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Everything posted by smashweights

  1. thanks guys and you were right on the money about the over tightening. thankfully the new plug was a softer metal so i dont think the threads on the pan were damaged (no metal shavings on the drain plug). it looks like it actually ended up bending the rim on the bolt back some and the leak might have come from there. anyway, drained the oil to a clean pan and put the old plug back in (and used my torque wrench, which i had, but always forget to use). we'll see if there's any drip tomorrow then maybe swing by pony and grab a new magna plug. learning the hard way is getting old...
  2. yeah, i'm seriously considering selling mine and just buying a fresh system to get a new 3 years of warranty.
  3. in the end, the dbags still get paid. i'd rather see Papa Bear shoveling money into financing the dudes defense and making sure they dont get a dime out of it.
  4. how are they getting money out of this guy? cause he sued them and didnt win? i didnt think you were responsible for the other party's legal fees in that instance in this country.
  5. one of the things it does do is keeps ppl from taking lower paying jobs. why accept a job making $400 a week when you're already getting $300/week doing nothing and have another year of benefits? i just went off unemployment 2 weeks ago after my employer called us all back in to work. i know at least 3 other ppl who are on it as well and i think you can be on it for nearly a year and a half at this point if memory serves me, seems like plenty of time to me...
  6. yeah, mine RRODed for the 2nd time back in december, my 3 year is up in like june i think. this time they just sent me a different xbox.
  7. would anyone feel bad if someone chained the doors to their church shut on a sunday and lit the building on fire? or maybe the day one of the deceased marine buddies goes apeshit and guns down the protesting crowd?
  8. i been playing stim pack for a few hours now
  9. that may be the case, i dont see any metal shavings, are you talking like in the oil or leaking out? it's only like a droplet that sits on the plug.
  10. has anyone used the magnetic lockhart-philips drain plugs? i picked up one from IP for my spring oil change, put a new crush washer on it (i ordered 6 last time i had to buy stock parts for the bike) and cranked it down til i was afraid i was gonna strip the bolt. i hadnt ridden it in like 2 weeks since the last warmup and there was an oil spot about 4 inches in diameter on the cardboard under the bike and a small bit of oil i could wipe off the drain plug. i couldnt tighten it down anymore as the socket slipped a bit and started to strip the plug. did i mess something up? any idea why this is leaking? it's not much oil, the level is still well near the top limit. it's supposed to be a universal yamaha drain plug, but it was about 1/4" shorter than the "stock" plug that was in there.
  11. currently viewing "Hooray for Boobies..."

  12. that's just cause bulldogs aren't as smart as boxers: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1972699/funny_dog_boxer_trick/
  13. I'm actually kinda disappointed in the lack of substantive conversation about the actual bill and heavy focus on automotive analogies. Was hoping to pick up something about what was in this thing without reading 2400+ pages (you know, like most of the people involved in voting for or against it). When do ALL the changes take effect, not just the no insurance penalties? Other than do abortions get funded, no insurance penalties, what else is in there? Did they take the public option out?
  14. welcome and i'm in GC too, which makes me all the more disappointed you sold the R6 as i have an 04.
  15. Dude EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011 kicks ass!
  16. Or to quote The Onion: "No one should ever have to see Glenn Beck outlive their child!" http://www.theonion.com/video/victim-in-fatal-car-accident-tragically-not-glenn,14380/
  17. how tall do you let that get before you mow it???
  18. just popped open my first homebrewed bottle of my st. patrick's day stout. it's SO good.
  19. ballsy. i'm glad to see they're taking a stand against healthcare fines.
  20. ba ba ba ba brum brum brum brum brum brum brummmm? j/k riding still beats driving
  21. i'd say the only safe browns jersey to get is a custom one made with your name on it, cause no one stays a brown for long.
  22. welcome! do i know you from somewhere? that bike looks so familiar
  23. those things (and all the pickup smoke stacks) are retarded.
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