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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Baby is sad to be thought of as creepy. The baby waves to everyone when we go over 60 MPH hows that creepy? Zip ties, don't forget the zip ties too.
  2. Group ride planned for this Sunday August 2nd. 400 miles from meeting place back to meeting place. Meeting place and starting point http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=41.31...z=18&t=h&hl=en CircleK 36024 W Royalton Road. It is the gas station on the northwest corner. Depending on where you are coming from you might need to avoid the detour that is north of this location between 82 and Lorain Road on 83. This is a real detour the road is actually blocked and you can't get through. 402 miles, 9:32 actual driving time at the speed limit. Expect an 11 hour day could be longer if we have problems, let’s hope we don't. Departing from meeting place at 9:00 AM please arrive with enough time to gas up. In order to get this many miles done we will have to limit our stops so gas stops will be synchronized to the bike with the smallest amount of effective range, usually between 60 to 100 miles. Lunch will be on the run probably at a Subway but the group can make the decision at that time. I am hoping to be home about 8:00 PM but am not going to make any promises, the amount of riders and pace of the slowest rider will affect the overall time. I can't really describe the pace it might be fast for some and slow for others. If I stay up front at every stop or road change we will wait for the whole group. If faster riders show up in the group I can describe the route to them at each stop so they can wait for us when we get there. This is just an overview of the route 83 to 550 to 26 to 800 to 78 to 536 to 7 to 255 to 800 to 250 to 83. I tried to make a Google map of it but I think it’s a fail, here is the link. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0...1&source=embed we will be riding 536 it’s a fun road but can bite you, here is a post I made about it after my first time down it. http://ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=28843 I usually ride about 70 MPH where the limit is 55, I go faster when passing to leave room behind me for others to pass safely, I will also pass on double yellows where I feel it’s safe. Do not follow if you don't have room to make a pass another opportunity will come along. I will quicken the pace through the curves and slow it back down to 70 on the straights. The group will make sure we stay together and that no one has a problem. No one will be left behind unless we all agree on that decision. Bike count at every stop to make sure we are all together. Do not leave the group without telling someone first so we don't spend the rest of the ride looking for you. Weather looks good right now. High: 85 °F RealFeel®: 87 °F Partly sunny Oh yea, I almost forgot 255 is super cool and fun
  3. Aaawww Fuck you are trying to kill me. I did forget about that already good thing we planned the street ride for this weekend. Dual sport ride won't be canceled because of rain. Trust me guys KTMRIDER is a much better street rider than I am a dirt rider. I'm going to be sucking hind tit all day.
  4. I tried to represent the Kawi brand up front but that damn Honda and Ducati wore my little 600 ass out. To bad the Honda rider didn't get to see the baby waving to him.
  5. The thread jack saved it from being moved to Edumacated fucksticks Only! plus I think somebody went to bed.
  6. Looks like 536 will be in the route. It shaves off 8 miles and saves us from some boring time on 7. See new thread that I will post sometime tonight.
  7. No apologies needed, that’s how the Coshocton crew works and we took advantage of that the last ride. Avenger met us for the second loop and the whole group waited 15 or 20 minutes for him to arrive. I thought it was really cool of them to do that when I asked. No one knew who I was or who Avenger was but they waited for a fellow rider, just one more of the many nuances that is the Coshocton experience. I was pretty militant with telling the Cleveland group “don’t be late” or we will be pulling out without you and I felt kind of bad for being such a dick when I didn't need to be. I should have remembered how accommodating the guys were and not sweated it. From now on we are going to see how late we can make it and still make the ride. That will teach em.
  8. I know this is gonna sound dumb but does anyone else have an opinion on 536? I hate to be a dick and bring this back to the new topic but I want to know so I can post a route in a new thread that won't need to be changed.
  9. Blaming the group and blaming anybody is the same thing? Using your loose criteria I can show you where you blamed anybody or something that closely resembles anybody. Avenger might be right but it's close to his first time.
  10. I would love to go to Grattan this weekend but I wadded my track bike up earlier this year and no money to fix it. Looks like this group ride just became party of one. Punks on 255!!
  11. STFU! Not on Sunday! Kosmo, sorry you have family obligations and we'll miss you but the extra time will give you a chance to work on your English until we see you again. I know you have been on 536 whets your opinion about including it or not. Tony, as cool as it might be to be able to meet up I just don't see a good way to make it happen. Both groups will be putting in a lot of miles that day and waiting around at a meeting point if one group can't make a certain time would kill the ride for that group. We have Tony's thoughts on 536. I don't care if we do 536 or not. I have done it twice this year and I have been south of 26 on 800 so I don't care one way or the other. 536 has been talked up lately so it has become somewhat of a destination road so I understand wanting to do it just to satisfy your curiosity. I have been talking up 255 since the first time I rode it but honestly some might not like it. I will say this 255 is not on the table for elimination from the route.
