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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Loud pipes are pointed in the wrong direction to be of any use. I am aware of the Michigan study, it's from 1979. The evidence is so compelling that exactly ZERO OEM's have thought that a headlight modulator is worth offering. I look at Modulators as a warning that the rider is probably not comfortable on 2 wheels. Student Driver Sign > Headlight Modulator > Orange Flag on Adult Tricycle.
  2. A vehicle with the headlight on is just as visible as one with a modulator. Consider you are riding or driving in traffic and an ambulance comes up behind you... The siren is what get's your attention, not the flashing lights. The flashing lights are to help you distinguish which vehicle in traffic is the emergency vehicle. Volvo has tested every possible option to make vehicles safer, and not one Volvo has been offered with a headlight modulator.
  3. I effing hate headlight modulators. If you ride with me please turn them off. If they had any actual benefit, car and motorcycle manufacturers would offer them.
  4. Even the best Buell dealers had shit support for sportbike riders. The only gear and tires available were OEM. That's the HD way.
  5. Lots of people are distrustful of the federal government (including me), and for some conspiracy theories are easy to latch onto. The thing that people don't seem to consider is that those folks that are 'pitching' these conspiracy theories aren't reputable either. It's easy to create a video to cast doubts for those who are already looking for more reasons to distrust the fed gov't. A little fact checking and those conspiracy videos fall apart pretty quickly. That shit happened. Personally, I rather believe that it didn't
  6. ^^^ I think wool fell out of favor about the same time many beavers lost their pelts.
  7. She seems top shelf. Her family must be so proud.
  8. Not a chance of that being a legit add, not even worth sending an email.
  9. Whatever gets rid of those ridiculous handlebars is my vote.
  10. My shrink weighs 400 lbs and corners like a sonavabitch.
  11. While I am not rich, I am planning for my kids to be rich and financially savvy. That doesn't make them any less deserving.
  12. Tpoppa

    NEO ride 11/16?

    I would really like to join this, but can't get away this weekend.
  13. The real heros! Without them there would be a huge shortage of court fees.
  14. But it's OK if they decide to force you to purchase Health Insurance, or penalize you financially? Is Magely really an online app, based on several personalities that disagree with each other?
  15. I don't agree with helmet or seat belt laws. I always wear a helmet. I rarely wear a seatbelt.
  16. Interesting turn...democrats worried about getting reelected turning against obamacare? http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/13/politics/obamacare-democrats/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
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