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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Congrats Sean......too funny and I only have 14 months between myself and my older brother.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz0BbIGbCCM&feature=player_embedded
  3. IE Monuments and such....the typical tourist stuff or the stuff people don't usually see.
  4. Boston to DC is more than 7.5hrs......esp with traffic but still. What are you wanting to do in DC....typical sightseeing stuff? Mystic in CT isn't a bad place to roll through if you have the time.
  5. I wouldn't plug 7 leaks in a tire where my family was being transported in personally......but no I've never had or seen that happen.
  6. I've been diving all week with two people who used housings and took their cameras to depths of at least 130 feet and had no issues, dry as a button inside. There are obviously good cases and crap cases. On slickdeals there were some canon cases on sale.
  7. Those bags look nice...are they actually corn or something else?
  8. If she used backup assistant then yes it will dl to any phone that can download backup assistant on the phone.
  9. Keep your head up Eric, don't know ya but certainly wish you the best!
  10. Sure if you do it ALL the time, but once in a while won't kill it.
  11. Same....really you don't use the clutch in a race like that...and it doesn't hurt the transmission on a bike really.
  12. GRN96WS6


    Glad she is ok that van doesn't look new or at least not the new style just looks like they bought it recently is all. That civic is jacked but did its job in a crash.
  13. It looks nice but maybe I'm wrong here.... It doesn't look big enough to have your grill a patio set and a fire pit on it though.
  14. I don't think a helicopter has the range to go from DC to CMH LOL More than likely it rides out in the back of AF1 or on another cargo plane for the pres to ride while in town.
  15. Doesn't radio shack carry them? If not them then your best bet is online from a place like mouser electronics.
  16. The claw ones are "ok" I have one but I always use the old tried and true wrench type.
  17. I haven't use Ramsey's technique but I have little dept (outside my home) one car loan and one school loan. I plan to have both of those gone in 2 years, I have two CC's but only use one and pay it off monthly. I own both my truck and bike outright so if needed I have some liquid cash. I want to have at least 6 months finances in a local savings account then start working towards an IRA.
  18. Cool vid Its messed up on Youtube bc there is compression that takes place to be able to load it up.
  19. Someone needs to update their sig....
  20. Did you get rid of one? Or do you just like spending all your "extra" income on repairs?
  21. For someone who never wants kids and is always alone why in the hell would you get this?
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