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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Well I do have that mini 14 Im lookin to get rid of! LOL just sayin....
  2. I have a 870 express with the smooth barrel. I use it for shot and rifled slugs works fine with both has the 20" barrel on it with rifle sites. If it is a smooth bore then you need rifled slugs. if its rifled you need the nonrifled slugs but shooting any type of shot load down it is gonna mess the rifling up..
  3. guess private sales are better?!! just sayin.
  4. Looks like me and likwid are meeting planning on meeting at riverside as of now. 2pm on sat unless one of you country boys want to throw out an invite to shoot someplace else? I shoot mostly pistol, due to the fact there are no rifle ranges near us in cleveland. I have shot skeet before a few times. Once with I.Pappa. down near copley. I have no problem driving an hour to shoot, thanks for the invite to dayton but thats like 6 hours from me. So unless we get something else 2pm at riverside in the falls.
  5. Thats funny that nobody noticed that this was in the firearms section?! Anyways glad to see someothers were out. I was sleeping the whole time my wife was getting my gun LOL! I figure let her be on the grid again I am on there enough already.
  6. So with most of us having a long weekend this week just figured I would go shooting. Anyone want to hit up a range this weekend. Or better yet anyone have someplace we could go shoot outdoor(if weather is ok) Been needing to hit the range again to break in my ccw a bit more. It only has about 150 rnds down range need somemore time with it. So is anyone in. Would most likely be north of akron as I live in berea near the ix center. Would be willing to drive a bit to a range but not down to c-bus unless someone has property they are offering to shoot on?
  7. So my wife woke up crazy early today to run to Dicks to get her ab thing pro what ever?! While she was there I had her pick me up a new .22lr with a few coupons we had from our score card. Picked up a remington model 597 with od green stock and scope on it. reg price is $199 was on black friday price of $149, and they let her use a $10 score card coupon. So I got it for $139, not a bad price for the gun scope combo. They also had .223 on sale for 7.98 a box of 20 for rem. Had a coupon for buy one box of any ammo get the second 50% off. With out big gun shops like vances or kames, or fin feather fur up here in cleveland we have to find the good deals when we can.
  8. I have never oc yet?! I dont think I have any real reason to since I have my ccw. I dont want anyone to know I have a weapon on me unless I want to let them know. If you want to do sometype of OR OC thing thats fine it just cant be in cleveland. The only time I open carry is around my house sometimes.
  9. I guess if you want to spent the cash. If it was my money I would get a good gun maybe not the best one, and spend the rest on ammo. Do the $1500 shoot that much better then the $800-900 ones do? If not then save the money for ammo. Just my 2 cents.
  10. well I live in Berea so I hit a few of those. I also go to the Medina shows Most of the time, it is better then the berea show. I have made my mind up on what I want to start out with when I get my ar. Rock River all the way I like the trigger on them. And the price is right for what you get. I dont need all the fancy stuff. All I want to do is add a foregrip and optics to the one I was looking at.
  11. Likwid you ever been to the dalton show? How far away is it? Might be up for a road trip down there next weekend.
  12. I know Roberto he use to be our electrician in both of my depts I have worked in euclid. Don't know Mike Latessa, But I know Joe Latessa and his wife. I use to ride my triumph to work all the time, then I rode my cbr all the time till I got rid of it. It was the bright green speed triple that use to be out there from early march till late nov. I have seen your bike outside before. I would say to the o.p to get a job at L.E. but I dont like my job much anymore since they cut our prices.
  13. Thats funny I have been with Lincoln Electricfor 15 years also. Started in Mentor. So scottb you ever make it down to plant 2 anymore? Thats where I work, down in dept 37. Funny there is someone on here that works at the same place I do and I never knew it? So how many other people here work for Lincoln Electric? Learn as much as you can before you pick a job to jump into.
  14. As long as I am not gonna get nabbed by the po-po while driving to work. Cleveland is a shit hole so what ever. pass all the laws they want there still gonna be killing each other with non-registered, most likely illeagal guns.
