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Everything posted by GRN96WS6

  1. Well I got another job after a short two months of being unemployed, thank god it was not eight months like last time. I am now working for a gov't contractor which is nice around this area being that it's DC and all. I start on the eighth of May and I am happy with the salary they offered me for now. I have another interview tomorrow afternoon and I also went on one Tuesday for a company I was really interested in so we will see what happens with those. Anyway just wanted to update anyone who cared.
  2. Umm no no it doesn't it has a small trunk under the bed hardly TONS of storage space. Nice try though!
  3. GRN96WS6

    Vegas trip

    I know of a friend who is on here who did the Vegas thing so he may have some insight on this, if he sees this thread he might offer input. He and his wife seemed to have fun with it.
  4. Rent a houseboat on lake cumberland its probably the best time you will have, but you should take a speedboat down with you and wakeboard, ski, tube etc...
  5. Franklin county and he isn't paying the 50% of the bills incurred after insurance that the papers say he is supposed to pay. He probably owes her close to 2K or more in backpay because of this.
  6. Not what they told her when she called, they said she would have to take him back to court which is at least a grand if not more considering court costs and lawyer fees.
  7. I think the whole child support and whats demanded to pay should be reevaluated. My g/f has two kids and their father is worthless broken promises, doesn't come when he says he will, won't go out of his way to see them, and doesn't pay what was mandated by the courts. Its bullshit she would have to take him back to court the court should check up on that crap or at least make it easy to file a contempt charge.
  8. Also post them in thumbnails clicking on links = the suck!
  9. I think the bike is ugly as shit personally. It looks like it belongs in the 80's or 90's not 2006. If I had to choose the Busa bas better looks.
  10. Why didn't you just call the non emergency line of the police department and get her pulled over for being a menace to other drivers? I really don't understand why people have such a hard time talking and driving I do it more often then not using a handsfree and I am just fine.
  11. Save the money you would make as payments and buy the bike in June, simple easy and accomplishable. I recommend taking the MSF course and you can use their bikes and possibly get an insurance discount in addition to learning lots of valuable information that will come in handy riding on the street.
  12. With 205K+ on the motot, tranny, and rear end I don't think that's a wise idea as it would end up like the Jimmy...sitting in his driveway with a busted motor.
  13. Then keep it, sounds like that is what you want to do anyway.
  14. If you get comfortable boots that isn't an issue at least for me it isn't.
  15. Use it for the house Joe come on we both know it needs some updating and its....GASP an APPRECIATING asset instead of a depreciating one. I'll work that option 3 in there just you watch me. But if you don't need the money then just keep it for yourself to mess and toy around in. With gas prices how they are though I would get a gar that is better on gas to drive everyday instead of the Avalanche but that's me.
  16. Either keep it or sell it and invest the money you don't need another car. You need to put the engine in the Jimmy and sell the damn thing and invest that money also. No one will hate you Joe if you think for the future instead of the now now now.
  17. I won't ride without a jacket, boots, helmet, and gloves and neither will my lil bro. I only have a fall winter early spring jacket which is hot as fuck in these temps but once I get my own bike a textile will be bought.
  18. I wear boots when I ride as well, they aren't riding boots just some nike hiking boots but they are still boots. I don't like wearing sneakers because the shifter kind if digs into the top of my foot if I do.
  19. Oh well sorry I miread what you typed then. You should just move out into a house with some buddies or an apartment but a house would be better.
  20. He said he would be living with his brother and his g/f so it wouldn't be that much per person.
  21. GRN96WS6

    New 06 R6

    Well since he is following the owners manual and it is HIS bike and he was nice enough to let me ride it he said don't go over 8.6K which I think I might of went to 10K once or twice but mostly I didn't get over 9K. Once its broken in I hope to take it out again and wail on it to see what it does.
  22. GRN96WS6

    New 06 R6

    I keep hearing people say that but I am pretty new to bikes and the midrange felt fine to me. *shrug*
  23. Rent a house for now buy later.
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