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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Funny, but I was too busy taking notes. As a man, I nominate this guy to be our leader.
  2. The 5 year warranty is a very good idea to help attract riders.
  3. Just when I start to think I know women, you go ahead and drop this
  4. I'm buying a center stand for the vfr. Makes tire changes simple.
  5. 100 hp crank (80ish rwhp), and a compression ratio of 9.5:1 is a pretty docile state of tune for an 1100cc liquid cooled V-Twin. I would expect it to get at least 45 mpg. That would make the range respectable. I'm going to guess that Indian will offer some go fast addons to boost the compression ratio and hp.
  6. Meet at 8:30. Meet spot can either be Bolivar or Millersburg. Pace will be brisk.
  7. I know of someone who is recently in need of a bike to ride...oh wait it was you Do you know what you are going to get?
  8. I tried to use exhuast tape once. I couldn't get it to look perfect, and I am just a bit too OCD to live with that. Took it off and trashed it. I doubt there is any actual measureable change in performance.
  9. It never made sense to me that many HD riders don't like the V Rod. HD should do more with the platform, like maybe V Rod bagger
  10. 150 rear is function over form. It should make for quick turn in (well for a cruiser anyway). OOC, what will a stock V Rod do in a 1/4 mile?
  11. When a HD big twin makes 65 rwhp, I am guessing yes. Considering the HP and weight it should cover a 1/4 mile in about 12 seconds. Not fast by sport bike standards but it's decent.
  12. It makes decent power, isn't insanely heavy, has actual ground clearance, and a real cast aluminum chassis. Could it be fun to ride? The last cruiser that I thought was fun was the 3rd gen V4 honda Magna.
  13. I like that they built a modern motorcycle instead of instead of a refreshed antique. Liquid cooling and ride by wire for $11k. 100 hp (guessing at the crank) and 72 tq should be a lot more entertaining than a 60 hp Sportster 1200. http://www.indianmotorcycle.com/en-us/scout-thunder-black-smoke
  14. There is a ride leaving the Bolivar DQ at 9a tomorrow.
  15. I usually don't like aftermarket paint, but that is very nicely done.
  16. Salary attracts talent, plain and simple. CEO and executives of non-profit hospitals make large 7 figure salaries. Why should a superintentent be any different? People like to shake their fists at something they see as a high salary. Seriously, the superintendents salary is such a small, insignificant % of the district budget...it's not even part the problem. If a shcool district lowers the pay they are willing to offer, they can expect the more talented applicants to look elsewhere. It's just how it is. In the media there has been talk of limiting CEO salaries. If that happened (it won't), talented CEO's would look for more lucritive jobs outside the US and the less talented ones would remain in the US. It would cause more problems that is solves.
  17. Wow. That's a pretty extreme case. Who knows how differently he would have turned out if he wasn't so sheltered and developed this skill to build social relationships when he was school aged. I know someone who was home schooled and very poorly adjusted socially. He was book smart, but very uncomfortable in social situations. In his middle teens he became convinced that he was his own reincarnated sister (she died in a miscarriage about a year before he was born). He actually uses his sisters name and lives his life as if he was her now, bizarre. Is his case, I blame over protective parents that felt there were to many bad influences out in the normal world. His bother and living sister aren't so weird, but do have social anxiety and do not like being in large groups of people.
  18. OOC, do you brothers and sister have kids? Are any of them home schooled?
  19. I'll restate it this way: I think kids that are home schooled are at a disadvantage socially. They are exposed to less teachers, less kids there own age, etc. They have a smaller pool of social expereince to draw from when mom and dad are no longer there to guide them 24/7. For some it isn't a problem, but for some it is. I am not saying that all home schooled kids turn out socially awkward. But, I think it sets up kids for an adjustment period that can be unpleasant.
  20. Lindsay Lohan was home schooled. She seems well adjusted
  21. There are just as many arguments if not more that will give the counter point. Every person I know that has been home schooled went through an unpleasant adjustment period when it was time to enter the real world...and refuse to home school their own kids. I'd rather have my kids learn to deal with social situations incrementally as they age, rather then all at once as they go to college or enter the workforce.
  22. Ahhh, what better way to have socially awkward children...kidding...but not really.
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