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Everything posted by Cheech

  1. No "oops" necessary. If that's what you believe in, that's what you believe in. As an observation, I notice that most theological discussions result in someone invoking the Wager, but few people actually know they are doing it and call it by name. Consider yourself enlightened.
  2. Whatever/however you believe is of no business or concern to me, unless someone makes it that way. As long as you're happy doing whatever it is that you're doing, and it's not infringing negatively on me, I'm happy for you.
  3. I was waiting for Pascal's Wager (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_Wager) to show up, that didn't take long at all.
  4. Damn, I knew there was something I missed. I'll buy you a beer this Thursday.
  5. don't get caught with it on during the day, you'll spontaneously combust. When is your last days here anyway? We ever get a party together for you?
  6. Don't mind Rob, he just wants to get on the 07 FJR.
  7. RR is back together, so barring a monsoon I'm in.
  8. That's not what your mother said last night! /buck futter!
  9. Where the "Represent." shirt? I wanted to rock that and show the world the ever-increasing size of my e-penis.
  10. Cheech

    Here we go....

    Lifted from a user (CtrlAltDelete) from Fark, posted the day the Cavs lost the NBA finals. Extrapolate the Cavs to basically all Cleveland sports.
  11. Cheech

    Here we go....

    Your avatar tastes like failure.
  12. yo dawg i herd you like bikes so we put a bike in your bike so you can race while you race
  13. Got it out. Ended up putting my other, smaller extender on the socket through the access port, so I could now get a ratchet on it. Some turning and grunting later, it came out. RR is now back together, with the following changes: Coolant replacement (wish I had waited to refill until the spark plug change, could have taken the entire radiator off and made things a LOT easier) Oil change (Amsoil FTW) Air filter cleaning Replaced OEM levers with Pazzo's Replaced all spark plugs That's what I call being productive.
  14. I thought that might attract you... I haven't messed with it this morning, think I'll head out to the garage in a few minutes. Got 2 cans here still...
  15. I am on FB, all I get is redirected to the home page.
  16. So I picked up some NGK plugs amongst other things to be bolted or changed on the 600RR, and decided that tonight was going to be the night. Got #4 cylinder plug switched, then started on #3. I realized that I didn't put any anti-seize on the #4 plug, so I put a long ratchet extender into the hole so I can loosen it out by hand. Long story short, the extender is now lodged in the plug well between the frame above it (there's an access port through the frame or #4 and #1 cylinders to get at the spark plugs and remove the coils) and I have no idea short of cutting off the extender or making a little dremel notch in the frame to get this out. Pizza / beer will be provided. PBR upon request.
  17. Glad to have you. I really have to post more on rideohio.org, but it's nice to have you here.
  18. Looks like I have to take the sarcasm meter back to the shop...
  19. Not really. You can choose to go through diplomatic channels, whether that means taking your case to the UN, a third-party envoy (like what Clinton did in NK, only you wouldnt have to tiptoe around the Logan Act) or just not playing entirely until you had absolute evidence that the Iranians were using their nuclear reactors to weaponize plutonium.
  20. You keep that up, you're going to get all faklempt.
  21. I'm talking about a formal, Knesset authorized, fuck-you-and-the-horse-you-rode-in-on, this-country's-going-to-war declaration of war. Not what we do in this country, declare "war" on something, pass a bunch of laws to strip more rights away, declare victory. Rinse, wipe hands on pants, repeat.
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