  15. I agree wil I.P. If I could go back 15 yrs I would have gone with my plan I had back then and went into the armed forces. I instead took a year off school and landscaped. Never ended up going to school. Found a job that paid good, made more then my dad by the time I was 21, he talked me into not doing the armed forces thing or school and insisted I stay where I was at. Long story short, I have been there 15 years, found a very fertile woman had 4 kids and f'ing hate my job and most of my life choices I did not decide to take. I will say this take a good look at where you want to be in 10 years. I didnt look at my job as long term and didnt care if I enjoyed what I did cause I made good money. Not I hate my job, am to old and tied down to change feilds. And have only worked at one real job since I was 19. At 33 It is not going to be as easy to change anything as it would when I was your age. Oh by the way I make welding flux for a living, and use to make mig and cored wire. I plan to go to our welding school over the winter it is free for me to go to. If I get my certs at least i have a back up skill.
  16. Since we are all retarded(or atleast I am) What does all this legal speak mean in retard terms? I looked at it a few times and didnt make much of it? From what I can understand the city of cleveland want to ban the right to own, carry and transfer a firearm? So if I drive to work thru cleveland with my ccw I am breaking the law?
  17. The key is to work as much as I can. I swear its for the extra money not to save my sanity. Them boys drink over 5 gallons of milk a week. Don't give them any type of soda. Don't think I could handle them on caffine. And yes there are days I enjoy a few to help me unwind. The winter is the crazy time with no bike to ride, and being cramped in the house most of the time.
  18. I had the joy of saying that 4 times! Yes I have four boys. And yes I lost my mind awhile ago. LOL! It is a great time though. I have a 2,4,6,8 year old son. And I am 33 years old. So they will all be 18 before I am 50. Congrats on the good news.
  19. Not a bolt action but it is a .223/5.56 rifle. I am looking to maybe sell my mini-14 target model. I am looking to get something smaller it is more of a bench gun. Very accurate for a semi auto. If interested let me know. here is a cell pic of it.
  20. It needs to be in a box it came in or some type of case. If it is in plain site like sitting on the seat it does not need a lock if it is in a case. Or you can put it behind the seat in a case with a lock on it. If you pick up ammo it must be locked in a ammo can or in the glove box with that locked. Even with a ccw it is still a pain to transport long guns.
  21. speedytriple


    I have sold every hand gun I was trying to get rid of at a gunshow. Most within 10 mins. You get mobbed when you walk in to a gun show selling a handgun. My advice is go to a show and get the extra money over trading it in. Most shops will only give you 80% of the used market value. So if you can get $425-450 at a gun show for it, a shop will only give ya 80% of that. I sold mt pt-145 for $20 less then I paid for it at a local show. And sold a s&w mp 9mm at a show that was 3 years old for $430 and prob could of got more if I tried harder but I sold it with in the first twenty feet of the door.
  22. Yeah I was looking to sell the mini 14 target model I have to get something smaller. like a mini -14 tatical. The mini-14 I have would be good for 300 yards and in. I have only shot it out to 100 yrds but it groups better then I can. here is a crap cell phone pic of my mini.
  23. I carry a xd 9 sc also in a paddle holster for fall winter carry and iwb in summer. It is not that hard to conceal. Tpoppa good luck with finding a leather holster for a taurus. I had my pt-145 for over a year and never found a decent leather holster for mine(i am also left handed?) That is the reason I didnt get the 709 lack of after market suff for most taurus semi auto guns is bad. Loved the pt 145 also, just had a hard time finding a left hand holster that concealed it well.
  24. Well I got a friend request from meanie, and owndjoo. Saw owndjoo online yesterday and tried a few times to join the lobby but it would not let me? Sent a few requests to join the game I was starting. then I had to go to work around 10:30. I will be online again tonight for awhile playing cod mw as I am to cheap to buy the new one yet. A guy I work with is letting me borrow it monday for the night to see if I like it enough to go buy it. So does anyone have both cod mw games which is better for online play?
  25. good luck I just bought a new to me car looked for like 2 mth before I found a deal I liked. as for the bike get a speedtriple I know a guy who might be willing to part with a nice green one? LOL!
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