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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Cougars http://www.hogrockcafe.com/miss_fifty-year_old.htm
  2. Don't forget about the road block north of 82 on 83
  3. I just don't like being trapped on the turnpike. It's hard for me to stay inside the limits of not getting a ticket on the highway and you're trapped like a rat on the turnpike with no recourse. The 83, 250 to 212 route is interesting and will give the new riders with you a chance to understand what they are about to get themselves into.
  4. Been out for quite some time of which you are well aware of at least you were the last time we got together.
  5. Ha, ha Maurice Clarett, armed and dangerous.
  6. You guys do what you want but if it was me I would go south on 83 to 250 and across 212 into Bolivar. Less chance of getting a ticket and it does not take a few hours to do that early in the morning. I did it one day from my house in 1:05. YMMV.
  7. Is this the bar where the inhabitants have pet bats?
  8. Fat bottom girls you make the rockin world go round, get on your bikes and ride.
  9. I am willing to offer support to his wife in her time of need.
  10. If you haven't been there I would certainly go. The road is free of driveways and intersecting roads and for the most part gravel since most of the photographers sweep the gravel off, add to that it is well maintained by the state. It's a beautiful area with lots of opportunity to explore. I say go, it's not without danger but that is mostly up to you and how you ride. The only close call I have had there was with a Goldwing coming into my lane, if you ride with a little in reserve situations like that are possible to manage.
  11. The threat was handled appropriately for the situation. The woman holding the knife could have been shot justifiably. The police didn't have the time to make a diagnosis of her mental capacity and acted swiftly for their own and others safety. Proper training took over and no one was hurt except the bad guy, I call that a success. Knowing after the fact that the woman has Alzheimer’s makes their actions even more appropriate. I don't know how much time many of you have spent around Alzheimer’s patients but violence and irrational behavior are very common. Her care givers are at fault here for giving her access to the knife and for not supervising her. Stupid hurts no matter what your age is. I do feel sorry for her and regret she was put in the situation for which she was not responsible if she truly suffers from Alzheimer’s.
  12. I have tried the get out early route and found it to be fail. The road is too slippery to have any fun and be safe. I'm talking about 1/2 hour after sunrise, it does get better later when the crowds get out and maybe that’s why it gets crowded then. I have personally had more problems with sport bike riders on the gap, cruisers are easily dispatched but sport bike riders tend to think no one should be passing them so they won't let you by. It is not a race track so I won't make a marginal pass. As stated many times there are great roads in the area to explore when the gap is crowded so you can't have a bad day being down there.
  13. Thank you so much for putting this ride together, I had a great day and can't stop thinking about it. Of course if I do stop thinking about it just moving reminds me because I'm sore all over and it's getting worse as the day goes on. I would also like to thank the guys who sacrificed their ride to make things go smoothly. Everyone was really nice to me and if they were complaining about me I didn't hear it. I hope I didn't hold up anyone too badly and ruin their ride. This was only my third time riding a dirt bike since about 1976 so I was just holding on for dear life thinking to myself this is going to hurt. I got lucky and didn't hurt myself or the borrowed bike I was riding. I'm sorry for not being more social but most of the conversations were about dirt bikes and types of riding on trails most of which I know nothing about so I mostly just listened to try and learn something. I wish I could have help people when they were stuck but I was having a hard time just staying on the bike. At one point going up a climb I had to stop, I couldn't breath, my muscles were like jelly and my brain said it wasn't going to make another decision. I sat there for a few minutes then CJ (KTMRIDERS brother and my personal baby sitter) said just make to the top then take a break. I make it to the top when KTMRIDER and CJ say "That was a fun climb lets go back down and do it again." meanwhile I'm gasping for air and need to lie down. I guess when you don't have a death grip on the bars and you remember to breathe because your not scared to death riding is much easier. I would also like to thank KTMRIDER for letting me use his son’s bike, that recluse clutch made things a lot easier for me out there by taking one more task off of my hands to let me enjoy a great day which I know I will remember for a long time.
  14. Ugh Mike, I will be riding the KTM but I doubt I'll be representing Orange. I have a feeling I will be able to rock a scooter after tomorrow though. Spending a day with scooter controls can't hurt.
  15. This should help muddy the water and I'm sure it wasn't the first time. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=21486&highlight=liter
  16. Not wanting to post anything controversial I take that back, I am sorry for my transgression. Without the creepy little action figure I am powerless. It's my go fast button, take it away and I might as well be riding a cruiser. I think everyone should strap one on the back of their bike to see how much faster it makes them go. Just remember you learned that little go fast tip here first kids.
  17. I love the tap dancing mouse but being a Flashdance fan I think they could have done that clip more justice because the rest of it could stand up to much critical scrutiny.
  18. Look at these. I'm sure there will be opinions to follow but they are worth looking at. They seem to fit most of your criteria. If discussion is what you want I don't have any personal experience with them but they can be had inexpensively with lots of goodies. Hopefully some here will have some real world constructive input about these. It all boils down to your wants and desires since motorcycles are not necessities, get what you think will move you. I ride a 2003 600 not because it's what I was looking for but the right deal came at the right time. If a similar deal came up I would move on to something else. I like to experience different bikes. You may get what you think you want only to find out you think there is something better for you after you live with it for a while. Good luck!
  19. Does this count as a WTF video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KourNZt0EKk
  20. I forgot about the gloves, I brought two pairs and the wet ones are probably molding in my bags right now. I did get to put a cover on the baby though so the little creepy action figure could stay dry. One of the reasons we were able to do this many miles even with the rain in such a short time was these two guys decided they didn't need to stop for lunch. No whining or complaining just man up and ride. None of this I want to go to the Ivy, I have to eat, slow the ride down bullshit.
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