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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Motus or ebr just to give zero fucks.
  2. I think maybe you need to be shown where the good roads are, unless you're by toledo or something, in which case, you are more or less screwed.
  3. Flipping all you bitches off on my grom or zuma
  4. kinda want to buy just so i can embarrass myself further at the track, but realistic chances of me being able to stay away for days at a time are low. GLWS LBTS BBQ
  5. that would look ridiculous on your wrist, even if you have the manliest of manly wrists
  6. jbot


    as much as you can eat? they will rue this day
  7. Oh I got it. It was just more important to call you grandpappy skullcrusher
  8. I liked your white one better though, but this would do
  9. Real men wear finely crafted automatic watches of varying flavors. ...I'll probably still get a smart watch of some kind.
  10. jbot

    Baltimore Riots

    Isn't that a jewelry line from jareds? "sir, I don't think that guy can move his legs" "awwww, he went to jareds!" ....but yeah, if those officers were in the wrong, let them burn.
  11. jbot

    Baltimore Riots

    That will be an extra 5 dollar
  12. I think it should be legal, but shouldn't be instituted without a large scale public awareness campaign to let people know it is legal. Should also be accompanied by clear limits on what's considered safe splitting/sharing and specified penalties for obstructing splitting/sharing.
  13. jbot

    Baltimore Riots

    What's the legality of roof mounted crew served machine guns for businesses? It's a language everyone understands, black, white, roof Korean, whatever. Everyone buy your roof mounted crew served weapons systems here! Daddy needs a supercharger.
  14. some of you scooter-less plebs can rent my zuma 125 and grom 125 for just $500 for the day. you provide proof of insurance. i won't be around when this tom foolery goes down, and i just plain have better things to do even if i WAS in town, jerks!
  15. don't look a gift horse in the mouth, numbnuts
  16. but won't people throw trash at us and assume we are criminals serving community service hours? that's what i always assume when i see people in the sex vests picking up trash along the highway. i don't throw things at them... that would be risky, those criminals could have weapons!
  17. the only stipulation is, whoever has cash in hand to buy this bike has to fight the Jewbacca to the death.
  18. .....does this mean similar firesale as last time when i bought my CR?
  19. beeeeeeecaaaaaaause, i'm trying to get an appropriate bike for my situation. right now, i can't take long rides until my daughter can start coming along with me (she's currently 9 months old) so i'm trying to find a hooligan bike for short bursts of pleasure. mmm... short bursts of pleasure.
  20. Too bad Cleveland doesn't have some ghetto version of The Property Brothers
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