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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I can't tell if she is actually that skanky or a wanna be skank. Either way she is annoying and not particularly attractive. In 5 years she'll be dating Ellen DeGeneres.
  2. HD used prices were always a bit of an outlier. For years they didn't really depreciate. That drove new HD sales as well. I am curious if falling prices of used HDs will hurt sales of new ones. Harley is such an unusual niche market, I always thought their was potential for the 'bottom to fall out' (disclaimer: the previous sentence was written as a capitalist, not as an HD basher).
  3. This. Used HD prices are down a lot right now. As much as I'm not into HDs, I'm considering buying one to flip in the spring.
  4. Werd. I've heard exactly 2 Kanye West songs. Both were live performances, both were unlistenable.
  5. If it runs ok with the choke on it's definitely fuel issue. Spark, comp, etc. should be fine. It's running lean (most if not all of the potential causes for this have been listed), the choke richens it up a bit by reducing the air in the a/f mix. When the choke is switched off it goes back to lean and dies. This is same problem for 99% of snow blowers that sit all year and then won't run when you need them
  6. It's a robust design. If it was maintained, its probably fine.
  7. That means you have a fuel issue. You aren't getting enough fuel into the A/F mixture. It probably has 2 jets. I would use some carb cleaner & a thin single filament wire to clean them. Does yours have an screw to adjust the A/F mix? If it does put it right in the middle of the adjustment range and adjust via trial and error.
  8. Tpoppa

    Calm down Repubs

    There's no app for that.
  9. Tpoppa

    Calm down Repubs

    If mommy gub'ment can't design and implement a reliable website for online benefits enrollment, what makes you think they could build something like a direct voter system? with appropriate security to prevent voter fraud?
  10. Tpoppa

    Calm down Repubs

    Not sure about that kind of direct vote..but I would say the electoral college is certainly obsolete.
  11. I go for low maintenance, peaceful, hearty fish. Also, I prefer a school of small fish to a few large ones. Amazon Swords are good easy plants, so are Anubias Nana. Do not put any kind of moss in your aquarium. It looks good, but it will quickly overgrow the entire aquarium and you'll never get rid of it.
  12. Tpoppa

    Calm down Repubs

    Obama also said obamacare penalties are not new taxes. The Supreme Court later ruled that the only reason the penalties are legal is because they are taxes.
  13. What's the condition. That's a pretty likely bike to have been dropped a few times by a beginner.
  14. I'll even start it for you... "Do you even know who I am? Do you even know where I work? Do you even lift, bro?" Come on...please share your expert opinion with us. Maybe you could dumb it down so us shit-pile-riders and garage-working-retards can understand.
  15. Please post a very long winded response, where you highly overestimate how much your opinion is valued. Or are you already typing it???
  16. You getting defensive about it is even more funny.
  17. Tpoppa

    Zombie question

    ...but if a girl zombie attacks you it doesn't count. Just deflect her attack because you know she can't hurt you, right?
  18. You wanna play for a dollar?
  19. I am 4-0 and against 5s so far. I got beaten badly by a strong 6, but I drank to much...or at least that's my best excuse. Honestly, I'd rather lose to a 7 or 8 than beat a less skilled player.
  20. ? If someone asks me to lose or miss shots intentionally, I would be done with that team. That is missing the point, IMO. That's kinda like idiots that take steroids to get an edge in bar league softball. Yeah that happens.
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