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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Jewbacca loves this thing. What the hell is he even up to these days? I swear he posts more on linkedin than on anything else. Also, I think he de friended me on Facebook. Hurts my feelings.
  2. you can click on this here CL link. i have to update the ad with some details (lol) since i sort of put this ad up on a whim this morning after seeing what FZ1's go for these days. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/4978288449.html
  3. yes, where is this fabled cleveland tint guy? i have 3 cars that need tinting.
  4. this would be the bike i would buy if i didn't want a motard again. very nice bike! (nice car too, i'm hunting for one of those as well)
  5. Isaac's Papa (DucRX) did indeed have one previously and he has also worked on my 1125CR back when I had one as well as several other buells. he knows how to work on them for sure.
  6. if i have a high dollar item (over $500) listed on CL, I make the ad like 4 pages long. if you're too fucking dumb to read my marvelously crafted for sale ads, you're not good enough to own it. ...i still get bombarded by ra-tards though.
  7. it's so true, and i say that as someone that actually likes the place.
  8. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck what a great deal! better get it or papa jbot's gonna go guns blazing with the "make it rain" machine.
  9. 300 shipped to 44060? stow's a bit far for a drive for a jacket.
  10. i've hired people with and without the certification... can't say i noticed much of a difference. i wish there was a certification for "self motivated" and "decent human being". i'll train you on everything else since nobody is good enough for me when i first meet them anyway.
  11. please ignore all and any active NDA you have with your current employer and forward me all available documentation you can get from your online course so i can learn for free k thx
  12. the fabled 2008 zx12, then huh? we should put those levers on the space shuttles and have ASV build all the shuttle parts, maybe they'll stop blowing apart all the damn time.
  13. you should post this thread to the group for lols
  14. jbot

    FS: 2006 VFR800

    HAW HAW you guys are old
  15. a few of my better life choices taking fruit ninja too serial mall ninja too serial steak knife my fave by virtue of amount of usage my "dressy" knife because the clip is VERY minimal and i think it looks nice finally, i have half a dozen of these strewn throughout the house and shop so i'm never without a knife. these were like $6~7 at some point, so i bought a ton I also have a bunch of benchmades and other microtechs, but they're in the safe and i don't feel like getting them out. also a whole assortment of various other knives, but they're also distributed randomly in the house so meh
  16. I'm less of a watch and learn type and more of a "just try to follow someone around".... Right into the ditch
  17. jbot

    FS: 2006 VFR800

    sell the fucking thing and get something faster than a zuma 125.
  18. awww man, i could use that file cabinet but i'm far far away NE of cleveland. ah well, good luck!
  19. get the htc one m8 in windows trim if you dont want android. it is still the best. always and forever.
  20. Oh shit if uncle chump is going, I definitely have to make a race
  21. i hope you all don't catch cock AIDS... because you guys just keep fucking that chicken
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