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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. I'm sure the maintenance/fuel costs are free as well I'm all for keeping the students safe, but everything comes at a cost. How much is tuition this year? (Sorry, if too snarky. I'm in a office that analyzes every penny we spend under a damn microscope)
  2. Tigerpaw

    05 F4i $4k

    With this in mind, I will offer $2K.
  3. Tigerpaw

    05 F4i $4k

    Wrecked/dropped/layed down/tipped over? Clean title? Firm price or OBO? What are the mods? How many miles on the "new" tires? Maintenance? Condition of the whole left/front/rear, since we don't have pics Are you new at selling things?
  4. If Shellie was the aggressor, I will admit I was wrong.
  5. I just ordered a set. I have a front end shudder under heavy front-braking, wondering if this will help. Changed to EBC HH pad, did not help.
  6. Since you have excuses for everything else... Stay off the freeway?
  7. Different careers are held to different standards. I have no problem firing a police officer for falling asleep driving. IF HE WAS TEXTING, he should get DOUBLE the punishment, compared to a civilian. I hope the police department does right by these bikers.
  8. Tigerpaw

    Bike Raffle

    Can you post the NAMES of the winners?
  9. I like what magley brings to this place. The world would be pretty boring if people all thought the same way. I would definitely piss on his fiery remains.
  10. ...but it's always a misunderstanding or someone else's fault, with this guy.
  11. - Got drunk, underage, fought a police officer - Domestic violence against ex-fiancee http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/03/27/10894561-zimmerman-accused-of-domestic-violence-fighting-with-a-police-officer?lite
  12. Yes divorces are ugly. Can't trust anyone. ...but in this particular case... How many times will someone have to do something, before it is a pattern? Z has established a pattern in my mind, and when it comes to violence, I will always believe the other person first.
  13. You mean the guy with a history of violence, offended again. NOOOOOOO Waaaaaaaaaaaay!
  14. Anyone else plan on going? I'll be down there Saturday with friends. http://www.oktoberfestzinzinnati.com/ **Not riding/driving**
  15. Tigerpaw


    Please stop talking about the military, as if you have some sort of clue. Just stop.
  16. Have you had issues with the OEM setup yet? I plan on waiting, since it seems fine now.
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