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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Just set DVR Missed first half thanks for reminding me though now all new episodes are recording
  2. You are tiling the walls and making your own niches? For I assume holding bottels of shampoo etc? Nice work so far I will be doing this next year or this year if I run into some money I to have the multi piece tubs and they SUCK for sealing if not kept up on. I will be doing the tile walls as well which offer better moisture resistance if done correctly. I have two bathrooms to do as well...house modding is fun but I'm always thinking of what I want to do!
  3. Why did you remove all the insulation was it damp? Are you putting it back? I'm getting ready to do some tile and I'll need to replace some subflooring.....fun fun owning a house.
  4. We just sold a few of those for export only at the auction I was supporting in Miami last week. We even had a few of the engines also for export only.
  5. Moto safety course like others have said you use their bikes and it really lets you know if you even desire to ride or not. Worst thing is you are out a few hundred for the course (if it even costs that much out there) way to many people buy a bike then figure out riding wasn't for them then lose their ass when they try to sell a brand new bike for what they owe on it.
  6. Cool Doug congratulations!
  7. That sounds like a good fun time definitely do the dive certifying before you go! I am wanting to get certified and my bosses both dive so I may do that this summer.
  8. We watched that video the other day at work the second one. A guy at my job bought one of those smart cars and I drove it, I was impressed but not so sure I could drive something so small with all these big SUV's and trucks. They are popular oveseas but they have a lot smaller roads and on those roads there are hardly any trucks or SUV's.
  9. I have never had an issue with my GPS mount weird.
  10. If I sell a bike no one is riding it unless I have CASH in hand. I mean CASH to no check no money order cold hard CASH.
  11. People will abuse this always happens when this is enabled. Most site admins gets pissed off and end up regretting ever turning it on. Let's hope I'm wrong.
  12. *poke Poke* My truck is a toyota Sorry Howie you lose this one, $244 and him providing the labor is cheaper then the 3K+ I'll have to drop to get a new tranny in my Toyota.
  13. You are a slacker you better get the Formula done before I visit I want a ride. And besides it needs to be moving on its own since you can't be all redneck moving into your new neighborhood when the time comes.
  14. With Janet and Dani watching?
  15. Uhh I "think" I have you beat Joe I took my parents to Easter dinner abough 2 hrs away and about halfway there my truck started whining and it got louder with the speed. I make it there ok look around and see nothing obvious. I drive back home this time whining is louder I get to drop my parents off to get their car and leave get on the highway and a loud thud and even louder whining. GREAT! I make it home and search the net and apparently there is some weak bearing in my OD gear in my trans that goes out! YEA me! Now I get to have it replaced.......sometime. That isn't going to be cheap! Sidebar why didn't you just leave your truck home and drive Janet's car up there so you didn't miss dinner? I wouldn't have missed some good food for a damn fuel pump!
  16. PM Joe he just got back from one Sean. Holy crap I can't believe your daughter is 18!!!! Jesus time flies by!
  17. Sean Dani rocks! She needs to shave (the girl in the pics not Dani )
  18. Well I don't really consider myself a domestic or import guy but I guess since I owned a domestic car I would have to choose an import. I'd choose a skyline.
  19. I have my mortgage through countrywide... they are under investigation from the feds right now but supposedely if they go under another mortgage company takes on your loan by purchasing it. I don't think my rate would change but I am not 100% sure on that anyone care to comment? I locked in a 30YR Fixed for 5.5% so I won't be refinancing anytime soon unless they get to like 3.5% which I highly doubt that will happen. Berto have you asked your current mortgage company what they are offering currently? I don't think it would be wise for you to refinance unless you can get a fixed rate of 5.5%. And I also think you will be hard pressed to get no closing costs.
  20. This is the reason why if you are a man and a friends wife asks you questions you deny deny deny. I couldn't imagine hitting on one of my friends wives, that's just wrong on so many levels.
  21. Cost me $63 to fill my toyota yesterday.
  22. People might buy them then sell them but I don't know anyone who "sales" them.
  23. As long as you like it that's all that matters. I have the same bike W/O the accents.
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