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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Is it bad that through my "research" on Ron Paul I'm starting to like the crazy little fucker?
  2. I'm going to rep him for making me laugh at being such a good idiot.
  3. If you are going to ride a cheap under powered bike you might as well be comfortable going so slow.
  4. You know I would put a good word in for the XD line.
  5. Look I found video proof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxJGcF2Ykzk&skipcontrinter=1
  6. http://2politicaljunkies.blogspot.com/2007/08/ron-paul-sucks.html The rookie is an idiot. This is how you troll our fearless leader.
  7. http://the-classic-liberal.com/ron-paul-sucks/ What?
  8. Is this an off topic subject or a politics subject? If someone has a problem with Ben they need to have a better lay of the land and not open themselves up to criticism. If you're so stupid as to pick a fight in his playground at least make sure you are not leaving yourself open to internet assault. Making it a point to go after someone else’s political agenda is weak and simple minded. Post your convictions in the appropriate places and let that stand on its own merit. If there is dissention in your thread then that is debate but if you want to start with the premise that you have an issue with someone over their political beliefs you are an idiot. This is a good start into getting politics like firearms moved out of public view.
  9. The order of these has not been etched in stone yet.
  10. The real mens beards laugh at your cute fuzzy scruff. This thing was originally conceived to be an AIWB carrying solution. The features Raven has given it now means that it can be carried strong side as well. I use it there and am surprised at how well a G19 hides using it.
  11. Uncle Punk

    v2gl g 020212

    From the album: Holsters

  12. Tod, -Watch a short video about Gov. Kasich's trip to Toledo for the job creation announcements- Are you interested in attending Governor Kasich’s State of the State address next Tuesday in Steubenville? If so, please visit this page to fill out the form and enter the lottery for a chance to receive a ticket. Space will be extremely limited at the Wells Academy, so a small number of tickets will be available to the public. Those people who are selected in the random lottery will receive more information on Friday afternoon via email. If you’d rather watch the speech online, you can visit this page to watch it live on Tuesday at 1:00PM. Also, did you catch the recent job creation announcements in Toledo last week? You can watch a video here to learn more. Lt. Governor Mary Taylor joined Honda in announcing a $98 million investment and the creation of 150 new jobs in Anna, OH. You can read more here. Ohio is coming back and Governor Kasich needs you to stay involved! Please share this message with 5 friends and make sure they’re signed up for our email updates at this link. Thanks for your support! -Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team
  13. http://bcove.me/v6cqh29d Must have beard to make video review. Tom, Ravens head of sales is a member here but doesn't come around much since he sold his bike. I have no idea who Chris Costa is.
  14. The new VanGuard 2 fits all the gen 3 & gen 4 Glocks. It moves around some on the early gen 3 but holds retention as intended. It fits the G20, G21, G29 and G30 more tightly. It functions on the G36 fine but is slightly wider than the frame. The swell on the magazine release side protects against accidental magazine releases and I have used this on my G34 that has a Glock extended magazine release with no problems.
  15. What works for one person doesn't always work for another but if you like this style of holster I found that the G19 worked better with the extra length. YMMV
  16. Pick a caliber, pick a capacity number, pick a frame size, pick a design platform, pick a manufacturer, pick your sights, are you going to carry a light, how about a laser, how much is all of this going to weigh, carry with one in the chamber, ... IWB, OWB, AIWB, shoulder (horizontal, vertical), cross draw, ankle, small of back, leather, kydex, tucked, untucked, dress up, dress down, summer or winter clothes, positive retention, .... Don't worry without any experience I got this no problem. This is the only logical solution.
  17. I've stated this before but I hate the way a Glock feels in my hand, thankfully I've shot one despite the feeling. I love the way they shoot though and can't find anything else that I shoot better. I also find that the longer length of the G19 conceals the grip of the gun better than the G26 using certain methods of carry. The extra five rounds of capacity is a bonus as well. When looking for a carry piece it's just as important to have an idea about the way you intend to carry it and if that method is available for the firearm you consider purchasing. Don't be surprised if what you think you wanted in both a firearm or holster is completely different after you have lived with them for a while.
  18. No I am a supplier for Raven Concealment Systems.
  19. Official word is early spring but I am betting it will be before winter is over.
  20. I thought you were going into business making your own kydex holsters? They still make original kydex ones for most every other pistol.
  21. $35 for the complete setup, $20 for the trigger guard and paracord to be used as a tethered option, $20 for the hardware, strut & loop to attach to the VanGuard if purchased without at initial purchase.
  22. I hope everything falls in place and they are for sale soon.
  23. Coming soon. I have been using one of these since August and thinks it's some neat gear to add to the rest of my carry options. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaaY3YRPbkw More pictures Added 020812 http://kitup.military.com/2012/02/public-service-announcement-raven.html http://www.facebook.com/pages/Raven-Concealment-Systems/305851175686?sk=wall
  24. Uncle Punk

    v2gl f 020112

    From the album: Holsters

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