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Everything posted by Cheech

  1. Yeah, I know $1500 isn't going to blow a lot of skirts up, thankfully what I'm after are the sluttiest of slutty bikes; the scooter. Looking for a dependable scooter, preferably in the 50-150CC range. Don't really need $250 and probably can't afford one given my price range, but if you're willing to sell I'm willing to buy. I'm not after a Chinese scooter, so no Roketas, Sunnys, or whatever else. I've found that parts sourcing is a severe pain in the ass, and I'm not willing to deal with it. I would prefer a Ruckus (and would be willing to kick in over $1500 to get one), but I am absolutely not willing to buy one that's been structurally modified.
  2. They're making the payments in gold, which is why the spot prices are continually going so high. It's not coming back down people, get your retirement savings in on this!
  3. it's a liberal conspiracy, George Soros is secretly buying all the hot water utilities. Why isn't anyone else talking about this?
  4. Now that you have the muskles you want to use them. I get it.
  5. Obama made me run out of milk for my cereal this morning.
  6. That's the only factual thing I can extract from your little manifesto. You're correct, you aren't alone. There are tens of thousands of like-minded people that fork over their SS benefits so that people like Beck can fill their heads full of conspiracy theories and scare the shit out of them, so they will pay more money to find out what the next thing is that they should be pants-shittlingly scared of and so on. At this point, I'm assuming you're just trolling.
  7. He needs time to create his own reality.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, you can continue to violently shit your pants at every possible opportunity. Thanks for your concern about my well-being, but I'm doing just fine over here without having to constantly invent new things to be completely outraged about.
  9. I see the derp brigade is in full froth. I'm putting my money on you're trolling, because I have a hard time believing that anyone is this willfully stupid.
  10. I could take it or leave it, I'd like to go see Beijing (was just in Shanghai), but if I had to choose between that and anywhere else, I'd go anywhere else. If I'm being sent for work or someone else is picking up the tab, I'd go again.
  11. I had no idea, why I asked. Not that I'm in the market for such a thing, but it'd be nice to pick up some 12gauge here soon.
  12. Ended up getting a quote from Varment Guard in Columbus. They're coming in at $300 for a single treatment, or $290 for this treatment and $130 per quarter (excluding winter) for continuing maintenance, which includes getting rid of an annoying cricket problem I have as well. I have to call them back and sort out some details, I think I might be able to get the upfront for the maintance treatment down a little.
  13. So I wonder at what point the pants-shitting stops with buying up all the AR-15's/pmags/ammo people can find?
  14. What, no 9/11? Obama's birf certificate? Newtown? You're getting sloppy, if you're going to be a conspiracy nut at least fully commit. I don't have to be defensive, and I don't have to be angry. All I have to do is point out how completely retarded and ridiculous people like you are, and you foam at the mouth, claim you're being oppressed/persecuted, and play right into my hands.
  15. You get that feeling because you want to be persecuted. Just like KZ, it's in your nature. You want to feel oppressed, you want to feel like there's some vast conspiracy to "keep you down" or "hide the truth". Without this, real or imaginary, you have nothing to pin your impotent rage on, nothing to blame for your difficulties in life, real or imaginary. You're in good company, there are quite a few other people on here and out there that have this complex, like that asshole that asked Patrick if this was a "false flag" operation at the press conference, or Alex Jones, or Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck, or Joe Arpaio, etc. As is mine. My reasoning is a) the bomb, as bombs go, was relatively crude. Black powder was the charge used, if it was someone more sophisticated they would have been able to get their hands on something better but harder to get. You can buy packages of black powder at most sporting goods stores. b) the fact that no one has publicly taken responsibility. Domestic terrorists don't acknowledge responsibility because they don't want to get caught. If you're halfway across the world relatively secure in a compound somewhere, you've got a lot more freedom to release a statement or a tape that claims responsibility so your message gets out. I'll wait for the facts to come out like everyone else.
  16. I've got a little wasp problem in my backyard which balloons into a large wasp problem later on in the summer, and I want to get this professionally taken care of. I think I know where one of the active nests are, but I would want the entire back of the house looked at and any possible nests curb-stomped as rudely as possible. Hit me on PM.
  17. An ICBM is a rocket, stupid-head. That being said, THANK FSM for this annual noob "250 vs. 600" thread. Spring is finally upon us.
  18. Cheech

