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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. That's the risk you take committing an armed robbery. Family should send a thank you card for not killing him.
  2. Why not have some fun and get banned?
  3. Overkill for my tastes...but anything that gets more guns into responsible households is AWESOME!!!
  4. I wish people would keep disrespectful comments like this to themselves. People died. Show some compassion for those left behind!
  5. Dannon Yogurt...peach preferably lol
  6. Agreed, there are way too many laws. Just have to decide which ones to cut.
  7. That wasn't directed at you personally. No hard feelings, lol. I just hear many people that sound like they WANT selective enforcement of laws, from the cops they hate so much.
  8. I don't know what legalization of drugs would do to the US. Could be good or bad. We probably won't find out any time soon. I just know cops have a job to do. They don't tell me how to do mine, and I don't tell them how to do theirs. I also don't get butthurt if I get ticketed/arrested for doing something I knew was illegal. If you don't like the laws...change them. The law in this post helps enforce other bigger laws.
  9. The law was not written to bust/harass bottom-level users. It was meant to stop distribution. Why are people so anti-police? They enforce the laws, not write them.
  10. I think the law is well written. http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/bills.cfm?ID=129_SB_305
  11. Shift work & sick. Maybe next time
  12. Yes...people did have a hardon for him. No...many just wanted him to have never been arrested/charged in the first place.
  13. I personally bring this up, because so many people had a hardon for him.
  14. Poor little feller keeps getting wrongfully accused/arrested http://news.yahoo.com/zimmerman-arrested-again-195031198.html
  15. I don't believe anything they are charged with warrants shooting at a fleeing vehicle. This is not the movies. Shooting out a tire in this scenario is unlikely and not worth the risk of harming/killing anyone in that van, driver included That being said I believe the book should be thrown at the mother and the son. They created that crap situation.
  16. So, on the surface, you are calling this a good shoot? What crimes constitute taking a BGs life? I've seen cops kill over theft and less....
  17. ...the CNN article says they cuffed him after shooting him 7 times... Not sure if that is bad journalism, or some chickenshit officers.
  18. Then innocent people will be shot. Dead men tell no tales. Police are not judge, jury, executioner. They need to take criminals alive. Your video shows that crazy people will go to any lengths. They would have killed someone EVENTUALLY, regardless how that officer responded.
  19. Don't most people turn toward you, when you are addressing them? I would like to think cops are trained/aware about this natural tendancy
  20. Noone is "giving up cop's lives" Jesus tap dancing christ. How many BGs are crack shots and will have a kill shot on the first round fired? Now, how many of those are 13 year olds? Cops are volunteers. They volunteered for a career with a high amount of risk. They need to weigh that and a little situational awareness before raining lead on the general population.
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