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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The city will certainly appeal. But if the gun ban is removed it will be very interesting to see the impact on violent crimes. Pro Gun control argues that more guns = more crime. Pro Second Amendment argues that guns in the hands of the law abiding = less crime. Each side tends to cherry pick the statistics that support their position. From what I have seen, crime has gone down slightly in places where CCW laws have gone into affect. Chicago had the most homicides of any city in the US in 2012, so the gun ban wasn't solving that problem.
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/06/us/chicago-gun-ban/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
  3. "Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies." - Voltaire (1694-1778) on his deathbed in response to a priest asking that he renounce Satan.
  4. Lot's of good riding near Woodsfield. My 'normal' routes go through that area.
  5. Perfect score in a USMC Physical Fitness Test is (this is from the early 90's): 20 Pull ups 80 Sit ups in 2 minutes 3 mile run in 18 minutes No idea what the requirements were for females, I was in a heavy weapons platoon (no ladies).
  6. Pussies...absolutely. Each generation has become more pussified than the last...and most don't even realize it. 50 years ago, the American people would never have stood for the Federal Gov't monitoring their daily communications. Sadly many people today barely seem to give a damn. I agree that this is not a 1st Amendment issue, but I think 1st Amendment issues are coming soon. The Feds and NSA are more than willing to stomp all over the 1st, just like the 4th.
  7. Portland Maine is a cool little town. Lots of cool little bars and lobster on the pier.
  8. I prefer Freedom of Choice (link for the more interesting people on here) "Freedom of choice is what you've got, freedom from choice is what you want." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVGINIsLnqU
  9. Road construction in Canada isn't as regulated as in the US. Not all roads are crowned and are prone to flood in heavy rain. Once I did a trip in a cage on the QEW when it resembled a stream. It would not have been passable on 2 wheels.
  10. *cough*cough*bullshit*cough I have friends that are far more liberal that you. I don't always agree with them, but I am willing to have discussions and debates with them because they are actually intelligent & can have discussions without sounding like know-it-all douchebags.
  11. Magz reminds me of a preschooler acting out to get attention. His opinions are poorly thought out and all over the place. Most make little sense and cause a stir, which is all he wanted in the first place. Pointing out the flaws in his logic is easy to do, but won't make him go away. Maybe ban his annoying ass from the political forum????
  12. So...A&E chose $$$ over their liberal media outrage...in other news water is still wet.
  13. I could load my gen 3 with dog crap and it would cycle just fine.
  14. I tend to believe people aren't born straight or gay. If your dad was gay that doesn't make you half gay. Things like personality and sexuality don't exist in any significant levels in infants, they form during early childhood development based on all sorts of different triggers...or at least that's what Freud said. I think it's more accurate to say 'from an early age' rather than born straight or gay. And I absolutely believe that some people choose to engage in gay sex as a type of sexual experimentation. If I learned anything in college, it's that all females are about three glasses of wine away from making out with another chick.
  15. Thanks for the clarification. When using an possessive pronoun like 'your' in the context of a quote, it would be assumed that the subject would be the source quoted unless another subject was identified. But I'm sure you already understand these literary principles.
  16. You make it too easy. I swear...fish in a fucking barrel I didn't say literary principles were pathetic. I said your statement was pathetic. Thank you very much for the perfect example to reinforce that your reading comprehension skills are indeed lacking. You hear {read} what you want to hear...and there lies the problem with a great many of your opinions and posts. I assume the 'imaginary friend' comment is to try to discredit me as being some kind of zealot. What you don't know is that I am the least religious person on OR, but I do have a strong understanding of the values of Christianity and other common religions. Better luck next time.
  17. Let's see, here's the recap for those to bored look back. Hillbilly Christian guy made a list of peoples to which “We just love ‘em, give ‘em the good news about Jesus..." You said that was "Close Enough" to Westboro Baptists Church Statements about homosexuals. "God Hates Fags" of course being the most common. I said your reading comprehension skills are lacking (Which now seems even more accurate). You made a pathetic statement about ingroups and outgroups. And that brings us up to date.
  18. Interesting approach. But consider this...If there was a vote for the most blithering idiot on OR, I am afraid Magz would win in an epic landslide. I await your negative rep. But that is the filter I use to read all of your posts.
  19. Incorrect libtard spin. It's called a list. Sometimes they are cleverly hidden in sentences and punctuated with commas. However, Robertson wanted to make it clear that he’s not judging anyone. “We never, ever judge someone on who’s going to heaven, hell. That’s the Almighty’s job,” he told GQ. “We just love ‘em, give ‘em the good news about Jesus — whether they’re homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort ‘em out later, you see what I’m saying?”
  20. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.
  21. Why do any of you give a fuck if an old hillbilly quotes christian values? It's not like he was spouting off WBC bullshit. Would you be surprised if a hillbilly from 'Moonshiners' got a DUI? yawn..........
  22. Miley Cyrus has a face like a frying pan
  23. ...so the driver is lying or the cops are lying. Either option is possible.
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