot

    What would OR do.

    Offer to donate it to a needy family and post it on their facebooks. See if they still want it back. "your move, toy manufacturer... your move"
  3. my fz1 is only $4xxx and it's better than all the bikes listed thus far by a margin of 45000%
  4. Wish I didn't already love my pioneer in the theater section. And this is probably too beastly to put in my living room and like you say, filthy kid(s) will ruin errthang Tpoppa is one stand up guy, don't be afraid to deal with him.
  5. You're Indian or whatever, right? Play tennis, cricket, or soccer. Those are your choices.
  6. jbot

    Asshat alert

    i've been told i missed my calling as a diplomat and shit
  7. jbot

    Asshat alert

    as far as i'm concerned, i did not write derek off one way or the other. i made a simple point that based on what sapphy wrote and what derek wrote, derek's post came off as being chock full of asshatastic to me. so i'll assume jacob wasn't including me in the little spiel about the importance of not writing people off without riding with them. but for real, what a shitty ignoramousy asshatty thing to say to someone who nearly got caught up in one of the worst scenarios for street riders: intentionally getting run down by some shitbag in a car. and just so no one is offended: with all due respect and shit
  8. jbot

    Asshat alert

    Feel free to explain the context cause the response seemed real asshatty to me, any way you read it.
  9. jbot

    Asshat alert

    who said it's ok if we do it on bikes? she certainly didn't in this thread. are you someone who thinks its ok to regularly share lanes with cars by generally passing them close illegally? if so, you're the asshat. also, if you don't understand the difference in damage potentials for a car pushing into a car while merging versus a bike pushing into a car while merging, maybe you're not an asshat, just dumb as hell. generally a pretty lousy thing to say to someone who almost got squished by a car, and a pretty douchey thing to say to a fellow rider who had a pretty good scare. lame.
  10. headline: jews involved in apparent genocide of millions!
  11. right. so yeah, my company's healthcare costs are higher. but it's still cheaper than healthcare.gov with better coverage, so we'll keep sucking it up on our guys' behalf
  12. Our insurance rates are up. Again.
  13. what's a proper doctor bike? harley or ducati
  14. just joshin ya, take all the time you want
  15. jbot

    Free horse

    i'm just saying mules don't have to use condoms. i wouldn't have sex with a horse... are you crazy? i would just turn it into a sleeping bag/cocktail dress.
  16. it better not be some lame bike, now that it's hit 3 pages of speculation. you live in michigan now, which affords you zero protection from the merciless OSU buckeye hoards
  17. he sold it to the guy, but then... the buyer fell into a mysterious coma and when he woke up, he couldn't remember anything. things took a strange turn when the evil twin brother came and picked up the bikes in the now-amnesiac's place. casper had to chase him down in a low speed foot pursuit maintaining his perfect hair cut, and when confronted, he found out the evil twin brother was a actually a sister. and that's when he found out she was the mother of his child.... MIDGETTODDDDDDDDDDD
  18. jbot

    Free horse

    they dont have to use condoms bro
  19. above all else, i miss the shuffling videos
  20. seriously though, it's not me. i really wish i could make time.
  21. dat azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  22. light damage totaled 675ARRRRRrrrRR's make excellent race bikes. not that i would know anymore, boo hooooooo
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