  12. Tony, I did 83 to 78 recently prior to that I hadn't been on 83 south of Coshocton. About half of the distance from Coshocton to 78 is new pavement very nice. I have not been on 83 south of 78 and that is why it is on this route. Looks like we are going to do 8-2 I will start a new post about this later tonight. What are your guy’s thoughts about including 536 or not?
  13. I'm leaning toward 8-2 also I just checked the weather and it looks good for that day. The route is 398 miles from 82 & 83 and back. 83 to 550 to 26 to 800 to 7 to 255 to 800 to 250 to 83. This can be changed up if you guys from up here want to do 536. Where 26 runs into 800 instead of going down 800 to 7 we could take 78 to 536. I don't care which route as long as we keep 255 in it. There has been a lot of talk about 536 so I understand folks wanting to check it out.
  14. This is funny we are never going to make it work for everyone. Now Avenger tells me he can't make it on 8-1 but might be able to on 8-8. I would tend to take advantage of the first opportunity that comes up weather permitting. If we start to schedule a few weeks from now it could rain and then we would be looking at the end of August. I was hoping to get in a few more good long rides this summer.
  15. See I knew this would happen. I just spoke to Avenger and 8-8, 8-9 are both no good for him. What does may be my ccw weekend mean, it is or it isn't. Does anyone want to ride this next weekend? I know it might be rough scheduling back to back weekends but I'm game.
  16. What is your kid’s weekend schedule? I’m guessing this weekend is bad. That puts us at 8-8 or 8-9.
  17. See I told you guys that was a gay bar. If I didn't take my pants off how else were you going to enjoy the magic stick?
  18. Thanks for responding to this and I was hoping you guys wouldn't take offense to my comments. This post was meant to show some of our local riders why I act like a den mother when I feel responsible for a group outing. There is nothing wrong with not having experience with group riding; hopefully we all have learned something here.
  19. My panties certainly aren't in a wad in fact I'm quite amused by someone who takes himself so seriously without any knowledge of the subject they're talking about. I can play the show me game too. Show me where I said you blamed anybody. You were certainly inferring that a group ride would lead to the demise of someone without the experience you think is necessary whatever that might be. By your own admission your experience is tainted by a negative experience with another group I'm guessing not associated with this one. Once again I submit that your knowledge and experience on this subject is worthless. There have been inexperienced riders on both rides this summer without an incident with any of them involved. I'm not saying it couldn't happen but their opinions might matter more than yours as they have actual experience with the subject at hand. I would guess they would say that they had a good time that others should come out and enjoy the ride because someone is usually looking out for them. I think Avenger just called me a retard.
  20. I missed you on the last two Coshocton rides so excuse me for thinking your full of shit with your assessment of what a Coshocton ride is all about. Just because you think you do doesn't make it so. Professional riders wreck all the time and they get paid to ride because they know what they are doing shit happens get over it. Blaming an accident on the group is kind of retarded especially if you weren't there. Every person on that ride had the opportunity to pick their own pace and wherever they wanted to ride in the pack. I'm willing to bet that anyone involved in an accident would not be blaming the group but themselves or some other freak unforeseen circumstance. If you have had bad experiences riding in groups and aren’t man enough to accept that the responsibility is yours instead of blaming the group then your opinion doesn’t really matter much.
  21. I have a 400 mile loop routed out all inside Ohio that I would like to try. Of course it includes 255 because that road rocks. The mapping program says it will take 9:15 to complete not including stops. I would plan on about an eleven hour day with gas stops between 85 to 100 miles and one quick stop to eat at probably a Subway. This would be more of a forced march pace that would not include a ride debriefing at every stop. I would like to leave the day we do this open so it can include as many people who would like to try such a ride. I am sure that ultimately I'll end up picking a date and will have to exclude someone with a scheduling conflict. Jinx and Justin both like opposite days of the weekend so right there one of them is eliminated. The next two weekends are open for me then I have a whole weekend commitment and the next two weekends after that open.
  22. Great another newb. He'll have to come on the 400 mile ride I have routed. We all should decide what day would be best for everyone to take a long ride.
  23. Says the guy accusing Ron Burgundy of throwing tacks at his tires. That shit was your fault and you know it.
  24. In the Coshocton boys defense they shouldn't know corn very well, it's too damn hilly down there to grow corn.
  25. What part about undesirables don't you understand?
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