    North Korea

    Both good points. The cost of reunification after the entire NK military complex is obliterated is just incalculable, and will make East and West Germany seem like pennies in comparison. That, and we don't have the best record on this after royally fucking up Afghanistan and Iraq, we would be well served to leave the heavy lifting to the SK's.
  19. If it makes you feel any better, I'm willing to bet good money that the supercars in those videos are rented.
  20. Cheech

    North Korea

    See that the thing, Best Korea isn't "giving the US any trouble". We're FINALLY, for better or for worse, calling their bluff. I'd like to think that Kim Jong the Middle would launch the missile into the sea, then hit the brakes, declare victory to his people that the launch caused the imperialist invaders to cower in their holes and call off the invasion, and come to the table to try and get paid for shutting down the plutonium reactor that they're restarting (which they've done in the past) and get paid for not doing any more nuclear or missile tests. The rub, however, is no one knows where Fatty the Third's brakes are on this. The military establishment might be painting him into a corner, or he might not have power fully consolidated at all (I read somewhere that the aunt and uncle of KJI were asked to bring Un up to speed and help him consolidate power, inferring that they had authority behind the scenes) Again, all we have to do is make sure that our tracking systems are up to date to track any possible missile threats that Aegis and one other one that I can't think of are (THAAD is the third and final piece of that puzzle), and conduct business as usual with SK.
  21. Cheech

    North Korea

    Read this writeup. It was done about a year ago, but his conclusions can easily be extrapolated out to present-day circumstances. http://nautilus.org/napsnet/napsnet-special-reports/mind-the-gap-between-rhetoric-and-reality/ Seoul proper isn't in immediate danger, since there's no artillery from NK that can reach downtown. Northern Seoul is in range of NK arty, however it's much less populated than Central or Southern Seoul. So the whole "sea of fire" thing, not so much. Invasion from N to S is damn near impossible. Best Korea has a 1.1M man army according to them, but they have no way of moving that much men and material to their border without exposing them to withering attacks, or across the border without going through any one of 3 natural chokepoints into SK, which the South has had 50 years to fortify and defend. Plus, they would be doing this in thin-skinned vehicles, so they'd be cut down fairly easily. Anyway, it's all in that link. Bottom line is, this is an intractable situation. SK won't invade because they don't have to, NK won't invade because they would get their asses kicked and it would mean the end of the regime. NK won't attack civilian targets because it would mean the end of their regime. NK MIGHT "test-fire" that Musodan missile they moved to the East Coast just to stick it in the US's eye, but assuming the arc is tracked to be over water only and at no time poses a threat to anyone, that by itself isn't provocative enough to warrant a military response. After that, they really played out their last card, and the only thing left is either Un puts the brakes on like his father did, sits down at the table to hammer out an "agreement" and takes his medicine, or shit or get off the pot, which would result in the end of their regime either by military destruction, or by a coup (it's been reported that there's already been an domestic assassination attempt) and we'll see what the new crazies have in store. All we need to do is bring the THAAD online in Guam to further secure our interests and provide better tracking (it'll be online in a couple of weeks), and watch it all go down. Personally, I find this really interesting.
  22. CL Spam mail is easy to process and ignore. Yeah, it can be a chore to fence with "bargain hunters" who try and weasel you down 5 bucks on a 30 dollar shop vac, but by and large I stick with meeting people on my schedule that way I'm not going out of my way. Cash only, no refunds, everyone walks away happy.
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