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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Smart on your part but it really isn't that bad and I've ridden in the bad areas late at night and I'm just a skinny white boy...lol But with him and his wife and if he knows the bad areas he should be fine after dark....especially considering dark is 5PM or a little after during winter!
  2. Curious why you say no metro after dark....it isn't bad and on weekdays runs until 11PM - Midnight which is ok for most people. On weekends it is a lot later, like 3AM or so.
  3. What restaurants do you like? Are you opposed to any type of food? There are lots of great places in DC. Look DC up on yelp.com
  4. The monuments are a no brainer, if you're into planes and such there is a shuttle from the Smithsonian to the air and space museum out near Dulles as well. I live in the area and have basically my entire life. There is lots to do and all depends what you consider a fun time and time constraints. Staying in DC is murder on price but staying in Arlington or Alexandria would be cheaper and metro stops are close so transportation isn't a huge deal, and honestly that is better than driving in the city.
  5. You mean I could care less......milEage
  6. Nikon and Canon are the leaders and depending who you ask you will get either answer. I bought my ex a Nikon D60 with a 18-55 lens and a 55-200 lens I believe and she loves it. I just don't see myself using a large camera like that so I never bought one. I'd buy it if I was in the market though Costco has some deals out there on DSLR's
  7. Joe I would personally go logitech as I own one but don't need the RF capability. I love it and it was super easy to setup as well.
  8. Kirk that garage is sick...I hope to have one like that sooner than later. The only thing besides what you want to add that I would add is another lift that allows for easier tire rotations. Outside of that it is money. Who did you get to coat your floor? I am wanting to do mine in the spring.
  9. I'd pick that gray in a second it is oh so nice.
  10. That was cool....reminds me of seeing the homeless dudes with buckets here in DC outside metro stops in DC some of them are amazing to watch...
  11. You can watch a DVR'ed show while recording two shows as well just as an FYI
  12. I thought blowers can be used on gravel as you just set the stop or guide higher so it doesn't grab the last inch or so of snow on the ground....Maybe I'm wrong though as I've never owned one because we rarely get enough snow to justify owning one.
  13. You have a target on you or something Ben....glad you're ok.
  14. I just got back from Ft Lauderdale this week and it was in the low 40's at night and early AM and around 62ish during the day.....granted not as cold as here or Ohio but still cold for there and what they normally see. It was funny seeing them freak out and basically have parkas on in 60 degree weather...
  15. I've used http://www.consumerguide.com with good success it has repair estimates along with recall histories for vehicles.
  16. I've used it for 4 days before with myself and the then g/f on it and never filled it....definitely not like the cheaper ones that need blown back up daily. I have not bought one in two years but I don't see how it would be any worse they use pretty thick vinyl and the motor is sealed pretty well.
  17. Just curious as to why you are so deadset on a manual.....The newer autos are just fine compared to what they used to be.
  18. Aerobed but you pretty much need a 110 outlet to blow them up which may be issue when camping. I have one of the ones that is 18" high and its awesome to sleep on....even holds up to sexy time pretty well. Costco has them right now for $115 or $120 which isn't bad really for a SOLID air mattress that inflates/deflates itself. Mine is about two years old and is used here n there probably been used around 20ish times now and never had an issue.
  19. I don't really agree with this....They help when in a tight spot but I certainly don't RELY on them like some do.
  20. Are tires still good on it after sitting so long? I can't imagine replacing all of them being cheap!
  21. I just did this in 5 mins on my desktop in my office so I can now turn it on from my laptop sitting on my couch I used this program to turn it on after I enabled the WOL in BIOS and inside the OS on the specific network adapter. http://www.depicus.com/wake-on-lan/wake-on-lan-gui.aspx
  22. I wonder how many miles people could smell that pot burning....
  23. Not actual footage of the crash but has more info than the other link.
  24. Do you use a separate leaf blower for blowing off cars compared to using one in the lawn? I'd think well I know that mine is dirty because I use the hell out of it....I'd be afraid to blow off my car with it.
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