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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I have bought a lot of holsters over the years that I have given away or still have because they don't work how I think they should. I carry every day and never take this one off. It has such a wide footprint that it will straddle most belt loops so I can always carry in the same spot. I can also rotate it to 3 o'clock for getting into some cars if need be. Retention and reholstering are what you would expect from a quality holster and I'm not sweating up the pistol. They also have loops that can be attached to it that will turn it into an IWB holster. http://ingunowners.com/forums/raven_concealment_systems/114999-new_belt_hardware_from_raven_concealment.html
  2. ^ I carry OWB and it is just as concealable as IWB with a shirt over it.
  3. I scared the crap out of Rob trailering down to pick up his wrecked bike this summer, poor guy. Can't really pass as well with a trailer and bike in it. 20 minutes is from Millersburg to your house while towing. Following you guys with the truck was fun though. Buying a house? I thought you were broke as a joke.
  4. Yes you will it is a ride requirement. I don't mind stopping around 60 to 85 miles, you should quit riding with those hard C.O.R.E. riders they will wear you out but not in my good way. I probably will be doing this in the beginning of the season until my finger gets used to longer rides. It sucks doing that because on a bike its 90 minutes to your place because you can pass as will, I bet it would be two hours pulling a trailer.
  5. I have never met or heard of anyone actually being against stem cell research are you sure you aren't hopelessly uninformed? I can see how sheeple could come to that conclusion based on what they think they have heard from the news and I find it sad that they exist. I do know of and I am one of the people who don't believe the government should be spending money on stem cell research, big difference from being against it. I hope this company makes millions of dollars and helps millions of people but the government shouldn't be wasting my money starting up these endeavors just like "green" energy solutions.
  6. Guess that leaves me out, I sat next to her for quite some time and she has no idea who I am.
  7. I was sitting next to you when you made your second or third assault of the night.
  8. So I look like this only with a better tan? Fonzie, you know what to do with this.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uguXNL93fWg Prior to Saturday night this is the only rendition of that song I had ever heard. It sounds different when a human sings it but just as entertaining.
  10. I'm coming just to bench race and brag about how much prettier I am than you. Rules is made to be broken.
  11. Raven is good people and they make a great product. I have been working with them for a while now trying to get them to where they can shorten their lead times. That hasn't worked out quite like we planned because every time an improvement is made orders increase and makes the delivery wait even longer.
  12. That video was silly, stupid, childish and it made me laugh like a little school girl, stupid is fun sometimes.
  13. You've worked the circuit before I see.
  14. I will be at the Kawasaki booth as a Kennedy's representative. I probably won't be working the Yamaha booth this year. I won’t be going to the after show party since I have to be back at the IX center at 9:00AM the next morning.
  15. Anyone know how he made out after he took himself to the hospital? Whatever you want little buddy this ride would be for you to exercise the demons. Only the cool kids ride CBR1000RR's right. I have a special wave for you that looks like a peace sign now but it's speaking a new coded message. We will be doing planned rides this year so I don't mind doing one not posted for a special occasion. We all met because of this site and I learned most of the roads I know because of this site. I like group rides, they are fun for me and I learn or meet, something or someone cool from every one of them.
  16. I would love to do a ride with you guys again next year but it might take me a few rides to get used to clutching with three fingers. My hand was killing me the last eighty miles riding home on that last ride and I only rode 260 miles that day. That last ride wasn't posted we just hooked up to ride and we had all ridden with each other before except for the guy who went down. No one needed to be reined in because everyone had enough experience to not ride over their head or get sucked into riding with a group or trying to keep up. It was not a group ride friendly pace it was an out fucking around with your buddies being stupid pace that directly led to that guy going down. (Somewhat my fault for being selfish and not wanting to sacrifice my first ride in three months. I didn’t expect him to be with you guys and should have gone out on my own instead of riding with someone new.) I will not ride that pace on a posted group ride it will only lead to problems. We can still do any route of Todd's choosing but if it's going to be a posted ride the pace will be dictated by normal group ride etiquette. Which can still be fun, right?
  17. I think it's fixed. When I let it embed the video it wouldn't work correctly so I had to post it as a link. It works when I try it now but it may be cached on my computer weird.
  18. I have heard that all bikes stolen in the Columbus area are in an undisclosed warehouse in cardboard boxes.
  19. You are getting there Justin it just takes time and a little observation but as you age and mature you might be able to see the bigger picture even if it does take someone else to point it out to you like this article does for you. News flash for those just joining in any political debates, most voters are stupid. There I just summed up the entire article in half a sentence. This is the only logical reason I can come up with to explain how the current president was elected.
  20. A president is the only source for the nomination and the current president wouldn't be making any wise choices. Bork was opposed so harshly because he would have been replacing a liberal judge with a conservative one and so the court would be shifting. While Kennedy wasn't the perfect replacement for Bork he has voted the way Bork would have 92% of the time so in matters not who the actual person is. Man, woman, white or black makes no difference in outcome it is liberal or conservative that makes the difference. A judge’s ideology is the only thing that is important in their decisions otherwise all court decisions would be unanimous.
  21. I'm well away of the traitorous bastards on the court but there is no chance the current president will seat a judge that will have the right opinions.
  22. Don't forget to add McDonald to the recent stream of victories. I would feel better if we could get a few more good judges seated so instead of winning by 5-4 votes they would be unanimous. I guess we'll have to wait until the current president leaves office for that to happen though.
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