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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Isn't the purpose of a daily driver to keep it reliable?
  2. All the UHAUL trailers say don't go over 45MPH but no one obeys that. I have used them many times but never did I go 45.
  3. Well I stand corrected and learned something new to boot!
  4. That coming from you is downright comical! I know you have like a few pair of jeans or khakis that got ruined and are now cutoffs!
  5. I don't think the upgrade will work you either need to put 98 on it then upgrade (which I wouldn't recommend AT ALL) or get a full up version of XP and install it.
  6. Congrats guys! Beautiful pic as well.
  7. Looks nice man I love the older bikes!
  8. Should look nice post pics with them on the truck. Does it have working A/C? I'm in Miami right now on work travel and it fooking HOT!
  9. That is called RPC over HTTP a little different then HTTPS. I love it I use it all the time because having full outlook functionality is SO much better then using webmail. Whenever I setup a laptop for someone at my work I set it up that way and they are forever thankful to NOT have to use webmail.
  10. I always hear people say they hated it but honestly when I went there from 97-00 I liked it, granted it wasn't your typical college situation but still I liked it. I loved being done in 3 yrs as opposed to 4. I liked the small classes and the friends I had and still have from there. I'd go back and I'd encourage someone who asked me what I thought of it to go. I guess like people say its either a love it or hate it school. You also have to be prepared to not have the typical college experience but with OSU so close you could still have that experience if you so desired.
  11. I definitely think it was a good move getting rid of those timbers that would eventually rot anyhow and put the flagstone in it's place.
  12. I wouldn't bother painting an apt wall a different color because you'll just have to paint it back to "landlord white" once you move out and if you go for a darker color that will SUCK to cover.
  13. 08-09 Camaro but you don't want the first year??? So basically you'll be wanting an 09 then right? My next car will probably be either a ZO6 or a boat of some sort, after the house though.
  14. They did charge me $49.99 and I'm not local anymore I used to live in Cbus but not anymore I'm in the metro DC area now. It's just when I went to get them that they tried to raise the price and i just canceled the order, like I said some of you got lucky I wish I did it was a HELL of a deal. Most websites have the disclaimer regarding they are not responsible for pricing and I'm cool with that but still SOMEONE should have contacted me considering it took a month for them to come in. Now they have two in the warehouse lol I hope they take up space for months but I'm sure they won't since even $200 is a great price for them. If they tried to charge me a restocking fee I'd of been pissed.
  15. I tried to pick mine up and was told I had to talk to a manger before doing so. I talk to them and am told the $49.99 was a mistake and I will have to pay $199 to get them, but they can give me 20% off for the inconvenience. I'm not mad I would of had to pay more bc most websites have that disclaimer on them anyway, what I am upset with is that NO ONE contacted me and they had my number. Looks like some of you lucked out and got away with them for 449.99 though........I wish I would have. Oh well!
  16. Where did you guys see this? I looked and saw nothing concerning this and I haven't gotten a letter from my ins company yet. I have state farm and for my 06 I paid 272 for the year.
  17. I'd so rock one of those as a daily they are nice cars.
  18. I had one and hated it too big and bulky. Service sucks on it also.
  19. I don't like the styling of them AT ALL, they are however a powerhouse no doubt about that. I don't like the looks of the 14 either but I think that is because they are both so BIG!
  20. Nice bike but take the rear seat off of it and remove the rear fender.
  21. I'd kick her ass that would seriously piss me off but being that she is 17 she's going to be immature but damn I hope your parents grounded her ass and took her license and car from her.
  22. If you go auto that makes you ghey! I thought you said many times you'd never go auto!
  23. No not for all programs they don't, the degree he is taking they don't get a laptop. I'd recommend a Dell latitude D series we have the D620 and have had good luck with them. I have a precision M65 as well and I love it.
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