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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. http://www.atom.com/funny_videos/angry_kid2_curious/
  2. If I were you I would have deleted the other post, you have the power. You don't need to do homework to rebuke my post I'm just screwing around. I thought I was being funny, sorry you took it seriously. Once again sarcasm doesn’t work over the internet.
  3. I can't turn my safeties off on my Kahr they are always on, I guess I'm just a bad boy who doesn't follow directions with the chambered round.
  4. How can you ask sooo much for that bike when the established going price for a bike like that is $4,000?
  5. If that Kahr went off on it's own it had a major malfunction. I would bet the owner handled it incorrectly and reported it wrong just so he wouldn't look like a dumbass. I can't think of too many guns (None.) that will just go off when dropped. There is more to the story and only the guy in the stall knows the truth. I own a Kahr PM9 that I am certain will not go off if dropped.
  6. You can't induce panic doing something legal. If I were big, bad, ugly, black, wearing a bandana with my pants hanging down to my knees walking down the street in some uppity white neighborhood and someone called the police on me, I might be inducing panic to that person but what I'm doing is legal so I can't be charged with anything.
  7. Simple answer is no city can exclude you from open carry in the state of Ohio but you knew that already right?
  8. No more of a dick move than you expressing your first amendment rights of free speech. This was at a presidential rally and he has the ability to sway gun rights for a long time, the guy could have seen this as his only chance for an audience with the president. I would hope that the president is not only putting his efforts toward heath care but other things as well and this guy might not be happy with the president’s efforts so far pertaining to the second amendment. I don't know but I will guess that him openly carrying at a "health care rally" might be something of a statement to the effect that the second amendment is there as a means to protect the others. Some people are not taking kindly to the government’s intrusion into their lives or a takeover of a large percentage of the economy and maybe it was just his way of making a statement without saying a word. Maybe he was telling them to watch their step. I'm not saying that this stupid government health care scheme is violating any of the amendments but it certainly is an intrusion into our lives.
  9. This is motorcycle season full of motorcycle expenses; winter is gun season I need to stay off of the gun boards during the summer to keep from buying too much. I should probably add something constructive to this thread while I'm talking about another one. My current carry rig A good belt is a must. Here is a link http://www.mitchrosen.com/new_products/new_products.html As far as the Bersa goes, I know this is like talking brands of motorcycles but I have personal experience with just two of them from different people and both of them had issues. Once the issue was fixed on one of them it has been a reliable firearm. I have never had an issue with my Sig P232.
  10. I have been lurking on that site for three or four years and have not found a reason to join. By lurking I mean I get on it about once a week to mostly look at the encounters section. That forum is too heavily modded with a large group of dumbasses, mostly self appointed experts without a clue and no real way to engage them because of the mods.
  11. We need a sticky of ChickOn2 translations just because they make me laugh. I’m too old for hooked on phonics but her interpretations are beyond formal education. She even has the ability to translate the translation with examples.
  12. ChickOn2 I was hoping you would find your way in here I couldn't figure out how to spell out some of the things he was saying and you seem to have a special talent for it. This guy fancies himself as quite the entertainer, even put in a little singing, if he would have broke out a dance I don't think I would have stopped laughing for hours. What makes him so funny to me is I think he is serious. I love people who take themselves more serious than needed.
  13. I don't care valid points or not, this man can't be taken seriously. I haven’t been entertained for ten minutes like this in a long time.
  14. I laughed for ten minutes. This is the new white leader of the revolution. Laaaaaara knows. He even serenades us for a while. Priceless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut-UPttf-dg
  15. Trust me if you are caught it will happen to you. http://ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=29214
  16. I am going to play nice even though I would like to see a new wicked cool way to jack a thread. The last thread jack was fun and I'm guessing from it that most don't like the confrontation of free ideas on the internet. Though I stand ready to engage if necessary.
  17. I think I can make that happen but might have to give up the zip ties.
  18. Does this mean I need to add popsicles to the baby's bags?
  19. Pics or it didn't happen. That picture is not me. My legs are hairier, whiter and skinnier than that stud. This is me.
  20. You guys suck, I thought I would get at least one taker. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=301804&postcount=143 I had plans that fell through but were replaced before I could call dibs on this ride. We took home grown tomatoes to grandma, and then took her to visit her sister, who is in a nursing home, then we took her out to eat, then we took her grocery shopping and then out for ice cream. It really was a nice day so no regrets. http://ohio-riders.net/showpost.php?p=283486&postcount=103 If you knew enough to tell people to STFU if they weren’t on this ride then I would have hoped you were aware of the thread from the last ride. That was one of several posts I made in defense of the last successful Coshocton ride. I'm not saying this ride was a failure just that the next time you might want to go faster because less people wreck.
  21. Something always happens on these rides and you guys were warned ahead of time. Why won't anyone listen, riding that fast in a big group especially around Coshocton is dangerous. Why won't you all listen to reason?
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRdLpem-AAs
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