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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I find it unfortunate that the mothers call initiated the problems for her son but can find no fault in her actions. She couldn’t have foreseen the actions of the state at the time and I’m sure she regrets calling them now. I commend anyone who calls on a loved one that they know has committed a crime and is a fugitive from justice. I know this wasn't the case here but she thought she was doing the right thing and helping. The state is where things went really wrong. Don't get me wrong about involving authorities if someone is wanted, I would never turn someone in who has violated a law that I find unjust. If you have a firearm that someone deems illegal no call from me, if you break a traffic law and haven't harmed anyone no call from me, if you have violated a community standards law no call from me. If you have raped someone, I'm calling, if you hit someone in a motor vehicle and run I'm calling, if you rob a bank I'm calling, no matter what your relationship to me is.
  2. All of this applies only if you do not have a disability.
  3. New Jersey can make all the gun laws they want to but if this article is reporting correctly, this guy was prosecuted for a crime he couldn't commit. This appears to violate federal firearm transportation laws that a state can't override with their own law. This will be overturned or the article was not correct in all of the facts reported.
  4. I really like the idea of this bike but this is still propaganda and needs to be taken as such. I will wait to see independent reviews and ride one myself before I form much more of an opinion about it.
  5. I also believe they have the right to protest without government intervention. I also believe that there are consequences for your actions.
  6. Regardless of that judge’s orders if anyone on the jury would have known the federal guidelines for transport this would not have happened. I'm going to guess this gets overturned if the article was correct in its reporting.
  7. Does a reason matter? Can you think of a good reason to protest a serviceman's funeral? Please do not respond with what you think is a "real" answer or we won't be able to see this thread on the main page too long.
  8. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=68893 http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=68902
  9. The article is nothing more than a couple of retards who don't like the law using very poor examples of their interpretations of its abuse. Nothing very news worthy nor anything to worry about, these examples were part of the discussion before the law was passed so the same arguments should have no traction in trying to repeal it.
  10. Are there any behavior correlations in the two stories? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=68893
  11. Exactly, no dudes for me. Vaginatarian all the way.
  12. Behaving so poorly could result in an unforeseen tragedy.
  13. 14 out of 22, Jesus might have issues with me.
  14. Funny little man, white peoples are the rulers of the world and have the superior right to kill others that are inferior to them. That is why they pass gun laws that try to affect the poor people to keep them from possessing them. They are working on a way to keep guns away from the over achieving Asians who refuse to stay in the poor demographic, why they won’t get with the program is disturbing. To answer your Asian persuasion quip, Blacksburg, Virginia, but you knew that.
  15. I think you were doing a better job than I was. It is exhausting trying to think up stupid anti-gun drivel, I don't know how the true anti's can do it while being sincere. Lasagna FTW!
  16. It is stupid that you have to wait until you are 21. I was carrying a .45 at 19 although it was issued by the USMC. I think you kids should be able to drink at 18 as well. Anyone over the age of 42 drank when they were 18 and quite a few countries allow drinking at 18 still today. Why are our youths inferior in mental capacity to handle it?
  17. NASCAR coaster is invalid, it turns right.
  18. My experience as well. I will not buy another one to ride a motorcycle. I would get another one to ride scooters with because I feel it does offer protection but the shield is a pain to live with on a motorcycle. I guess you get what you pay for.
  19. Do not try to defend your preference with logic or facts, this is the internet, logic is not needed or wanted.
  20. Only people with guns kill people with guns.
  21. That's true it is, I guess you have to justify riding an inferior machine somehow. Sound is a good measuring stick.
  22. I would stay away from any of the big twins, an I4 600 will eat them for lunch. Junky under perfoming turds, every one of them.
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