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Everything posted by NightRider

  1. Now i hope someone kicks it over. How did you get it fixed?
  2. Hello sir. Haven't talked to you in a while. Back from vacation? I picked up a yammi too. lol.

  3. lol. I'll do my best to make sure, they never work out.
  4. lol. I'm not making excuses as to why i didn't check anything on the bike before i left. But...i had the bike not even all of a week before that ride (1st sportbike) and thought the way the bike was handling/swaying through every damn corner was normal. In my stupidity and ignorance, it never crossed my mind that maybe the tires were under inflated. I'm just glad i was able to walk away from my mistake (albeit a bit gimpy) and learn from it. I'm also thankful, and appreciate the people here including yourself Todd who pointed out what i did or didn't do...depending on how you look at it. I find the jokes funny and use them as reminder to keep the shiny side up.
  5. Why would you...need the pads...? Were you on your knees...for something?
  6. lol. Maybe...the chain? What did i have to do with an on ramp?
  7. Aye. Didn't think anyone would get the reference.
  8. Do it! Be sure to wear a wife beater and some jean shorts.
  9. Oh...no i got it lol. I wasn't sure what you were referring too. lol. Maybe JRM can chime in.
  10. I have no idea what your talking about.
  11. I'm...just trying to figure out...how the hell you spell THAT bad. Holy shit. Looks like George Bush's hand writing. That 4th grade Edukashion comes in pretty handy.
  12. Huh? That wasn't me yet. lol. That's what i was thinking. Thanks.
  13. Threw up some better pics.
  14. I got it taken care of, but i appreciate it. Thank you. It's the truth though. lol. I've been checking tire pressure religiously this year. I've learned my lesson.
  15. Clearly, i made a mistake...and should have thought about what i was doing a little more. I never thought of going to any of the places, everyone has mentioned. I guess, in the back of my head...i kept thinking someone from OR could help me, or find someone who could. I didn't realize it would be this big of a deal. Anyway...i'm sure some of you will be saddened to know i got the title taken care of.
  16. 50$ less, but i only paid 900$ myself for it...so i still made a profit.

  17. Might have to do that. Thanks for the info.
  18. Wow. Not what i expected out of this thread. lol. Yes...maybe i didn't do the smartest thing with the title. But i have it...and if some, or all of you don't believe me...i can take a picture of it for you. I kept trying to get ahold of the seller (who's a state trooper) to ask if the title was notarized and open before i got there. He didn't respond to me, or let me know it wasn't...until i got there. I arrived at his around 5:30...and everything was closed. Not much of an excuse...but i'm not exactly as wealthy as most on here. Part laziness, and part of being cheap...the seller and i agreed to see if i could find a notary...instead of having to drive back up 2 more hours. I was 13$ short for the actual bike for fuck's sake lol. The seller and i agreed if i have any problems with the title, to give him a call...and we'll see what he can do. As in more than likely, i'll have to drive back up to Bucyrus. Which i've been trying to avoid in the 1st place. Nothing really else to it folks.
  19. lol. I was gonna ask you about your bike, but thankfully i found the Yzf. :p

  20. You got 1st dibs brotha. Just a little bit lol. I appreciate, thanks. lol. No worries. There's more fucktards down here every day. Yeah, Rising park is nice. Especially in the fall. However like Jagr said, the sportbikes and Hardley's like to roll through there and pin the throttle. It's amusing...yet sad at the same time.
  21. Maybe, when i'm 40...i can haz a sweet bike like that. In all seriousness, that bike is beautiful man. Congrats. Enjoy the shit out of it.
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