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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I'd pay off my house and save a lot of money so that when I sell it likely in a few years I'd have a nice chunk to put down on my custom built home.
  2. You should meet me halfway with a bottle of wine and we can eat cheese off my cheese board and drink wine you brought!!
  3. Its a board you put cheese on its just a serving platter of sorts.
  4. Oooohh nice cheese board I found another gift for the g/f Thanks Tim!
  5. Some stand alone and some via auto updates.
  6. Why anyone would turn off windows updates is beyond me since 99% of the time it fixes flaws in their OS that could leave your vulnerable. I have never had an issue with installing SP3 onto an XP machine and I've done it on around 200 machines. If nothing you find on the net is working take it out like mentioned and copy the files off that you need. Reformat and for god sakes get a external drive and back your crap up!
  7. Definitely can relate, older brother is 31 and jobless I've pointed him to jobs for the company I work for but I won't do anything more if you don't want to help yourself then I can't help you!
  8. I worked for UPS then for UUNET as a Telecom Engineer.
  9. Nice find my dad has one that is a 2003 so I sent him the link.
  10. Sounds like he bought a ticking time bomb...I guess he can't get his money back?
  11. GRN96WS6

    winter plans

    I don't really have any plans but if I see a good deal on a Viffer I might pick one up.
  12. Yep never trust anyone.....any chance of explaining and maybe having them make things right? I know you signed but worth a try.
  13. Why anyone would consider this is beyond me.....this is what has caused the crap we are dealing with to day and you're just wanting to contribute to it. Not trying to be rude or mean but fucking suck it up life isn't easy and doesn't always go as planned. Be a MAN about it and roll with the punches. You'd think that people choose where they live BEFORE they get pregnant and pop out a kid or two.....I guess that would be logical?
  14. There is a girl I went to HS with who was a cute cheerleader....three kids took its toll on her body and she did it then moved onto the insanity program, she looks good now minus some stretch marks from the babies.
  15. GRN96WS6

    credit cards?

    But revolving credit for someone who has never had a credit card isn't likely......just saying. Credit cards with rewards aren't bad when used "RESPONSIBLY" The problem arises when you use them for stupid things.....or in your case to fix a car because you might not be able to pay it off.....don't get one to put you further in debt.
  16. I so want a notch badly.....might be my next purchase once I have a DD in order.
  17. GRN96WS6

    I'm A Dad...

    Congrats Sean and Dani!!
  18. I don't know of any rental companies that do it unless you're talkin exotic rental in Vegas or something.
  19. I went when Joe went as well and I feel its changed for the worse. I graduated in 00 and already had a job with MCI then the Bernie Ebbers crap happened and I was laid off for 8 months. I then went to work for DeVry for a few years then was laid off from there as well. Two months later I got a job with a gov't contractor (Still work for them) and can't complain. I learned a lot but don't use a lot of it what I learned either since I graduated with a EET degree and work in IT I use it minimally. I'm three courses away from my masters in MNCM though from Keller and while it likely won't help me with my current employer it will when I move on along with my security clearance. I don't think it was a waste of time or money but its definitely changed.
  20. GRN96WS6

    Credit Cards.

    i use mine all the time for work travel and its not uncommon to have a few K on it per month, but as soon as I get reimbursed for work I send it directly to the card.
  21. $400 are you serious Joe? That won't get a decent non navi head unit! I think you need to up your price....and relatively speaking I don't think that $700 is a lot of money for a factory unit.
  22. Howard got mine the other day....many thanks again my man, shirt looks great!
  23. GRN96WS6


    Man Ray when you hurt something you hurt it WELL!! Hope you aren't down to long!
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