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Everything posted by BikerBoy

  1. Isn't there a way to show that these kinds of sentences makes riders upset,mad or angry ? a gathering out side that court or the judge's office ? seriousely, people would hit a rider and kill'em than hitting the wall if the wife made them angry, it has less punishment than a spouse abuse , or threatening.......
  2. BikerBoy


    hahahaaa that was funny
  3. this looks like a very nice option, how durable is it ? good quality ? this way you can use a phone charger or a gps navigation charger I think i will go with this
  4. I am planning on using my tomtom navigation system on my bike, was thinking about charging it before leaving and just use it, then someone smarter than me asked me , what will I do on long trips .... That was right , so i am thinking if any of you guys knows away to fix a " car cigerate lighter blug " on a motorcycle .... Advice please , Thanks
  5. I am glad we didn't driving back from Parma to Akron was a pain by it self ....
  6. Thanks for the link about the Dyno Nick, it was helpfull.

  7. Seriousely How come ohio doesn't ban cell phone using and eating and so on while driving ? Alot of countries does so , 2 hands on the wheel stearing , means both of them at the same time , checking mirrors every 30 seconds means you should really keeps concentrating on all directions not only forword, and tbh texting , nail bolishing , etc makes you take 2 hands of the stearing wheel, eyes off the road, who is driving your car now ? Angels ?
  8. Would it be bad to ask a very stupid question ? " but I won't be able to learn if i didn't ask " What is Dyno? what does it do to the bike ? and what is it good for ? sorry for being a noobie
  9. glad they did protect him from being killed , this way he will get the punishment, did you see this too ? http://jalopnik.com/5525672/total-wuss-uses-viper-to-tow-viper+powered-motorcycle lovely bike...... " i won't be riding one tho " I pu the link here cause i saw it on the same website while reading about that dude .
  10. BikerBoy


    Welcome to the forum.
  11. I won't mind, i am just worried about riding the bike all the way down to find that he is too busy to squeeze me in as i said i only have tomorrow off
  12. It will start, chocked for a while probably like 5 minutes , then it will some how idle without the chock, it rides good i guess, but smells gas most of the time " it doesn't smell gas when it's turned off " So i donno, i would love to let somebody look at it , but i don't want to ride it into any shop and let somebody " how might know what he is doing and might not mess around with it " I have tomorrow off so i thought i could go somewhere or to someone and let them check on it . It probably will need more than just that, i got the bike kinda cheap so i expect it to need some work.
  13. Thanks alot man , it's okay , i understand , i'd really like to learn and clean them my self but i don't think i will do it right that if there is nothing else wrong with it
  14. I bought this FZR 600 recently, and i do think it might need some nice Carb cleaning, anyone from here who is around Akron area do this ? I won't mind paying of course Or anybody knows a trust worthy shop to take the bike to ? I'd love to get this done tomorrow " wedsnday " or the day after Thanks
  15. The rider with the camera, did a nice job avoiding hitting her motorcycle on such a turn
  16. I think he loves R1 too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktlZ_HcGwHU
  17. The motorola driod is a fabulous phone, specially with all the add on's that you can use, the google maps are sick, but seriousely there is always something about the 3gs that makes me once in a while wish ATT has verisons 3g coverage, the phone looks better, reponse better " not as fast " , I am not saying that i will switch back to the Iphone tho, love swype
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