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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Anyone remember voting for this road?
  2. Thanks, I could just imagine trying to ride that road sometime without adult supervision and end up in the barbwire. I noticed in last years ride you rode some down on the southwest side of town and it got me thinking you could come up with a loop around town just like the boys in Columbus have 270. The loop would need a name though. Something like the paved goat trail loop, pony launcher loop, Coshocton dare trail. You could hold time trials on it just like the Columbus people do. Big fun.
  3. Adam, can you point out the uphill blind left hand turn that had a bunch of gravel in it? The first one you slowed us all down for, and any other turns we should be aware of. Thanks.
  4. Happy birthday! So what were the much anticipated birthday plans she was making for you?
  5. Sorry Inya, I might have to disagree with you just a little about them not going on this ride. 555 is a destination road, most of us have ridden it because it's a destination road. It holds something different for everyone. There are people riding cruisers, Goldwings, sport bikes and Harleys on it. Everyone riding it has a different skill level and riding experience. Some people start out with liter bikes and don't actually kill themselves. It's up to the person riding it to decide their own risk level. The road is no joke and can bite anyone at any time but not trying it is just not an option once you know about it. Are there better options for inexperienced riders, most certainly and kudos to you for making them aware of the dangers of this road. I think the road is fun as hell and wish it was closer to home but I can also see how some would not like it. My warnings for the road are that it seemed to have about five to eight miles of dirty road and I mean every corner, left, right and the middle of the road. Watch out for tar snakes and assume most right handers have gravel in them. Ride within your skill level and come home safe.
  6. Be careful here guys, this could be a trick. We were supposed to get a cookout on our ride this past weekend and all we got was lead around some paved goat paths for several hours and sent home hungry. I'm just saying, be prepared.
  7. Hey, what happened to the cookout? I was robbed.
  8. Your lucky you had your helmet (should have been mine) locked up or I would have taken it for safe keeping.
  9. Bike looks great and those 250s rock. I think your daughter needs some goggles though. (minus the straight pins)
  10. I'm taking my welcome back you fucker. Paula and I were going out to get something to eat tonigh so we go up to QSL. The place was a mad house so we didn't stay but what do I see in the parking lot. Richie and your bikes, thanks for calling asshole.
  11. I can't take credit for naming the 14 the "electric" bike that was Kaustabha. I can understand how he couldn't hear though, his exhaust sounds mean. I didn't get to witness any of the pony launching. I thought the sulky would be okay but the kid riding looked to be in trouble. That's what the little fuckers get for using the roads we pay for and leaving shit all over them.
  12. 751 was great, are you dyslexic or did we take the wrong road? I don't think you guys have any bad roads down there. I don't trust newly paved roads though so we took it kind of easy on that part. Last year on 555 after it was repaved I discovered newly paved asphalt is slippery.
  13. The baby had fun too; I hear it likes to point out the inside of the curves to everyone. Don't tell children’s protective services about the pins in its head holding the goggles on they're already not happy about me riding around with the baby in the first place. I carry a rainbow of zip ties, an air compressor, tire patch kit, duck tape and a bunch of tools; you never can tell what you'll need. Some Ivy conversation we had was about NinjaNicks "electric" bike. I like the sound of a good aftermarket exhaust (That 1098 just sounds awesome.) however; I really appreciate a stock exhaust. We were talking about the 14 pulling so hard but it wasn't making any sound doing it, like it was an electric bike, really cool to witness. Duc1098rdr was telling some good stories about omgshesaboy who some of you might not know is his son. Pat to my understanding doesn't ride much but wow he can hang with what seems like very little experience. Watch out for that GPS maximum speed verification, it can get you. I tease him about being one lucky kid (He got to ride the 1098 for some of this ride.) but really I envy him for being luck enough to be able to ride with his father. Memories that not all are luck enough to have but cool to watch happen. Cool of his dad for not having a huge problem with his son participating in some spirited riding.
  14. Hey buddy I figured you would be along soon. Welcome aboard. Now Justin can update his riders list for the ride. He likes too much data. Looks like we found some good roads closer to home without having to go all the way to the river thanks to the Coshocton crew.
  15. Justin, You didn't taste much of the burger or anything else. I think you ate three loafs of bread. The Ivy was a good call and I would go back no problem. Best burger, meh, but it was very good. The pricing is very cheap for the quality of the food. Garrett, Let me see if I understand your situation correctly. You go on a ride that you thought would cause you some grief because she had plans, you steal her bike on a beautiful day so she can't go riding, you come home later than expected and catch little shit. She sounds like a keeper to me. Adam, Once again I can't thank you enough for organizing this ride. I know you couldn't do everything yourself and your local crew really helped out to make everyone safe. I enjoyed how everyone sacrificed a little of their ride to make things go smoothly. My hats off to you guys, your lucky to have such a great group you can depend on. I learned some things about group riding that I hope will make our group up hear safer. Again, thank all of you. Devil road, yummy.
  16. Shitty how did you get home late? You bugged out way early. I think there is more to the story.
  17. 328 miles for me door to door. Great ride. Excellent job of keeping everyone safe, I can't thank you enough for doing this ride. I think we had 21 bikes riding as a group and no one went down. Outstanding. Nice meeting everyone and hope to see you guys again before the season is over. Thanks for sending us up 751, another nice road.
  18. Good morning, all is good for start time on my end. Coming home time for me is flexible but don't forget the game starts at 8:30 tonight I would like to be home by then. Not a deal breaker as I too will go along with what suits all. I would like to feel that we are not leaving anyone behind though so hopefully we can have the return trip figured out when we leave. Too bad about missing this ride Inya I know how you like 83 from Millersburg to Coshocton and we will be doing it twice today, sorry about your luck. The baby will miss you.
  19. Good question, I would like to start heading home around 6:00 PM, this gets us home by dark. This is only a starting point for discussion, I'm open for whatever.
  20. Duc1098rdr will omgshesaboy be riding with us? FYI there is an AKC agility match at the soccer complex this weekend. Expect the time to be what it is unless Justin posts otherwise. I'm good with it the way it is unless he needs to leave sooner.
  21. I will have two tail bags if anyone needs to bring extra stuff. (I also have the baby to think about.) I also run a GPS mounted on the bike so no problems as far as that's concerned. I rode to Zanesville last Saturday from this same spot in 2:05 plus I stopped in Millersburg to get gas and go pee. I know it will take longer the more people in the group but I don't see how 82 miles should take us more that two hours especially if we don't stop for gas. If anyone would like to pad the time more I am willing to leave earlier if needed.
  22. Nice fix on the front page, now just confirm where the two groups are going to meet on the front page and we're good to go.
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