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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Oh look he likes me. I would have replied to the bully post sooner but I had stuff to do and missed it. I appreciate the fact that you get my reply was provocative but it wouldn't have been if it had been made to 90% of the members here. Drama happens around here and if you haven't made it to the ranting and raving section yet have fun reading over there.
  2. I really don't know much about the junkies to care one way or the other. You had a thread on here about helping others that didn't go too well for you that I thought wasn't too fair but that's the way it goes on the internet. I try to help as many people as I can when out riding and understood what you were trying to do but didn't know how to present it very well. I do think the whole prez shit is childish and doesn't help with your credibility when talking to adults especially when you have little shits acting like your lap dogs trying to intimidate people when they are the underlings in the club. They should be careful about who they are talking to if they aren't man enough to be the big dog of a group.
  3. Damn, it looks like I should start quoting people or type faster I'm a page behind with my reply.
  4. I most certainly did contribute to the shit storm but didn't complain that the thread contained a shit storm. I don't care if the bike sells or not but I do care that someone comes in here to tell O.R. that they can kiss their ass and fuck off. I will not sit by as a witness to someone trying to bully others especially if they have an agenda while the guy who took the original criticism didn't. If I unfairly go after someone here I expect that I will hear from others about acting out of line as it should be. You don't have a clue about my mechanical abilities good or bad but it doesn't take a genius to determine that the bike looks like shit. Hell I didn't even paint the bodywork on my last two track bikes because I don't care what they look like. Do you care to explain to me how the statement is incorrect even the original poster admits to the fact it does not look too good and mechanical abilities have little to do with seeing cosmetic flaws so let’s not confuse the two when trying to refute a reply. No, this isn't what the site is all about and if you want to judge the site off of one thread you will be missing out on a lot. This particular thread has a lot of history hidden in it that you might not get being so new. Good rides are posted all the time, help is offered all the time, entertainment is here in abundance, if you don't get your feeling hurt easily you will probably stick around if not we won't miss you.
  5. I would stay away from that bike it looks beat to shit. I would call this a lateral move. Nothing between these two bikes that puts one above the other. A good deal is hard to pass up but if you know everything about the history on your current bike I wouldn't get rid of it. If the deal is good enough I would probably flip the Kawi.
  6. I am sure busas can turn but they are heavy and don't make good track bikes. I stated earlier that I could get out of my own site in two laps riding a 600 vs. a busa. I do think they make excellent street bikes and I am fairly certain they can keep up with any rides fast group unless they are actually racing on the street which they all seem to be claiming they aren't. I put 15K miles on mine in sixteen months in total comfort but I do know it's limitations as a track bike since I totaled it out at Mid-Ohio after I started touching hard parts.
  7. Happens to me all the time.
  8. Look someone else not willing to take their own advice. Haven't we established that these people are usually too stupid to follow it, if not I would like to thank this guy for proving the point.
  9. No one said they didn't like you or that your bike for sale was crap. It does look beat to shit and if you can't see how someone might think that by looking at the pictures posted your skin is too thin to post on the internet which I'm sure it's not because you weren't the one who had the problem with it at first. A reply to that comment could have been, "Yeah it looks rough but it runs great and has been priced according to its cosmetic condition." No new drama and everyone would have been accurate. Instead we get go fuck off, and you O.R. people can kiss my ass or some other such non sense. I for one won't stand back and read such comments without replying in kind. Yes I shit in your thread but I didn't start it and it wasn't about you.
  10. The comment that started the drama was made by someone who probably didn't have any knowledge of the past drama. The dumbass who replied to the comment had full knowledge of it and chose to feed off of it. If you are trolling for input bring it on, this retard has no problem rebuking trolls who think this thread should suit their purpose. Telling people that they should STFU is great advise but usually not accepted by those too stupid to take it. I would suggest you take your own advice especially before you have a good lay of the land around here.
  11. So that is where you can buy your white women at. What are they going for? I'm not too worried about them being used seeing as I'm black it’s all pretty good once you get past the used part.
  12. You can't be nice to a track bike; they won't respect you if you are. You can beat the fuck out of them and sell them but expect some drama in your for sale thread.
  13. There will be no street racing from me. I would take the track two laps in sight challenge as long as I get to pick the track bike. I do not currently have a track bike because I is poor. Maybe KTM will let us use theirs at a Mid-Ohio track day.
  14. I doubt it would take any mods to stay with the fast group anyway. I do not intend to go down to find out. The results won't change the fact that the guy is a clueless shit stirrer so what if he is faster than anyone else. I post enough rides that he is welcome to come and see how things turn out for him. I even post the route so if my pace is too slow for him he can go ahead and wait for us. The sig line quote is Thomas Jefferson.
  15. I am not denying I was starting shit but that privilege isn't only extended to you. I absolutely shit in this thread that you already shit up. You are the one who started it and are the reason it would have needed cleaning up. If you don't like someone calling your bitch ass out don't try starting shit, it will not be excused or ignored.
  16. The only reason it needed cleaning up is because you started shit you fucking retarded shithead. I wouldn't have said anything except I can't stand someone trying to start shit when they have no clue what they are talking about.
  17. From his posts I doubt he will have yellow plates after this year but is brown nose ass kisser needs to keep his bitch mouth shut. I hate people challenging others to rides and telling them what the results will be before hand. Quick9 whatever and this guy sound the same, so what if he is faster than anyone he is still an asshole. Even I could lose myself in two laps against a busa, riding one on the street is totally different.
  18. Are you talking a busa on the track or any track bike?
  19. This dumbass has to be an ignorant want to be. I used to ride a busa and would have loved to ride the roads in NKY with it, I didn't realize it took the AJ to do it right. Could I come down with a 1K and ride in your slow group too? I hear that the 750s can out handle the 1Ks. Does anyone have a busa I can borrow; I might remember how to ride it. What do I win if a busa can stay with the fast group? That bike looks beat to shit. GLWTS.
  20. I'm not totally aware of his situation but yes they dictate what you wear on your own time. You are their "property" and they cover your insurance plus they have a lot of money into your training. This is one of the reasons the chain of command wanted an ambulance called out for him. Keep us informed on how your surgery goes and hopefully the bike is fixed and ready to go when you are finished with rehab.
  21. No weekend riding for me this week, I am leaving for D.C. in the morning, Saturday I am taking Grandma to watch the dog compete in an agility trial and Sunday I have a graduation party. Have fun guys.
  22. This amuses me, a gaylord for my dick in a box present. It will be waiting for you the next time we ride together.
  23. I'm surprised your front was chattering it looked to me like your front hadn't settled down yet from the rise in the road as in your forks were extended and not giving you any braking up front. I may be sketchy on what I remember seeing because it happened so fast. It sucks to know you are going down without being able to prevent it except to try and lessen the damage which you did by not running into the back of anyone. I’m glad you aren’t having any work issues some folks have to wear more gear plus a vest even off base so I was concerned for you in that regard. Heal up quickly and let's go riding again. I don’t know what we could have done to have prevented that accident except maybe gone faster the rest of the day. Ha, ha. It was the most we opened up all day and maybe it wasn’t expected. Good on the 675 rider for throwing up a hand about the danger in front of him he might have prevented things from being worse.
  24. ^ I'm glad you posted this because your dad was the person I was most concerned about not appreciating my running to the front. He was leaving a big hole behind you so I kept using it on my way up front. I don't know if he was doing it on purpose to help me or if he wanted the room and I was upsetting him filling it in. Thanks for the trailer help I would have done it if needed but you guys stepping up allowed me to head home for my 3-1/2 hour drive a lot soon I’m sure.
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