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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. So it would seem. Of course, that is usually the case for those that feel more comfortable blaming the victim.
  2. I would imagine the reasoning behind it is to prevent non-running vehicles from being left on the street indefinitely. Some HOAs have similar rules about how long vehicles/trailers/campers can be left in the same spot in YOUR driveway.
  3. I have an Arrow. Definitely a high quality pipe.
  4. People kill people. That's why there is a 9 month waiting period.
  5. Escape from NY is a classic.
  6. Ask the Canadians who come to the US to have surgery.
  7. They are creating a new tax or fine or penalty...call it what you will. Tax waivers have existed for a long time. No new precedent there. The precedent is requiring Americans to purchase a consumer product. If they create a new Kick in the Balls Tax, but you can have it waived by proving that your balls have already been kicked repeatedly. You win, right?
  8. Your analolgy doesn't fit. I can choose not to buy gas, pay the gas tax, or buy auto insurance. I can walk or ride a bicycle, stay home, etc. In the case of APA, I am being taxed for NOT buying a consumer product. You can call it a tax or a fine or a penalty or a kick in the balls. Either way it's money leaving your pocket because you didn't buy a consumer product.
  9. The decision leaves in place the so-called individual mandate -- the requirement on Americans to have or buy health insurance beginning in 2014 or face a penalty -- although many are exempt from that provision. In 2014, the penalty will be $285 per family or 1% of income, whichever is greater. By 2016, it goes up to $2,085 per family or 2.5% of income.
  10. Not just related to this outcome...or the Obama administration...I would also include legislation like the Patriot act... ...Our government is looking more and more like the one our Founding Fathers found intolerable about 237 years ago.
  11. The mandate. Specifically, federally imposed financial penalties for not purchasing a consumer product. Now that the Supreme Court has set this precedent will it appear in other legislation? I see this as dangerous.
  12. Triple digits are not necessary for a spirited group ride. I am willing to assume the risk of a speeding ticket. I am NOT willing to assume the risk of spending the night as a guest of the county, or seeing my bike dangling from the back of a tow truck.
  13. Sounds like you have someone in mind.
  14. I like to cover lotsa miles, which means a fairly brisk pace and keeping stops short. High corner speeds, moderate speed in straights (tends to keep the group from getting too spread out by traffic, curves, etc). I like riding with quick groups, but don't mind a dialing it down if someone wants to work on technique.
  15. If you are feeling like you are going to fast...you are. You shouldn't be trying to go fast anyway. Your goal should be smoothness. Confidence & speed will come after that. If you aren't feeling smooth, there is reason for it. It can be a simple as changing your line entering the corner or changing where you are looking (you should be looking through a corner not at the pavement right in front of your tire). It may be other reasons, too. This is a good conversation for a gas stop.
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