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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. State Farm here and I have renter's insurance through them as well as a bike policy and two vehicle policies.
  2. Going to miami on business ROCKS! I've been there 4 times and anytime there is an auction there I get to go back for a minimum of 4 days.
  3. Looks nice Joe I want a 4 wheeler.
  4. Joe I can't believe you are letting her get a sporty car in manual fashion. Talk her into a manual man!
  5. Just tell her that's impossible because you have your tubes cut...... Seriously just wait until it's born and then get blood test done.
  6. I bought two, looks like the item is no longer there though. It was a 40" overhead cabinet with pegboard.
  7. GRN96WS6


    I hate it that these weather forecasters have a job where they can consistently be wrong and still get paid and be employed. I also hate the fact that they use the excuse that the weather isn't that predictable. It was supposed to rain where I live yesterday, it didn't. It's supposed to rain again today, I bet it doesn't either. I don't ride if there is a chance because getting stuck in it SUCKS!! No rain gear FTL.
  8. That guy is a class A moron, if that happens I'm moving because that is just retarded. You can't outlaw something just because of one person.
  9. Scott when I sold my WS6 I had a kid who had a deposit on it for a month and I had not heard from him. I called him up and told him that per our written and signed agreement that I was going to put the car back up for sale as I needed the money or else the car wouldn't be for sale. He was down that weekend with the rest of the cash and took the car away. On another forum I'm on this one guy sold his car last MAY and the guy JUST picked it up, granted he was paid in full and the guy was paying him storage but still that's nuts. I'm with Sean though refinancing a home to buy a toy?
  10. Mine would the the bike I own now...
  11. Happy Bday Howie Pooh!
  12. Nice truck I'd love to own one of them.
  13. No it has a honda derived V6 that has like 250HP and comes in AWD as an option. Its more appearance then performance IMO. They are nice though and with a Honda drivetrain, it can't be bad.
  14. That is at the track near my house, lots of fast cars out here on the east coast.
  15. Looking nice again Andy. Scott no you can't sell the poopra!
  16. Why not fix the one you have? what's wrong with it?
  17. I live in MD so I am unsure if I am at the state minimums or over but anyway my breakdown is. BI PD 50K each person 100K each accident Limits of liability each accident 50K 500 deductibles on both UM 50K each person 100K accident Prop damage 50K I could probably go higher and I will once its time to renew, but until then its fine IMO.
  18. Wait until you get your bonus then get it then don't put it on the card. Or better yet stop wasting money on shit you don't need and get your ass out of debt so you can buy a house. I swear you people on here make no damn sense you complain about being in debt and having no money but as soon as you get a little you want to buy a TOY something you DON'T need instead of taking care of business. *shakes head*
  19. How did they get into your garage? I know how you feel I had a car stolen, granted not as nice or valuable as that but it still sucks. I hope you find it mine was found on the side of the road.
  20. I paid for full coverage for a WHOLE year and it was only $272 I was surprised so its stupid to not have full coverage on it in my case since it is so damn cheap!
  21. Glad you're ok, but I had the same thing happen near me two guys got shot one court over and one of the men died. Was not cool hearing pop pop pop pop pop and then saying hmm those sounded like gunshots.
  22. I used US Bank when I lived out there while I was with them for the 5 yrs I was there they were bought out like three times but I never had any issues with them.
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