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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I am a law abiding person with the exception of being a compulsive speeder on 2 wheels. But, the older I get the more distrustful I am of police. Police corruption has been unchecked for far too long. Violation of civil rights has become standard operating preceedure for many departments. There are certainly good officers out there, but the number of bad ones is higher than anyone is willing to admit. And how are you supposed if the ones you are dealing with are good or bad? I am distrustful of police. I would be genuinely fearful if I were a young, black male. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/family-ohio-man-fatally-shot-cops-walmart-store-security-video-article-1.1900809 Ohio man killed by police at Wal Mart for carrying a BB gun. Yes, this was a BB gun sold at Wal Mart. The man was buying it when killed. Oh, and he was black.
  2. FIFY In this case, police created and then escalated the situation. The rioting is certainly stupid, but that reaction wouldn't have happened if not for the actions of the police.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/14/us/missouri-ferguson-police-tactics/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 But to some security experts, this much is certain: the actions of police made things worse. "You're in trouble when your SWAT team is on the front line of dealing with a civil disturbance," Gen. Russell Honoré said Thursday. In 2005, Honoré was dispatched to New Orleans to lead recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina, when the federal government said it was facing "urban warfare." Honoré famously told authorities to lower their weapons, and defused the tense situation. "I've seen this done successfully in the past where you have your front line policemen on the front until people start throwing things. Then you have your riot control squads in the back," Honoré told "CNN Newsroom" Thursday. "The tactics they are using, I don't know where they learned them from. It appears they may be making them up on the way. But this is escalating the situation."
  4. The press has a right to be there. Why would the police care if it was being filmed unless they have something to hide?
  5. When I was in the Marines, I knew a few guys who already had families when they joined. I though it was an odd to have a family but choose to be away from them. Also, lots of young kids who join the military are away from home fro the first time ever. They get homesick and many rush to get married at very young ages.
  6. I hit 70 on the turnpike. Once, I think I topped out at 71
  7. The reasons I ride a supersport are for the high quality suspension components and the handling. I couldn't care less about the appearance. After going through it both ways, I'm happier with the results of modifying a great handling motorcycle to be more comfortable, that trying to make a comfortable bike handle better. Most naked bikes don't have suspension in the same league as a SS and they are typically heavier. There are exceptions, like the Street Triple and S1000R. I'd happily own either of those.
  8. It does look a lot like the CB1000R, except for the headlight that looks like it came off of a Kawasaki ER-6N. I like the CB. It would have sold better in the US if it had another 20hp. btw, here is an interesting read about Honda. They don't seem too focused anymore on building bikes to match the tastes of US riders. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/blogs/wth-honda-megaphone Honda simply isn’t building bikes for us anymore. Faced with ever-increasing pressure regarding emissions, economy, and resource scarcity, Honda is shifting focus from performance to practicality. At the same time it’s shifting focus from Western markets to predominantly Asian markets where two-thirds of the world’s population—and the bulk of future consumer demand—is centered. Raised on scooters and riding in congested urban environs that look nothing like where we ride, the machines are evolving to suit their tastes, not ours.
  9. I'll bet that there are plenty on this forum that have been affected by the suicide of a friend or family member. It's easy to take offense when words like "selfish" or "cowardly" are being tossed around when you can remember a loved one a similar situation. Like I said earlier, you really can't generalize about something so complex. Every situation is different. As far as RW...I feel for his friends/family, but I can't get too upset over a celebrity death It only really affects us by increasing public awareness.
  10. I won't even try to catergorize this one, but you are free to... I didn't know this person well, but he was a friend of the family. 45 year old father of 5 killed himself last year. Kids range from 5 to 15 years old. Mother is a stay at home mom that didn't work. No known or at least no diagnosed mental illness, but it could have been there. He lost his job and went over a year without being able to find work. Was facing losing the family home and bankruptcy and the time of death. I was told there were no warning signs. The family was obviously devastated & in financial jeopardy. The wife doesn't have much work history or skills to rely on. The financial problems he was dealing with, are now worse for his family now that he isn't there. This family has been heavily involved in their church. The members of the church have helped them with food, etc, but that won't contniue forever. They qualify for public assistance, but they are still in a tough spot.
  11. I'm not going to argue with your point of view. But that statement is also a generalization. A suicide that I was reasonably close to was out of fear of ending a bad marriage and starting a new life for them self. Is that a scary proposition? Yep. But sometimes life is scary. There was certainly sadness from being in a bad marriage, but nothing I would call clinical depression or mental illness. There are different reasons, circumstances, and types: https://www.trinity.edu/mkearl/death-su.html egoistic: perhaps the most prevalent form in the United States, is the result of too little social integration, such as the suicide of a retired elderly widower;altruistic: the consequence of excessive integration, such as deaths of a Japanese kamikaze pilot during World War II or the self-sacrifice of an Indian suttee, where a widow throws herself upon her husband's funeral pyre;anomic: results from too little regulation or the shattering of one ties with society, such as with divorce or unemployment;fatalistic: this form is the result of excessive regulation coupled with high personal needs to control one's environment, as when a highly motivated college student takes his own life upon failing a critical exam.
  12. IMO, suicide can be both selfish and cowardly. But, It can be other things too. Unfortunately, I've had friends that have attempted it (real attempts, not a cry for help or attention), and one that followed through. If I included freinds of friends, the list gets larger. I wouldn't call suicide that resulted from mental illness cowardly, it's more complex than that. But it can also be attempted out of fear of changing ones current situation (that easily could have been changed). I think that is cowardly to a degree. It's pretty hard to to generalize on something that complicated. It's not understood by very many.
  13. That is what I thought was the case.
  14. 1n 1962 Detroit had the highest per capita income in the US. Since 1962 property values have been dropping, and population has been shrinking. The city has refused for decades to make tough decisions to cut budgets and reduce city staff to match the decrese in income and property tax revenue. This is party due to strong union influence. They have been effectively kicking the can down the road, until well you know the rest. Also, 1962 was the last time that Detroit had a Republican Mayor. Just sayin.
  15. I've done the passes on 33, 250 and 39 all in the same day. It was a good day
  16. OK, who's planning the overnight WV ride. I have some vacation days to burn.
  17. Tyson intentionally bit off part of Holyfields ear. LT destroyed Joe Theisman's leg while intentionally throwing him to the ground. There have been plenty of serious injuries and even some deaths in both Boxing and MMA (not nearly as many deaths as in motorsports). I can't think of any criminal charges that have resulted from injury or death that occured within the confines of sanctioned competition. Am I missing any?
  18. Pretty much over the fund raising efforts of traffic police. It's time to use some counter measures. Who can recommend a good radar/laser detector for a motorcycle? A helment mounted LED would be ideal.
  19. Has anyone ever been criminally charged for on track activity? List of NASCAR related fatalities: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NASCAR_fatal_accidents
  20. I prefer Tito's over Grey Goose, and it's distilled in Texas
  21. http://www.motoroads.net/wv/wv.htm The guy that put this together has ridden more miles than anyone The road conditions are out of date, but the descriptions are spot on.
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