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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. I guess it really is true that some people have more money then sense.....
  2. Is that your car? What year? Need to change your profile if it is still says S2000 Nice photos!
  3. Why would you move and take that much of a loss? It doesn't seem financially logical to do that. I don't know how much rent for homes goes for out there or what your mortage currently is but if you rented it would it pay your mortgage? If not I'd stay put where you are, there isn't any sense in renting out a house and not getting enough to cover your monthly payment IMO.
  4. I'd suck her nipples raw! She's definitely a 10 IMO.
  5. I "worked" from 5:30AM to 12:00PM today and did pretty much NOTHING! I should have not went in at all but I want next week off so I went in so I didn't get nabbed with the well you had off last week. By "worked" I mean we watched movies browsed the web talked to people etc....
  6. I have a safe in my house but there isn't any money in it that is what a bank account is for, FDIC insured FTW! I do have important papers in there though since its a fire safe.
  7. GRN96WS6

    New CR member

    Congrats what an awesome Christmas present!
  8. I love dogs seeing these threads makes me want to get one but maybe once I get a house that can happen. I am hoping my travel cuts down a little with my job so I don't feel bad about leaving them either. I had a dog but with my travel and no one to watch her I did what was best and gave her to another family.
  9. No bonus here just a holiday party during business hours, actually its this Wednesday and we can drink on the clock....albeit not excessively but its still cool to throw back one or two and get paid while doing so.
  10. The internet really is disturbing at times and some shit just should NOT be posted for public viewing. I remember watching dateline or something where that girl that stole her dad's carerra wrecked it and killed herself, well her pictures were posted online and the parents came across them....talk about something you never hope to see online esp not of you OWN kid. This thread should just be deleted in all honesty.
  11. GRN96WS6


    Butter tile floor vigorously ringing the doorbell. Search youtube for the videos of the dude whose roomie keeps slamming the door early in the morning.
  12. http://www.pinkworld.com small clips but decent
  13. It is fantastically awesome I must admit I did not know what I was missing!
  14. Damn sorry to hear Brian but it's so true. I have one living grandfather who is 81 and I call him once a week and try to visit him when I can, he lives 8 hours north of me in Connecticut.
  15. Well when you call Joe directly I guess you get that kind of service fag!
  16. Yeah I always go pick it up its not hard to hook up even though I love that they try to act like it is.
  17. Honestly sit on both and see what is comfortable to YOU, people will tell you what they like because of what they own. I like the position on my R6 but not everyone does.
  18. I'm hoping to do the house mod! Other then that not a thing!
  19. Yeah much better then a Civic FWD LSD nice lines pretty quick for an N/A motor that is a 4 banger. I ran a 15.7 in my red one. My black one has given me issues here and there but I can't bring myself to offload it bc when it runs rights its a blast to drive! I wish the door jambs didn't rot!
  20. http://www.cofba.org/users/grn96ws6/Cars/CIMG2982.JPG http://home.comcast.net/~ts6141/CIMG2821.JPG http://home.comcast.net/~ts6141/CIMG2819S.JPG
  21. I see a few SE-R's in here that is funny bc I owned two of them still own one of them and they take a beating, sucks getting parts for them since most everything you have to order or get off forums. The old one dubbed the pimptra by Nick and blew the motor with Jeff and Mike in it racing a BMW haha replaced the motor myself with friends fun cars. http://www.cofba.org/users/grn96ws6/Cars/Driver%20Side.JPG One I still own http://www.cofba.org/users/grn96ws6/Cars/CIMG2982.JPG
  22. What I don't understand is the misuse of the word LOOSE for LOSE constantly in this thread. And on the whole board!!!
  23. The civic in the picture....sometimes I miss both those cars still. http://cofba.org/users/grn96ws6/Cars/TA%20Front.jpg
  24. I got my little brother and both parents gps units for their cars. I am probably going to get my nieces and nephews some gift cards I suck at shopping for little kids.
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