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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I saw this come up on the front page's photo gallery, it's a picture of a motorcycle at the Barber Museum
  2. Just because you aren't up to the challenge of all things in life you don't have to act like a snarky fucktard. For one thing you ride a want to be Harley that everyone knows is slow and the KTM while it may handle well is no match for a GSXR. You should go sit in the corner while the big boys are playing.
  3. This is what I like to see, a man not afraid to back up his convictions. You all are lacking the balls to show others just how much you know like this guy does. We're not worthy and I expect to hear all about you guys seeing nothing but tail lights after he schools you all.
  4. http://www.trackdaymag.com/ This works too plus it's free. RRW rocks though
  5. Oh look a CBR fan boy! You know the BMW is superior but keep putting up a good fight. This thread is entertaining, there is so much I didn't know before this, I am grateful for all the insight.
  6. That's the pair that blew apart on me in a crash. My hands were protected but they were fucked up. Fit on them was great though. Does anyone else break multiple fingers when they crash? In all but two of my get off I have broke multiple fingers. Now I try to make a fist after I realize I've crashed.
  7. I don't have all gloves I own with me right now so I don't remember who makes all of them. To me fit is very important, I state this because I have never had a pair of gloves not protect my hands in a get off that were gauntlet style gloves. I had a pair of Joe Rocket Phoenix gloves (Not gauntlet.) that went through during a get off on the street and I had road rash on both hands as a result. I had a pair of gauntlet style Joe Rocket gloves that were the best fitting gloves I've ever had and they protected me in a get off but were not serviceable to wear again, in fact they were destroyed. I've had a pair of MotoGP gloves (I think that's what they were, cheap and no longer made.) that fit me well and protected my hands in multiple get offs. I still have them and could wear them again if needed. I have another pair that I can't remember the maker of but unlike the prior gloves they are requiring some break in but I suspect they will fit perfectly once that process is complete. I will update this with the brand once I get to my gear. Now for the Held Phantoms. They are built like tanks with quality materials that are very apparent by just holding them. I would imagine that they would hold up very well in a crash but I have never tried them out. I will never buy another pair though for fitment reasons. I tried on several sizes before I ordered the ones I have. I don’t remember the size but they run in numbers with half numbers between them. I couldn’t get my hand in a size “8” and my fingers were lost in the size “9” so I ordered an “8.5” because the vendor didn’t have that size at the time. The gloves just don’t fit me well anywhere and the fingers are way too long. I state this because I don’t have this problem with other gloves and it is annoying trying to work the GPS with them. They may be the best glove out there for protection but they just don’t fit me well and as I referenced earlier I have not had a lesser glove fail to protect me. I like good stuff and if they fit I would keep buying them even if they might be overkill.
  8. B&T in Lorain does them. They have a range on site and you get to use your own firearm for the range time. http://www.btshooting.com/lorain.htm
  9. I agree but you never can tell what's going to happen when you're around those crazy college kids. I bet alcohol was involved somehow.
  10. I had always viewed the issue as Monte observing a promise he made to Bob. He continued that commitment even after he died. I didn't take that Monte was incompetent in not getting STT to Nelsons in fact quite the opposite even to go so far as to view it as honorable despite possibly hurting his own bottom line. I am not the least bit surprised that STT is going there now though in fact expected it as a given that it would be happening along with the other changes.
  11. Any idea what their crime rate was before they passed their law?
  12. You have my permission to sell the ZX14 for this bike.
  13. You caught me actually trying but I can't bring myself to work that hard for entertainment value. I is sad. Carry on.............
  14. Link to a post from chevy's thread above. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=629849&postcount=7 Read more of that thread and then let's have a discussion if you wish and you can call me all kinds of names but disagreeing with someone's opinion doesn't mean they lack critical thinking. I think the police in this instance are complete idiots who don't know their jobs very well if open carry is legal in Philly. I seem to recall that that city has some different laws that didn't follow general rules regarding firearms. Maybe that has changed just like things have changed in Ohio. I'm too lazy to look it up though. Going about your business in a legal manor shouldn't result in a conversation with law enforcement to me that's pretty simple.
  15. Very fun vehicle to drive on the back roads, good tow vehicle and okay in the snow with stabilitrack/traction control. I have even followed a couple sport bikes from here down on the twisty roads with better than expected results. The first half of the 2006 they made 2wd & AWD, 2007 & 2008 were all AWD. I have added 40 H.P. to mine at the wheels over stock and on warm summer nights it runs 14.2 there is no way with the mods you have listed will that SUV run in the 13s. It doesn't matter there are very few vehicles that can tow 6,600 LBS and still run mid 14s. I love having the versatility.
  16. We frown upon ankle biting around here but it's usually the guys jumping on a new girl. I didn't know you were that pimping, good luck with gen3flygirl she might be able to handle you. Tom even knows one of the other black guys on here, where you at Inyazz? The more shit I get about stupid stuff I say from you means the longer and faster you're going to have to ride without stopping to eat when we finally get out for a ride. If it's bad enough I'll leave you in West Virginia and tell them you're from Michigan so they will have their way with you.
  17. Not quite there yet but I haven't cut my hair since the weekend before the bike show at the IX center. It sticks straight out everywhere just like Nancy from the cartoons. I don't know if I like having Tom here. Now I'm going to hear about all the stupid things I say in the firearms forum personally. Plus I'm sure the rest of his shop giving me shit. I take my invite back, go away you dual sport riding, Michigan loving, gun nut and leave me alone to say all the stupid shit I want to without having to hear about it.
  18. That's some old school forum revival. Gunner had asshole down to an art form, always confrontational with nothing else of value to add.
  19. Hey Tom, you couldn't correct your spelling? I can feel another avatar change coming soon. My afro is just about to start falling so it will be coming off soon. I found this noob at the holster manufacturer and can't wait to get him out on a group ride to initiate him to Ohio roads. Even though he rides a dual sport he might fit in around here. Michigan sucks!
  20. I say Brian needs another infraction for making two posts on the same subject, isn't that called annoying the mods or sum such thing.
  21. In my mind you didn't cross a line but I don't know if anything you posted was deleted. I find your posts informative or entertaining and have not had an issue with any threads you post in. I wasn't attacked and those who felt they were should be able to handle how they want to regard you in the future after all this is just the internet and not serious. If you have to rein yourself in too much the internet might not be as much fun for you and it won't be as entertaining for the rest of us. Different personalities are what adds color to this whole experience and it would be a shame if we were all the same.
  22. Are you gear nazis taking over this thread?
  23. Be careful that could set the spark that ignites a fire that leads to a lot of entertainment in Ranting and Raving plus a whole lot of mod work.
  24. You got me; mods are on to me now. This is going to be a hard rule to work around but I'll try. Other than the photographer’s name there is no advertising associated with the manufacturer, I could tell people who it is if they inquire, right? The photographer just happens to work for the manufacturer is that okay to say. The company makes concealment holsters in Ohio. I won’t say who they are, let’s just say a Raven told me. I just know a lot of people will want pink holsters so I am providing a valuable service. Damn all these washed clean internet postings we need a thread on the topic so things will be clearer because discussing things on the internet always gets to a logical solution with no one’s feeling hurt. Please don’t move the thread; I don’t want to get banned like everyone else does who is responsible for a thread being moved. By the way, I think that’s a shitty policy for you guys to have. I have mixed feelings about the in your line of sight reload, I know it's faster but if necessary too many other things should be happening. Good sporting technique, impractical tactical technique.
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