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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Exactly. Open carry(by people not looking for trouble) happens all the time. As it should.
  2. That's exactly what a paranoid person would say. Statistically, how many times are rights violated in the total number of police interactions.
  3. I went that silly, because that's how this guy sounds to me. Why wouldn't he cooperate.
  4. It is unlikely. You're right. Just like LEGAL OC would be unlikely at the time/location this clown did. It looked suspicious and the police tried to get to the bottom of it. He would not cooperate, because he is a tool.
  5. If you left the house with the recording device on/ready and immediately ask for $3.6 million...yes
  6. I'm going to have a friend punch/cut/bloody me up really good. Grab my gun. Go to a gas station in the ghetto. When the police ask me to stop, I will recite my name,birthdate, and SSN, turn around and limp to my car and drive off. That's all legal right? and pretty smart too.
  7. I love that self-centered attitude:rolleyes:
  8. Does he deserve $3.6 million dollars, after purposely starting this?
  9. Like not cooperating with a weapon in a high crime situation?
  10. The Police had no idea who he was/what he was doing. He could've just murdered a bunch of people. Why not ask a few questions?
  11. So criminals should never admit to having ID, and they would never be arrested.
  12. So, with that logic, police can only investigate crimes they have witnessed first hand?
  13. no. Concerned call about a gun in a high crime neighborhood/time/location = some officers investigating. He purposely hindered that investigation. Charges were dropped. He wants $3.6M.
  14. Neither of us knows the protocol for police dispatch.
  15. 4DAIVI PAI2K5, scottie.harris, Gunner75, How would you have responded to the scene(as a police officer)?
  16. Which statement would that be? This guy is trying to fight for his rights, in all the wrong ways.
  17. So his intent was to deceive the police.
  18. It would be reasonable to assume he drove his vehicle there. Why would a law abiding citizen not have access to their ID if they just drove to a gas station?
  19. No one is driving when they are detained.
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