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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Nooooooooooooo muh meat sweatssssss
  2. this PSA, as many PSA's do, served several purposes. one of them was for adult propaganda as you described. another way to view it is that it feeds on the school shootings, showing that this kid could easily have taken the gun and shot up a school instead of taking it to a teacher. i'm actually surprised you saw it as the kid being afraid of the gun and not a emotional play on the school shootings. no matter. ultimately, the issue at hand that you time and time again fail to understand or are too intentionally obtuse to glean is this: if they really wanted to promote gun safety, they would not show a kid stealing a gun and taking it to school, thereby providing a horrifically awful example for gun safety; they would show the owner of the gun educating the kid or properly stowing the gun or the kid talking to the parent/owner, or any number of other ways that didn't involve stupid. Instead, they decided that they would rather fart out yet more pure propaganda, which you lapped up so eagerly. so disappointing . on your last point, all the engineers i know (especially those who specialize in mechanical engineering) understand that mechanical objects don't pose any inherent risk from mere storage unless designed to operate without user input. you would build and drive a car from semi-scratch, and hit triple digits on a motorcycle but you're afraid of an inert firearm in your home? and yet you mock religious people for irrational beliefs... laughable. but what about your life? or the life of your girlfriend/fiance/wife? what if you had a kid? would the life of your kid be worth killing to defend?
  3. i'll translate for magdor: magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor..... magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor, magdor: magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor, magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor, magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor. magdor magdor: magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor magdor.
  4. i will lead a get together or 2 up this way. but only if they come on scooters.
  5. ahhhhhhlalalalalalalaalalalalaalalala la bomba
  6. please collect the jerky he said he was going to give me while you're completing this transaction.
  7. luckily for everyone, i'm not really working this week. i'm sure you'll beg the question all the way to your point at some time in the near future, but tell me, as someone who advocates for education rather than legislation in matters like this, do you think the PSA offered good advice? i think it offered really bad advice, and did so in many different ways, but i want to know what you think.
  8. the limits of my camping experience: pitch tent in friend's backyard. around midnight, sneak up to the house windows to watch his dad watch cinemax/HBO late at night for boobies.
  9. Any buyer at any place that buys medium to larger quantities of machined components (2500 units or more per order or bigger quantities over a period of time with regular deliveries) and doesn't buy it from china because there is almost always very little point in trying to compete with china. The manufacturers rep will generally use their connection at a given place to help negotiate pricing and other terms. Mfg reps generally earn 5% commission on the gross sale of whatever item gets purchased due tot their work and all future work from that relationship until a set point in time or as long as they continue to represent that manufacturer (ie, me). So you could very literally land one customer for someone and basically not have to work if it was a big enough working relationship that you established. Generally speaking, any buyer that isn't crazy will try smaller less risky orders with a new vendor before going crazy with orders though.
  10. if you had a ton of connections to get me work from the oil-gas mining industry, I would tell you to be my manufacturer's rep and make 5% commission on my gross sales for work you bring in. you know, like a fucking boss.
  11. Listen, America hasn't retaliated for bieber yet. Just keep quiet and thank your lucky maple syrupy stars.
  12. Dale is one stand up dude, don't hesitate to deal with him.
  13. jbot

    Sony Hack

    Weren't we playing a game? Next, avatards.
  14. jbot

    Sony Hack

    You must've been vaccinated as a child because you are SUCH an autist
  15. jbot

    Sony Hack

    lol you don't want to get into a "stupid national beliefs" battle with me, rookie.
  16. damn him, i had an idea for a massive tube path in side which was essentially a vaccuum chamber and mag lev for high speed frictionless transit. the problem in my idea was security and maintenance of the tubes
  17. jbot

    2007 BMW 650i

    parents never listen to us. they think they're so smart. just wait til you're in the nursing home mom, we'll see who's smart then!!!1!!1!!11111!
  18. amazon had a bunch of nice ones during their cyber monday/black friday lightning deals. they'll probably have them come up again. there was a really pimp one in FDE, and a super nice titanium one that i almost bit on but then i remembered i was scaling down, and not adding. anyway, they are all pretty damn fine watches.
  19. jbot

    2007 BMW 650i

    so just out of curiosity, can you say in ball park terms what they gave you for something like that?
  20. Thankfully, most modern day mainstream Islam considers the act an abomination.
  21. you're a terrible idea jet snow plows fo lyfe
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