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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Do what the poster above said. I always do that about once a month or so to keep up with the recent towers they might have added. Some office buildings have cell blockers in them as well are you sure your phone doesn't have them?
  2. As long as she is eating I think you are fine, be sure to monitor her though and if she stops then I would consult with a vet. The people you got her from did you switch her food or keep the same food? I would keep the same food as well as that helps.
  3. Sam I think once she gets used to her new house and more comfortable with her surroundings she will eat more. I gave a dog away recently because of my job and not being able to be home for the dog. She didn't eat much for the first few weeks in her new house, but she is doing fine now.
  4. GRN96WS6

    hook chains?

    A more fair battle would have been the GM 5.3 to the Furd 5.4. I hate when manufacturers compare apples to oranges.
  5. I don't know if there really are any huge differences they all have their pros and cons, in the end it comes down to brand loyalty and what YOU like best. Sit on all of them and if possible ride each one to see which one you feel most comfortable on. I love my 06 R6 personally but some people don't like it but its what I like so that's all that really matters.
  6. GRN96WS6

    Jason's Z06

    Woops.....bet that is an expensive warranty claim. I wonder how hard GM fights the claim on those since they know how race car ready those cars are from the factory.
  7. In CA you drive with the dealer tag on there until you get your permanent plates which could be a while. My job has a few offices in CA and they bought a new truck in June and I was out there in September and they still didn't have the tags for it. All you have is a little slip of paper in the front window the cop looks for.
  8. My R6 was lowered and I hated it I raised it back to stock height. I am only 5'7" and 140lbs on a good heavy day...lol I tip toe and usually lean to one side when I come to a stop.
  9. I hate SPEC clutches.......went through three of them before I sold my car what a PITA it is to replace a SPEC once every 2K.
  10. I tend to agree with you since my ex wasn't on BC and I did her on a semi routine basis for 5 years basically without wearing a rubber. I think the pre cum thing does happen but its not as common as say blowing inside her. You are correct if you can't tell when you are going to cum then you have no business doing the deed. I know when I am and I pull out and spit it either in their mouth or on their chest or stomach. Obviously it feels better to cum inside her but I don't want kids right now so I don't
  11. They are nice but god damn are they PRICEY!
  12. No way in hell I'd work weekends after having a M-F job for a number of years. I work some weekends for my job but it isn't on a consistent basis at all. 15K wouldn't be enough for me to do it, if it was closer to 25K then I'd take it into consideration. I personally like my weekends WAY to much to give them up for another 15K a year. What other pros are there to it other then the money? You have to do a pros/cons list and decide from that IMO.
  13. Not much just working making that money and getting ready to buy my first house hopefully before years end.
  14. I don't care if you work at a truck store or not that is BAD info. How the hell won't a spray in over the rail liner not fit a cap or cover when it is thinner then a drop in over the rail? I had a truck with the spray in liner and had absolutely NO issues with using a cover. Scott you also didn't mention that with a drop in there might be condensation trapped under the liner which could then cause rust because we both know that the drop in ones move around and WILL scratch the paint away.
  15. I was taking the online courses when I was doing my masters and I liked them the pace wasn't to fast IMO and the students were not slackers either when it came to group work which is nice. I only have 7 more courses for my masters and I need to get on the ball and get it done I plan to enroll after I get my house.
  16. GRN96WS6

    24 ft. sea ray

    You can't link pics directly off your computer..You will see them but no one else can. You need to upload them to imagestation or something similar.
  17. don't get him anything make him work and save his money and make him get his own car.
  18. Cut your grass and spray some weed killer on your patio so you can see it.
  19. RIP Didn't know him but this is sad to hear.
  20. Sounds sweet no close neighbors....so I take it that you are no longer unemployed?
  21. I have gotten caught in it but I don't ride if there is a chance of rain, not fun getting pelted by raindrops at 65MPH.
  22. Sorry to hear Casey been there before as well, it isn't fun but you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders so I'm sure you will do fine.
  23. Looks nice but yeah that dock definitely needs upgraded.
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