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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. "Religion, generally speaking, has been a curse to mankind - that its modest and greatly overestimated services on the ethical side have been more than overcome by the damage it has done to clear and honest thinking." - Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)
  2. From the link: In 2007, 60 percent of people who said they seldom or never attend religious services still identified themselves as part of a particular religious tradition. In 2012, that statistic fell to 50 percent, according to the Pew report. "Part of what's going on here is that the stigma associated with not being part of any religious community has declined," said John Green, a specialist in religion and politics at the University of Akron, who advised Pew on the survey. "In some parts of the country, there is still a stigma. But overall, it's not the way it used to be." I would have to agree with this.
  3. I would guess the actual number would be much higher than 20%. Many people are just more comfotable saying they belong to "x" religion even though they don't actively practice or live by said standards.
  4. Just reporting the facts per this poll. But don't let that stop you from spewing leftish outrage http://www.people-press.org/2012/10/08/romneys-strong-debate-performance-erases-obamas-lead/ If I was to bet a dollar on the election, I would have to go with Turd Sandwich, even though Giant Douche is making a fight of it.
  5. "The attorney said that Jones will not try out to be a Bengals cheerleader in the future, and that for now, she's working as a legal assistant in his office." Haha, nice.
  6. so a politician may or may not have changed his stance based on popularity :jawdropped Thank science no other politicains have ever done such a thing and have always lived up to all their campaign promises.
  7. A trailer full of Panigale's would get me on a track again
  8. as previously stated, I am not a fan of Turd Sandwich or Giant Douche. Prior the debate I didn't think GD had much of a chance, but it looks like they're about tied now. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/08/poll-romney-and-obama-tied-after-first-debate/?hpt=hp_t1
  9. So...just to be clear. When it comes to Romney's policies you are demanding clear documented steps, and can't seem to grasp the concept of setting an agenda then negotiating specific items with the bipartisan senate and congress But, with Obama's policies you are more than willing to accept unproven assumptions, that have zero bipartisan support, in hopes that things will work out for the best
  10. You may see companies offer benefits only to execs and top managers as an incentive.
  11. I would say that kind of confusion is what the Obama camp is trying to foster in their adds. Seriously...do you think that ANY candidate for President of these United States doesn't have a plan???? I thought Romney made that point clear when he spoke of the Massachusetts health care plan vs Obamacare. Rather than mandate that A-Z need to be included and push it through without bi-partisan support (as was the case with Obamacare), Romney said he would rather have the players involved work through the details (as Romney did in Massachusetts with a 80%+ democratic majority). For the record, I am not a fan of Obama(Turd Sandwich) or Romney (Giant Douche). But, I would say the debate was clearly a much needed win for Giant Douche.
  12. If your mind is already made up, why bother watching a debate in the first place? Seems like a waste of time. ob·jec·tive adjective - not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion. Being able to understand (I didn't say agree with) the other point of view is a not a skill everyone has. See gridlock in Washington.
  13. According to CNN Romney won by a large margin: 67% to 25% http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/03/cnn-poll-romney-wins-debate-by-big-margin/?hpt=hp_t2
  14. Not a big Romney fan but I thought he won the debate.
  15. Some of Yamaha's snow mobiles are powered by 3 cyl 4 strokes.
  16. I am in favor of any legislation that requires that guns be locked up and kept unavailable to defend one's property. Home invasions are a big part of my income. I am sick of worrying about some home owner preventing me from from taking what I need. Some of my fellow meth heads are total pussies and won't even rob houses because they're worried about getting shot in the ass. We need way more effin laws! They should make meth illegal....that way I wouldn't be a meth head in the first place. #not sarcasm (just incase sarcasm has already been outlawed) #reallywassarcasm
  17. Common sense for the win Oh please, please mommy government save us from ourselves
  18. This thread should be reposted on other local-ish forums.
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