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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. http://www.27bslash6.com/missy.html
  2. Great read and it would take me half the day to reply properly to this so I'm not going to do it. I find many flaws with the premise but the argument takes much support to defend because the questions the writer raised were good points.
  3. Thinking about this too will know about 4:00 PM if I can.
  4. Thanks, I know 23 is the safe route but is 52 a good sport bike road or is it a lot of small town stops with terrible pavement? I love these helmets their graphics are second to none but they run small at least from my experience. Hey you two this is a sponsor’s thread go play somewhere else.
  5. Negros get your guns http://blogs.alternet.org/speakeasy/2010/06/29/the-racist-roots-of-gun-control-the-supreme-court-takes-one-more-step-towards-striking-down-draconian-gun-control-laws/
  6. It's not the number of riders it's the skill level of the ones who show up. I know of 12 to 15 riders who could do this at the same time with no problem. A few things will weed out the less dedicated riders, start time, distance, pace and no planned lunch stop. If you will ride all day at a forced march pace this ride will be for you. I know about that stupid curve on 536 and warn everone when I'm riding with them about it. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=253184&postcount=1 I like 556 way better than 536 but that route is basically done quite often so anyone who wants to try it can ride with that group. I highly recommend riding with that group too it's a good time and a good group of guys. This ride will be starting closer to the Lorain county, western Cuyahoga county guys and will give them a chance to get on good roads sooner than that group. This is not a knock on them it's just that this will be more convenient for us. Jbot excluded, this will start way west for him if he can make it.
  7. Did the Google search and found zero religious nonsense in the current bill. The bill does use the Roe V Wade majority writings as a basis for the law and spells out clearly the social and economic cost to the citizens of their state. The same arguments are used to implement seatbelt laws along with the same missing religious references. If you have an issue with religion being a basis of unconstitutional laws you will have to try harder because this one missed the mark.
  8. Thanks for your reply but I'm still missing your point about the states’ rights people not making a fuss about this. Those people are happy to have the federal government defend the constitution and this ruling supports the constitution or so say five out of nine judges. The constitution is a living document that can be added to by the ratification of the states but it is not to regress and take rights away that have already been granted. When the ones who were fighting for the "Jim Crow" laws were doing so they were not violating any constitutional amendment they had approved of. I can think of no law in any red state that has been pushed or passed that establishes a religious law so I will need more input to be swayed by that argument. You might be able to make a parallel to a religious law but the vast majority of civil laws will have a religious equal. Just because "thou shalt not kill" is part of religious teachings doesn't make it a bad thing for a civilized body of people to use as a means to govern them. I still am not convinced that the states’ rights people have supported anything that contradicts the constitution.
  9. I'm not scared of the dark it's just no one else can see me and that's not safe. Udell hates 536 and doesn't care much for the middle third of 555. I could care less about riding 536 again but it would be a shame for any new riders who haven't been on it to miss it after being so close. I'm not going that far and not riding 255, it's my favorite road in Ohio. We could skip 536 and run 255 south and come back up 800 all the way from the river. Nothing set in stone and not everyone will be happy so make suggestions but don't be disappointed if they don't make it into the route because nothing will get settled unless one person makes a decision. This ride can be done in 10-1/2 hours if we select the people going but that's not going to happen as soon as we use this site to plan. This forum gives us the chance to meet others and get together for rides so everyone is welcome as long as they are honestly willing to meet certain minimum criteria. There are other rides available so I don’t mind excluding people or those excluding themselves based on what they expect a ride to be and this not being what they are looking for.
  10. Justin can't do Sundays because he needs a day of rest and he is the young one. Sunday works for me but I really don't care either way. 12 hours is pretty close depending on who shows up I will make a thread for this if we can pick a day. I don't like to ride in the dark so maybe we might have to push the start time back an hour. Maybe pick Saturday (Sorry Rob.) so we can use Sunday as a rain makeup day.
  11. So you're down for the gang bang then? Saturday or Sunday?
  12. I would like to understand your issue better about how this conflicts with your view on states rights. Are you suggesting states can regulate speech, press, assembly, search and seizure, due process, voter’s rights, segregation, etc?
  13. 437 miles, 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, July 31 or August 1
  14. We can make something happen 7-31 or 8-1. I'm thinking 83, 39, 60, 208, 666, 60, 555, 7, 26, 800, 78, 536, 7, 255, 800, 250, 83. Anyone else have another idea?
  15. A view into the opposition. A well thought out rebuttal with logic and common cense full of information processed with blinders on to draw their own conclusion. While historically significant Miller had nothing to do with the question before the court in regards to McDonald. I know a little about Presser and very little about Cruikshank so I can’t argue with the writer’s conclusion. The writer does make a point about self defense not being part of the ratified amendment even though most of us try to infer our desire for it to be there. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." http://www.scotusblog.com/2010/06/the-thick-edge-of-the-wedge/#more-22575
  16. See, nothing but threats and intimidation from the mods around here how can anyone peacefully exist without being harassed? You guys are making me think about becoming a Junkie, if I was only fast enough to survive one of their rides I would. I hear it's nirvana over there because the mods are reasonable and don't rule with an iron fist.
  17. They sure did and it landed them up to about 1985 or so, nice try but it missed big time. Yamaha beat them to it and the Harley guys didn't like it because it is a better bike than the ones most of them were buying.
  18. Looking back at it maybe it was a little harsh but you are a big boy. I just wanted to make sure that there were no wife's tales being stated as fact, it confuses people.
  19. That is better, you didn't come anywhere close to making the point about it better be clear you are protecting a life with the blanket statement you made prior. The rules for deadly force do NOT exclude shooting someone in the back.
  20. Sorry about that Don after the break I got a little selfish and decided to run up front for a while. Thanks for running sweep. How many bikes where there in that last group? On the ride home I stuck my leg out to point out something in the road and cramped up my left hip, I used my hand to point shit out the rest of the ride home. There were only two of us riding home out of the twelve that went down from our area. I would have stayed to ride longer but after my bike fell over and knocked Ross’s bike over it ruined the rest of my day. Thankfully Rob didn’t insist we stay because I was ready to come home and just missed getting rained on by about three minutes. Udell, I think I have the last three weekends in July open let me know which one you don't have the kids and we will do a ride. Would a Saturday be better? My girlfriend is taking two accelerated college classes this summer so I'm supposed to stay away from the house to not bug her. That means we go to the river to kill most of a day.
  21. Where did this rule come from? I don't think I have ever heard it before, could you explain it to me?
  22. That's what I was trying to do, quit over modding the joint or I will report you.
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