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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Ferguson chief: Robbery separate from contact between Brown, officer. 2 separate, unrelated events. Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson told reporters Friday that "the initial contact between" Michael Brown and the police officer who fatally shot him was not related to the alleged convenience store robbery committed nearby a short time earlier. The officer approached Brown not because of the robbery, but "because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," Jackson said. So, apparently this was over jay walking.
  2. When I took my class this was discussed at length. I believe it was worded as "cannot be under the influence of alcohol" no limit was stated. It's not the same as .08 for a DUI, so any alcohol could be interpreted as under the influence.
  3. Not much good information in this video. But you can see the crime scene & the body in the street. This is the scene that led to the unrest, looting, and riots.
  4. Two other accounts seem to match this story. This kid was his friend, so I'm sure he's somewhat biased. I consider that when viewing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlMjhoYPmZ8
  5. There are no reports of a weapon yet. There are at least 3 reports of Brown being shot when running away. Then being executed when attempting to surrender. Even if he did have a weapon (no reason to believe that at this point), how would that endanger the officer if he was running away or surrendering? Where in that scenario is deadly force justified? Is that impartial enough for you? I have no doubt that we hear the encounter described in the officers words. Shit, he'll probably sound like a hero. What we won't hear is Brown's side of the story.
  6. If you want numbers, there right here: http://reason.com/blog/2014/08/14/ferguson-police-have-a-long-troubling-re
  7. I am expecting the police to produce a weapon. They'll say he was reaching for it or used it. And they're the police so it must be true, right?
  8. I expect police to go out of their way to draw attention to the cigars and they already are. I wonder how may other information packets have been prepared and distributed for other robberies or shoplifting investigations. Eye witness accounts all point to a young black male being shot when running away, then being executed when he attempted to surrender. That is the issue. Not cigars, not a robbery. It shouldn't matter if he was a priest, a robber, an honor student, etc. Police are sworn to protect all citzens, not just the ones they happen feel are savory individuals. That same police department shooting tear gas at reporters to prevent filming doesn't exactly build their credibility that their actions were justified.
  9. They should be held to a higher standards. And they are.
  10. They police wouldn't provide information about the shooting. Now they are going out of their way to distribute information packets to the press about shoplifting cigars. Does a shoplifting investigation require deadly force? They said 'moments before.' I wonder if he had a box of cigars with him when the shooting took place. There's been no mention of it so far.
  11. I think I just did. But to clarify, I am not saying the act was premeditated. I am saying when an officer does something questionable, they already know what to do because they are already inside the system. Don't be naive. Edit: Judges should be held to a much higher standard. Military standards are already higher. I've given up on politicians.
  12. Seriously? Well for starters police officers are sworn to uphold the law. Civilians are not. Police are afforded a good amount of authority, based on being sworn to uphold the law.
  13. Mixing good liquor is a waste. That's what well liquor is for.
  14. If people don't like who's in charge, they need to blame everyone who didn't vote in the last election, right?
  15. I agree with what you are saying. You know as well as I, actually you probably know more so...When a cop does something out of line, like a questionable shooting, their standard practice is say whatever is necessary to cover their ass. I felt threatened...it appeared he was reaching for his weapon...he attempted to grab my weapon, blah blah bah. True or not, the goal is to create a enough doubt that the officer faces no legal consequences and keeps his job. Fact: juries believe cops. Fact: cops lying under oath has been well documented. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/03/opinion/sunday/why-police-officers-lie-under-oath.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  16. The Governor removing the local police from the situation isn't exactly a vote of confidence that they knew wha the hell they were doing. Military and security experts also spoke up and said the local police tactics were escalating the situation, not solving it. Even if you belive police usually do the right thing, it's pretty clear they f'd up this time and then made the situation even worse. I'm sure if a cop killed your friend or family member over jay walking, your opinion would be different.
  17. If that is true, which I don't believe for a second. It would be the first time I've even heard of a jay walker trying to reach into a police vehicle & take a service weapon from an officer. Implausible to say the least. That also doesn't agree with reports of the officer shooting Brown when he was running away. I would imagine back at the station the brother officers made sure there were some visible signs of struggle. Perhaps some marks on the officer that they could photograph to help corroborate his story. Read this: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/03/opinion/sunday/why-police-officers-lie-under-oath.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
  18. The local police have been removed from the situation by the Governor. Missouri State Troopers are taking over to try to calm things down.
  19. If the eye witness accounts are true... This all started because of jay walking. Really??? The first shot that was fired was when Brown was running away, and presumeably struck him in the back. Brown then turned around with hands raised in the air, then the officer continued firing until Brown fell to the ground and died. How is this anything other than a murder? If he was running away there was no threat to the officer. There are no accounts of Brown theatening any one else that the officer could claim he was trying to protect. I'll bet the officer will claim that shots were fired in self defense, other officers (who weren't there) will swear it's the truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlMjhoYPmZ8
  20. I haven't ridden 676 in 6 or 7 years. Is the 'jump' still there?
  21. http://www.usacarry.com/ohio_concealed_carry_permit_information.html Automobile carry: The transportation of loaded, concealed handguns in motor vehicles is permitted, but strict obligations are imposed by the law to protect you and law enforcement. These obligations apply to drivers and occupants. These obligations do not apply if you are storing a firearm for any lawful purpose and it is not on your person or you are lawfully storing or possessing a firearm in your home. You may not have a loaded handgun in the vehicle if you are under the infuence of drugs or alcohol.
  22. I think that is pretty accurate. If a cop was right or wrong, other cops & the union will protect them. That does nothing to benefit citizens.
  23. If he has a valid CCW permit, then at least he doesn't have any significant criminal history to worry about.
  24. First off, I think his CCW will get revoked. I would imagine there will be a weapons charge, not sure what degree. I don't believe he'll be serving any time if he didn't pull it out, or fire.
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