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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. You may be right, but can you elaborate?
  2. Let's assume that is true. Let's say he wants to move away from rules of Catholicism are aren't explicitly mentioned in the teachings of Christ (like the need for a Pope for example) What does that make him? A Protestant (drops mic) -------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantism Protestantism is a form of Christian faith and practice which originated with the Protestant Reformation, a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church.
  3. And that is great stuff Paul. I think he also mentioned allowing a refugee family to live in the Vatican indefinitely. Disagree. But I think he is a really nice, compassionate man. http://www.thetakeaway.org/story/catholic-bishops-signal-potential-shifts-divorce-homosexuality/ http://depauliaonline.com/news/2015/09/24/millennials-pope-francis/
  4. Or maybe Francis was just a fan of Carlin
  5. I am afraid I have a different take on that. As I've said before, I think Pope Francis is a nice guy but a bad Catholic. He is working to get Catholic churches to help the poor. He wants to include people that may have not felt welcome. I have no problem with shaking up things in the Vatican............BUT a few of his ideas seem like a TV executive desperately trying to boost ratings. Don't like the church's stance on divorce? Well let's go ahead and water that down a bit. Don't like the church's stance on homosexuals? Hey we're willing to change. Does that make it easier for you to be Catholic. Great, please put your donation in the collection plate! Was God not willing to tell his wishes to previous Popes, but Francis is his new bestie? Did Francis get God to change his mind or is he just shopping easy answers that people want to hear? I don't think any religion can claim any sort of validity when it bows to pressure from current social opinions. The Catholic church needs to change to stay relevant. But how can a "True" religion change without running rife with hypocrisy?
  6. Check you battery connection. I've seen that cause many electrical gremlins.
  7. Why? I don't see how he is necessary in the scope of Christianity.
  8. The Magna (94-03) is pretty much what I was thinking. I've owned 2. The motor is fun. The handling is good by cruiser standards. And...it has mid controls.
  9. Based on this thread, my conclusion is that Bad should buy a cruiser. Not an 800lb beast, but something that could be ridden at a respectable pace. They're good for two up, especially if aggressive cornering isn't on the menu. Also, a cruiser would be really easy to resell in the spring and it kind of sounds like that would happen.
  10. I think Doc is the opposite of Bad. Wants bike...buys bike right away
  11. ...continued We weren't even supposed to throw long passes into the end zone...hoping a receiver could make a spectacular catch in the midst of a crowd of defenders
  12. ^^^ Multiple branches of Christianity have an unfavorable opinion of Catholicism. The church I was raised in (again I am not Christian) thought Catholics were "misguided" in many ways. One big issue that I remember was that Catholics pray to Mary. The church taught that it was a sin to pray to anyone except God/Jesus/HS. Praying to Mary was not allowed.
  13. While I am not Christian, the subject does interest me. I've read the entire Bible and no where in there is the need for a pope mentioned. There is no statement about him having a direct line with god, or anything of the sort. If the pope is the one human on earth that has a direct line to god, it seems like that would have been important enough to at least mention in the Bible, no? To me it seems like the church needs him as a leader, but the religion does not. Thoughts?
  14. That's not true for many denominations of Christianity. Many churches are independent or loosely grouped with a few others without hierarchy. Imagine how cool it be to swim with the Pope?!?!
  15. This is not meant as a religious debate...just informational. What does the pope actually do? I am trying to understand how he is vital to the Catholic church. I don't believe the Pope is ever mentioned anywhere in the Bible so I'm not sure how the role of Pope cam into existence. When I was young we went to a church that was a branch of protestant. There were no bishops, cardinals, or a pope and they seemed to operate OK. I've been to a Catholic church 2 or 3 times and much of it was foreign to me.
  16. Thanks for the options and entertainment. I have a few good contacts. Weirdly the tank actually stopped leaking, which I'm sure is only temporary. But it gives me a few extra days to replace it. And yes, I do have an expansion tank. I may have 2 or 3 extras installed after this thread
  17. Do you need a project manager to tell you the work is being completed too slowly?
  18. Umm...you can't turn off the key with your left hand?!?!! Not that it would matter which hand you use. I park my bike in neutral so it's ready to start.
  19. If that is true then the MSF is quite confused
  20. Isn't a kill switch just a leftover relic from the 70's when a throttle cable could get stuck open? Cars don't need a kill switch. Why do motorcycles? I see the point of a kill switch on a race bike, or a dirtbike/minibike that doesn't have a key.
  21. I don't mind paying someone to do it right. The water connections aren't a concern. It's more the fitment of the gas line, vent, and water lines. The new heater won't have the gas connection in the exact same place, for example. Someone who does this often will likely do a cleaner looking install than a DIY'er.
  22. My 2005 F4i was less comfortable than my 2010 600RR
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