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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. GRN96WS6

    New 06 R6

    It is HIS bike I am going by what he wants done to it. I didn't by it hes going by the manual which is what he feels safe in doing.
  2. I doubt you would be able to flip it that fast since it is an auto.
  3. Auto and sports car shouldn't even be in the same sentence.
  4. GRN96WS6

    New 06 R6

    So yesterday I went to spend some time with my little brother as he has been working backshifts at his job and I don't get to catch up with him too often. We had both planned to get the new R6 this spring but my unexpected layoff nixed mine but he still got his which I'm happy for him. He didn't have a jacket and I already bought mine so I am letting him use mine until he gets his own since I really have no need for it right now. Well I went over there and I was checking out the bike then I went inside to eat some lunch and while I am eating he tosses me the key!!! I was like sweet so I hop on it and I get the feel of it just riding it around my parents neighborhood which is a low traffic area and once I ride up and back a few times I take it out on the road. Man is that bike nice as hell and A LOT different then the MSF bikes LOL It handles like a dream and he is still on his break in period but that thing has balls its SO much different from being in a car. I had a lot of fun and I am thankful that my little brother let me ride his brand new 06 R6 with 400 miles on it. I put about 50 on it yesterday and I want one so bad, being on a bike is like nothing else in the world. Anyway just thought I'd share my day with you all.
  5. I live in MD not OH lol so his agents number won't be of much use.
  6. My little brother is on his own policy no one else is on it besides him. I couldn't believe it was that cheap either but it is.
  7. Yeah man my little brother has the 06 R6 and he is only 22 and he pays $640 a year for full coverage I believe. His record isn;t so great either. I'm almost 27 and mine was going to be around $430/yr for the same bike and coverage. This is through State Farm BTW.
  8. Ummm not only no but HELLLLLL NO
  9. Christ Sean what is it with you and cars pulling higher then normal numbers? Someone look for a sneaky pete system!
  10. Man I should post up a pic of the rod out of my first sentra that I owned, that rod was fucked and bent in ways I didn't think was possible.
  11. It sucks knowing it is coming but you can't slack because you then potentially burn your bridge. It sucks I have had it happen twice to me but I didn't stop working hard.
  12. Ben check out Honda East Toledo, when my little brother bought is 06R6 from them they were the cheapest around and that was with a $300 shipping charge to ship to MD. You are close enough you could go up n get it from them with a truck. They have used and new and I imagine their used prices are a little less as well. http://www.hondaeasttoledo.com/default.asp
  13. I actually enjoyed the MSF I learned things I didn't know and wouldn't of known had I not taken the course. I plan to take the advanced rider course in a few years after I get a bike.
  14. You don't automatically get a discount bc you took the MSF course either. Some insurance companies offer the discount some do not depends on the company. State Farm does not but their rates are pretty good on bikes anyway.
  15. Sigh and I am telling you I took the MSF and it is both valid in VA and in MD and I HAD to take it in MD for it to be placed on my license. I could not take it in VA just bc it was cheaper and go to MD and get it on my license. Your misunderstanding what I was saying. You also once you have a endorsement on your license it transfers period, they can't not put it on there just because you didn't take the written or riding test in that state. If that was the case then you would have to take the driving test or written for a car as well.
  16. This shit isn't no joke these days, I wonder how much those police people get paid to do that? Its fucking disgusting there are people out there like this and literally scares me thinking my kid could be getting solicited by one of them.
  17. And I'm telling you that you are incorrect in that statement I specifically ASKED MD MVA if I could take it in VA and transfer it and they said no that I would still have to take the riding portion of the test but not the written. I took it in MD and just took my voucher into the MVA and got my M endorsement. What are you talking about Texas, Mississippi, and Ohio accepted your card but Oregon did not? That makes no sense bc once you have your "M" emdorsement you have it on your license therefore it transfers no matter which state you are in.
  18. Oh but you are wrong my friend very very wrong. Trust me I asked bc it was cheaper in VA and I could of gotten in sooner but it would not transfer so I paid more and waited longer. Ohio may waive it but it depends from the BMV site. "Q21: I have completed the Motorcycle Safety course in another state, what are my requirements to obtain a motorcycle endorsement in Ohio. A21: You will be required to contact Motorcycle Ohio at 1-800-837-4337 to see if the requirements of that state meet Ohio’s guidelines." http://bmv.ohio.gov/driver_license/dl_faq.htm
  19. +1 in a few short days it'll spread like wildfire on ricer boards nationwide!!
  20. Yeah there is but if you take it out of state most won't trasnfer the voucher. I know MD doesn't at all and a lot of other states don't as well. Sounds good on paper in actuality doesn't work out so well.
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