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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Probably because you posted them from your computer. You need to put them online at a site like photobucket.
  2. Looks nice but did he EVER clean his bike....
  3. N is the new hotness but compatible with G as well. Once my G router kicks it old school I'm buying an N router so I can finally put a PC in my garage.
  4. Its likely cheaper to get a cheap usb type device. Have you googled the error code to see if it's a common issue?
  5. Women forget to it isn't just men....I'm never confident enough to think a woman is taking it on schedule daily.
  6. Pretty self explanatory....used to own a Green 1996 WS6.
  7. 10 years damn has it really been that long? I got my car dynoed out at Matt's was always a good time out there in the country. Hope you're around for 30 more Brian.
  8. Holy crap what a gift! I always wondered how married couples pull this off...I mean someone has to pay for it and get approved. I'm not sure if your wife works but if not wonder how she got financing for it especially at 0%! I hope to have a cool wife like that one day....and talk about going from god damn what could be wrong to OMG wtf no!! :D:D
  9. One of the rear brake lines is broke/rusted through and needs replaced. I'm told you either have to take the bed off or lower the tank, is this true? I'm mechanically inclined so I can do that if needed but was thinking there has to be an easier way. Looking for replacement lines as well and I can't see anything that says pre bent do they sell them that way or would I have to buy a coil of line and bend it?
  10. They are good trucks my dad has a 95 ext cab 2wd and a rear brake line rusted out on it and now he doesn't want to fix it. I'm getting it for free and just need to fix the line and I have a free good running truck, even if it does have 185K on it.
  11. True Alex. Geico just left and are mailing me a check for $1,686
  12. There is damage but its not as bad as one would think but enough that since my bike was in great condition I notice it and it irks me. I haven't decided if I will fix it or if I will take the money and get some goodies The tank issues I can cover with sliders which might be a good investment anyway. The end cap on the pipe is replacable, the undertail I'd replace but it isn't much really.
  13. Appreciate the offer but I'm in MD not OH I used to live there and keep in touch with people there so I'm on this site. I'll likely get the estimate and fix it myself it isn't like bikes are overly complex.
  14. Honestly in this case it wasn't even necessary, he came and found me even though I was notified by two people prior to him finding me. He didn't even go to work he immediately tried to find me and called it into his insurance company. I asked him if he wanted to do it out of pocket but he said he would rather call it in so he did.
  15. No but we do have surveillance cameras to catch stuff like this
  16. He has a center stand actually and was putting it up on that then lost grip or something not real sure. It does suck as my bike was in really good condition and now it has a 2 inch scrape missing paint on the tank, some cracked plastic on the undertail, and the end cap of my leo vince pipe is scuffed. I have a claim with his insurance open now though so it shouldn't be too bad to get it fixed.
  17. It was but at least he was decent and found me and it will be taken care of. I was pissed at first.....but now I just laugh watching the video.
  18. This happened today at work which sucks but at least the guy has insurance and it will get fixed. Definitely how how I wanted to start my Tuesday.
  19. I have a lowly craftsman and a task force bottom haha I really need another "set" though as I'm running or have ran out of room.
  20. Nice I can't believe how cheap homes are out there on some land no less!
  21. My first bike is the bike I currently own which is a 06 R6
  22. Its not impossible but it is not easy either.
  23. Sorry to hear DJ I've been through it and it isn't easy but keep your head up and rely on your family and friends.
  24. I said the same thing....took me like 3 minutes to complete and I was like that's it?????
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