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Everything posted by jbot

  1. rev match and click down. it'll figure it out.
  2. sorry to hear about the ass ache. diamonds are the worst. i'd look at your diamond certification paperwork and list the clarity, color, blah blah blah on there on your ads. it will help with selling it. i regret not buying my wife's diamond used. it's not like they wear out or something.
  3. truck guy is a dragon level dildo and got what he deserved. you should consider pressing criminal charges (if you haven't mentioned doing so already) since he clearly intended harm to you and only did it because he didn't know about your dash cam.
  4. that mantis is a real jerk
  5. your baby penis kinda gave it away. i'm not trying to change anyone's opinion about anything, but speaking for myself, I can tell you that i visit LA, San Diego, NYC/Connecticut, and some parts of Florida a few times a year for a week or so at a time to visit family, and while I enjoy the weather breaks and the novel sights and sounds... those are not places I would ultimately want to raise my kid(s) in. i know that i save more money here living in a (much) nicer house, with an excellent public school system all around me and even better private schools nearby. i could move my business literally anywhere in the CONUS and do well because my customer base doesn't care where I am and my wife can get a job in any area that has marketing departments (great graphic designers are hard to find), and we live here for a reason. that's not to say our priorities are the same as anyone elses, or even that our is "right" or "more right", it's just what we chose. Ohio can't compete with Cali weather though, no denying that. I fell in love with the weather and atmosphere of Monterey/Carmel area during our few visits there, and if I accomplish what I intend to accomplish, we will retire there... but until then, we have our own little piece of crazy ass weather heaven right here.
  6. he's referring to the drought. Socal living is kewl, weather is nice, and you're asian so you'll instantly be accepted. cost of living is high, so unless you have some arrangement to move in with someone for cheap, don't believe what they say when they say "it's fine". Do the math and due diligence in general. My father in law rents a few houses where you're moving to and... well, it's expensive as fuck. food is cheaper in some ways though. politics are bad enough to make native californians move, but all in all, it's a nice place to live. do it, and if it doesn't work out, come back or do what every other failed californian does: move to texas or arizona. the ONLY thing i ask is don't be like every other Ohioan that moved to Cali and start trash talking ohio the moment you get there to your ohio friends. those kinds are the worst.
  7. jbot

    Mango allergy

    forthwith, your name is now "MangoFucker97" mods, make it happen
  8. there is humor and there is taste. you lacked both in this case. i'm sure some lemmingesque zombies around here with all the rich sense of humor of melba toast found your tired crack about asians eating dogs funny, but skullcrusher being the most Korean guy I know, I'm guessing didn't find that shit funny at all, especially considering that he's posting about spending the last few days of his beloved pup's life in the best way he knows how, and the struggle to decide what is truly best for the dog or for him. Myself, being whiter than a KKK sheet, couldn't understand what it's like to have to hear that shit every time he posts a picture of his dog up on facebook or whatever, but I know he handles it with class, patience and grace, like he did with your post. When your tree is dying and has to go to the tree doctor or whatever for its inevitable date with a chainsaw, look at it longingly in its fast fading eyes and gently whisper, "make like a tree... and leave".
  9. you know, if I was the OP, and you posted this in my thread about my dog who was dying (which my dog very nearly did a few years back that I remember like yesterday), I would tell you to go kill yourself. actually, just kill yourself.
  10. TLDR: woman driver + air plane = good luck everyone else (just kidding, she basically prevented a plane malfunction run by a shitty air service from killing her and her passengers... the story was neat, you should read it. i could be forgetting/missing details lol)
  11. that shit better still be there, i'm like a fucking lifetime member
  12. if my little baby doesn't appreciate what i do for her, i will probably sell her for a new race bike and rig, and a really fancy tennis racquet. maybe even a pro stock one if i'm feeling frisky.
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