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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The ACA is almost as good as the website. The difference is that the can probably fix the website.
  2. As someone who works for the largest processor of payroll deductions (including health care deductions) in the US...my vote is for 'worse.'
  3. I expect to hear many more stories like this. No matter what else occurs during his term, Obama will be remembered for Obamacare...it's not looking good so far.
  4. This things weighs 200lbs less than the 883, makes same or more power, and costs less. Why even keep the Sportster around? Delete the existing sportster line and rename this thing the sportster.
  5. Last time I used a credit card was almost 10 years ago.
  6. my $.02 Find a deserving family that someone here actually knows & contribute directly through xmas gifts or food or paying the rent for a month, etc. That way none of the money is paying telemarketers and the admin staff of some non-profit. There are some good ones like the ARC. And there are some bad ones: http://www.americanownews.com/story/19707005/how-much-of-your-donations-really-go-to-charity
  7. I think HD knows that air cooled big twins are eventually going to succumb to EPA regulations. It's gotta be easier to get new riders on liquid cooled Harleys than the old timers.
  8. I can't, in good conscience, enable the irresponsibility of others. In my group of friends and my extended family there is plenty of irresponsibility to go around. In many cases lending/giving money only delays the inevitable. The only real help is changing the habits that got you in trouble in the first place.
  9. This is pretty close to what I am dealing with right now. That stupid saying about...give a man a fish vs. teach a man to fish is pretty much spot on.
  10. I have no problem loaning a few bucks when something unexpected happens...even though I strongly believe everyone should keep a 'just in case' fund. But, I have some non-immediate family that always seem to have money for cigarettes & beer, but just can't seem to make ends meet. They ask for 'help,' but really just want some money. IMO, really helping someone doesn't include enabling their bad habits.
  11. I've done it a few times before, even though it seemed like a bad idea...and it was. The situation has come up again It can be tough to balance family vs. being responsible for one's bad money decisions. What are your thoughts on loaning $$ to family?
  12. Pardon...did you say something?
  13. Stupid reached epidemic status years ago. It's everywhere.
  14. Does this mean that Honda is admitting defeat on the VFR1200?
  15. Less unsprung weight. The lighter part of the fork is the part that moves. The result is more responsive suspension.
  16. Surprised it doesn't have upside down forks.
  17. I'd rock it. Don't like the funky 2 piece tach though.
  18. Tpoppa

    Obama is right.

    Id argue if I could.
  19. Tpoppa

    Shooting at LAX

    So...even TSA agents don't like TSA agents?
  20. I've ridden Buells for most of the last 10 years. There's a lot of excitement about the 1190RX on the Buell forums. I'm curious to see how riders of other brands respond to the 1190RX and if the Hero models will gain any traction in the US.
  21. That response is way too PC for OR.
  22. Where do I sign up for the test ride?
  23. I've always been happy with Ruger build quality. They also stand behind their stuff if you ever have an issue.
  24. I've only owned 1 1911 and it was a Colt. If I got another, it would probably be this: http://www.ruger.com/products/sr1911/models.html
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