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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. thats the dumbest shit ive ever heard.....if someone wants more than 16oz, just buy two of them....what did that ban accomplish? hell, i cant imagine the huge economic hit they took from no longer being able to sell 20oz bottles of pop....you may not stop and think about it much, but look at the price of a 20oz pop ($1.35-$1.80 avg) and how often theyre bought, especially from waiting room vending machines and at cash registers while waiting in lines....ive never heard of a soda ban....i now feel moar stuppider for even being part of a society that would implement such a retarded law
  2. or he could have simply turned away for a second to open a drawer or something, and given the homeowner a chance to grab another gun from his nightstand....it doesnt have to be some miraculous movie disarming technique.
  3. i have samsung front loading set and they are great....the set cost about 2200 a few years ago, and they work like new....theyre so quiet you forget theyre on ...theyre in the hallway, like 15ft from the couch i sit on to watch tv....no leaks either as for mold and leaks, like i said, mine dont leak and theyre a couple years old so far....for mold, i leave the washer door open (not open all the way, closed just not latched) and i run a washing machine cleaner through it once a month...no mold or smells or anything, its like new
  4. friend of mine had a great facebook status today, "So, are they going to place Joe Paterno's statue in the library to remind people to keep quiet?"
  5. i once had this kid who was always trying to talk shit and pick on me at school....finally my teacher had enough and took us both into his office that didnt have any windows, he pushed his desk aside and put us in opposite corners and told us to fight it out....i walked to the center of the room, the other kid bitched out and wouldnt move....never had another problem after that, never heard a single word from the kid....and this was in 2005.....letting kids fight stuff out really does fix problems...now a days people bully others because they know they are protected by the schools...they have no consequences for their actions blaming the schools is ridiculous though. if a school doesnt do all these pussification programs, they will get sued by all these nancy-ass parents who think their kids need to be carried around on a pillow. i had a kid once who picked a fight with me, i punched him in the jaw, and next thing i know his mom is calling the school threatening to press charges.....really? maybe he shouldnt have been running his mouth.... parents in this society are a fucking joke. not the schools.
  6. last few times ive been stopped they havent even asked for it. they can see who the vehicle is registered to when they run the plate, so i would think if its in your name and you have your license with you, then you wouldnt need it. last 2-3 times they have only asked me for my license and proof of insurance....and now that i think back, i dont remember if ive ever been asked for my registration
  7. holy shit!! the NRA is giving out highpowered automatics??? where do i sign!
  8. ^ yep. also, if the theater didnt have a gunbuster sign, i bet they will now. this could have all been avoided if they had just posted the proper signage.
  9. also guys.....its not like everyone in the place got instantly hit with tear gas. he dropped it on the stage, and it spread to a few people. there was plenty of people that never even got close to the tear gas, let alone inhaled it. PLENTY of coherent people among that crowd, you can tell from their statements given to the media
  10. that title kinda sounds dirty
  11. agreed. this obviously wasnt a suicide mission, or he would have killed himself or been purposely killed by police. this asshole just wanted attention.
  12. exactly. and a vest will only take so much....let alone the pain even from getting shot through a vest. would at least be enough to slow him down. im willing to bet the gunman taking a few direct hits, even with a vest, would have saved some lives.
  13. this thread just tells me that i may want to look into something a little more concealable...might be time to ditch the HK and get a LC9 or bodyguard....dont carry often anymore because my HK prints quite a bit, and my employer will fire me...i work so much that ive just been leaving it at home...might wanna find something i can conceal at work, so i can carry everywhere
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGaeqz7XaSI this is the grundish giving his gixxar a proper farewell......kersplode!
  15. do whoolies with it until it kersplodes...take video sorry to hear about the track woes though
  16. my first pick in AZ but she wants somewhere that has water lol...i wouldnt mind TN either this!!.....but i dont think she will go for it ...she wants a little me running around eventually
  17. yea aetch called dibs there, but he never showed to get it so i relisted it and got a pm from someone (actually they PMd before you posted in here, so even a PM you woulda been late lol)
  18. im renting right now. hopefully going to move out of ohio in the next 5 years or so! ...ready for something new (NC *my pick*, or FL *my girls pick*)
  19. lol sorry. after the fiasco this thread turned into originally before the mods cleaned it up, i was just letting it die out reptiles are a full time job, especially when you own a few of them....always something with them that needs changed or taken care of etc....on top of fighting with this fungus, im also dealing with snake mites on my boa...been busy in my reptile room lately lol (yea, they have their own room lol...idk what ill do if my girl ever gets pregnant..this place is only 2 bedroom)
  20. lol i took the msf course on one of these....neat little bikes
  21. 6 shots against two guys with shotguns....5 hits....pretty damn good shots lol
  22. the wording of the article is confusing....did the text say that the other guy got shot twice, or that the kid sending the text was also shot twice?
  23. the bloodwork came back good and while the fungus appears to be "yellow fungus" it is actually not.its an external fungus only (think athletes foot)....no signs of it inside, and his liver checked out good on the ultrasound and the blood work im currently working on treating the yellowing and getting him hydrated better....changed a few things around in his tank and he should be good to go have to keep treating and monitoring the yellowing to see what happens with it, but so far its looking good the open cut on his leg was from being dryed out and dehydrated and his skin cracked when i was handling him....so hydration is a big thing im working on with them....hard to hydrate an animal that doesnt drink water..but hes eating better and im misting him daily with water to moisturize his skin all in all, its looking good heres a recent pic of him enjoying his new hot spot....i switched bulb types to give him a hotter basking spot, while lowering his overall temps to help with hydration....hes doing great
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