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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. A guy I ride with loves them. I may give them a try after I wear out my current PR2s.
  2. It's a fair question. There's not a huge gap in price between the 899 & 1199 base model (15k vs 18k). You would think that many of the same materials are used on the 899. I'm sure the details be revealed when the reviews come out.
  3. Red light cameras are an infected boil on the ass of society.
  4. Rode it last week also. It's in good shape. There was some construction, but it's been completed.
  5. 800 is in good shape from Urichsville all the way to the river. 26 is in good shape from Marietta to 800 (the good part of 26). I usually avoid the part of 26 north of Woodsfield. 255 has been really gravely the three times I've ridden it this year. Last time was about a month ago. I think more trucks are driving on 255 due to fracking in the area. 536 was closed as of last week.
  6. Cut the plugs off the old R/R and solder them onto the new one. Just use a high temp solder that wont melt. The 5 wires on any R/R are standard.
  7. One thing I've always found a little confusing about Ducati is how often they change the displacement of their motors. Japanese seem to make improvements to 600cc or 1000cc motors, where Ducati seems to want to tweak the displacement. I think people get used to buying a certain 'class' of motorcycle. Take the Monster for example. How many motor sizes have been in the Monster? 10, 15, more? 600, 620, 650, 695, 696, 750, 795, 796, 800, etc, and that's just the smallish Monsters. I kinda like the 899. But the middleweight displacement is pretty close to the 916 superbike from not all that long ago.
  8. I assume Riks is a rewind. Could it have more winds than OEM and be putting out more watts and frying the RR? More airflow certainly can't hurt. I've heard of people putting computer fans on RRs.
  9. Did you replace the stator with an OEM part or rewind? You could try a newer mosfet RR. I have an extra one from an 07 CBR1000RR.
  10. If magdor is worried about non-hard-working-people that are cheating the system, here is their all star team.
  11. Capital gains are simply not earned income as defined by the IRS. It's the appreciation of money already earned and already taxed. If I am smart enough not to piss all my money away, and manage to invest it wisely enough to get a return...I should be rewarded.
  12. Since you seem to hate the ''rich" but have a hardon for big federal government collecting our taxes...riddle me this? What do you think about the fact that the 2 highest average income counties in the entire USA just happen to surround Washington DC, and are home to many of those very same federal politicians to which you direct your man love?
  13. People making millions pay MUCH more in taxes that you and I. When you say "lower effective tax rate," I assume you are still stuck on the concept of capital gains tax. Private investing drives our economy FAR more than taxes. I would rather have private citizens investing wisely than the federal government mismanaging even more tax dollars. As I've already explained once in this thread "If you raise capital gains, you are basically eliminating some of the incentive for investors to invest in stocks, funds, etc. Investors would pull (some) funds out of the stock market, risking another recession, or worse."
  14. How about all the money is sent to the federal government. Then they can line their own pockets and distribute the rest to their powerless subjects??
  15. Pretty inaccurate actually. Forming a corporation is not reserved for the wealthy. Anyone with 50 bucks can form a corporation. And if you did, how exactly are you only paying half your income tax? I'd love to lower my tax burden If you mean capital gains tax, people in the lowest 2 tax brackets pay zero (long-term) capital gains tax. Higher tax brackets pay either 15 or 20% capital gains. If you raise capital gains, you are basically eliminating some of the incentive for investors to invest in stocks, funds, etc. Investors would pull (some) funds out of the stock market, risking another recession, or worse.
  16. This article is talking about the stock market recession and the subsequent market rally. "Incomes among the richest fell more than 36% between 2007-09, compared with a decrease of 11.6% for the rest of Americans. But in the last three years, 95% of all income gains have gone to the richest 1%." If a person was heavily invested in stocks, funds, etc their income took a big hit during the recession, and should now being making pretty good gains (unless they panicked and sold). Wealthier people tend to be more heavily invested. None of this is particularly surprising. The same thing happened to nearly everyone's 401k, but those $$ aren't considered (taxable) income until you retire.
  17. Perhaps...but you did instigate the drunken mayhem to which IP alluded. Drop off a bottle of whiskey...promptly leave before the carnage unfolds...dance puppets, dance!
  18. I'm selling a Gladius with suspension upgrades plus other upgrades too. The motor has several improvements over the sv650. It's in the for sale section.
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