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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo


    but to get back on topic, I used to have an old schwinn 10 speed that I loved. Would regularly do 50 mile trips on it, but that came to an end at the broadside of a car that cut me off
  2. wrillo


    now now children. Lets not get the biker shorts in a bunch. Good points have been made and its clear why everyone gets frustrated. Thanks for the insight on why bikers ride 3 or 4 abreast in the street, I didn't know that was a safety thing. Realistically, its just a couple rotten apples that spoil it for the bunch. ie people throwing shit. I know on one motorcycle ride a biker threw a water bottle at a motorcyclist... so it goes both ways. Just don't be an asshat out there and we'll all get along like Barney and Friends.
  3. I usually only get it from my mom, and when I do I reply with "its okay, I'm a professional". That usually leads to my mom saying "well there are a lot of crazy people out there". To that I say "I know, I'm one of them!"
  4. if I were closer I'd go out right now and start cutting people off just for you. I didn't know you were an EMT. How long have you been doing that? I'm in school for my EMT-Basic right now
  5. its not your til she proves it! and if the test is positive, those tests aren't without fault! it could have been a false positive or cross contamination or something!
  6. You know I've never asked, why don't you have a job right now?
  7. +1 for Pine Club. its a little pricey tho
  8. he even bought a new car to come out
  9. I think you were drunk... gotta watch what that truth serum will do to you iknowright?
  10. You missed the boobies and booty thread updates, and JRMMiii finally came outta the closet.
  11. Unlike others, I do not recommend linksys. Netgear is awesome, use them
  12. haha, sorry. had to do it what was this about? I didn't get to see it before the link broke/they took it down
  13. You're asking designers a question for developers. The developer answer to this question is: I'll make you a secure page to login to your own website, post your files in a user friendly environment, and auto-update anything on the website.
  14. E-mail sent. I'll take them. Just let me know how to get the money to you and how to get the tires, assuming they're still available
  15. wrillo


    Here in Dayton we don't like bicycles too much
  16. My god! She has Asperger's syndrome! Who the fuck does that?! God damnit, I wish we didn't live in such a pussy society because I would have this asshat sentenced to death.
  17. on deez little jap bikes it'll sound more like wee weeee!
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