I have a tank bag I would sell it is a luggage locker tank bag it was on a honda but might fit a yami? has a 7 bolt pattern. looks like this with the lexel pebble texture finish.
When I win today scruit I am not buying you a new bike. I am gonna give everyone at my work a million dollars if the quit. So my boss has to replace 30 guys with no one to train them. Lol
So weather looks to be promising on Sunday. I am heading to A&A with a few people around noon or one o'clock. Open invite to anyone who wants to meet up.
I wish it was closer, have wanted one of these for a long time. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290689089406+&lgeo=1&viewitem=&vectorid=229466